Files @ dde4afdd1122
Branch filter:

Location: website/www/conservancy/

Rename members directory -> projects directory.

As part of the transition to have the canonical URL for member projects
be "projects" instead of "members", rename the directories.

The following rewrite rule will be needed in Apache configuration now:
RewriteRule ^/?members?/index.html$ supporter/ [L, R]
RewriteRule ^/?members?/(.+)$ projects/$1 [L, R]
RewriteRule ^/?members?/?$ supporter/ [L, R]
from conservancy.apps.fundgoal.models import FundraisingGoal as FundraisingGoal

def fundgoal_lookup(fundraiser_sought):
        return FundraisingGoal.objects.get(fundraiser_code_name=fundraiser_sought)
    except FundraisingGoal.DoesNotExist:
        # we have no object!  do something
        return None

def sitefundraiser(request):
    return {'sitefundgoal': fundgoal_lookup('supporterrun') }