Files @ cffc81b5d884
Branch filter:

Location: website/www/conservancy/templates/feeds/omnibus_description.html

Prepare for Supporters beyond 750.

After the next import, we'll have more than 750 supporters. This change
not only handles that fact, but adds sufficient Javascript and Django
templating to handle the case if the Supporter count for any reason
drops below 750 again.
{% ifequal obj.omnibus_type "news" %}
<p><i>A <a href="https://{{ site }}/news/">news item</a> from Software Freedom Conservancy.</i></p>
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal obj.omnibus_type "event" %}
<p><i>An <a href="https://{{ site }}/events/">upcoming event</a> related to the Software Freedom Conservancy.</i></p>
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal obj.omnibus_type "blog" %}
<p><i>A <a href="https://{{ site }}/blog/">blog post</a> from Software Freedom Conservancy.</i></p>
{% endifequal %}
{% include obj.omnibus_feed_description_template  %}