Files @ 84daddb4ff55
Branch filter:

Location: website/

Denver Gingerich
usethesource: update disclaimer per SFC public MUC
# To-do

* remove `ForceCanonicalHostnameMiddleware` by ensuring canonical redirect and HTTPS redirect is done by Apache
* serve a 400 in Apache for a hostname we don't explicitly support
* use `<detail>` elements for supporter page hidden sections, rather than complex jQuery - or consider Alpine.js
* replace `internalNavigate` with inline flexbox layout
* migrate to Django 4.2
* add deployment script that runs migrations and collects static files
* add tests for main pages returning 200
* switch to `path` in URLconfs
* review `apache2` directory - may be unused
* standardise settings to replace `` and ``
  with `settings/` and move `SECRET_KEY` to an environment variable

# Done

* switch `ParameterValidator` to use `SECRET_KEY` if possible to minimize
  non-standard settings
* install staticfiles app