Files @ 36b33927f769
Branch filter:

Location: website/

css: Implement #sidebar and #mainContent without floats.

170aa38bb5c3972293846aa4d86540b4967effab fixed one bug but added another:
#mainContent would always be the max-width of 1000px. If the user's window
wasn't wide enough to accommodate that alongside the sidebar, it would be
rendered below the sidebar.

Fix that by using positioning instead of floats, so #mainContent can have a
flexible width.

The canonical location for this repository is [on Conservancy’s
Kallithea instance](  Copies of
this repository elsewhere, such as Github, are for backup purposes


The software included herein, such as the Python source files, are generally
licensed [AGPLv3](AGPLv3)-or-later.  The Javascript is a hodgepodge of
licensing, but all of it is compatible with [AGPLv3](AGPLv3)-or-later.  See
the notices at the top of each Javascript file for licensing details.

The content and text (such as the HTML files) is currently

Server Configuration

conservancy's webserver runs on a machine called, which is a standard Debian installation.

The following packages are installed to make Django and Apache work on a
squeeze install:

    $ aptitude install python-django apache2 sqlite3 python2.5-sqlite libapache2-mod-python

Django Setup

0. Make sure the Python module 'djangopw', with the global variable
   'djangoadmin_password' is somewhere importable in the default