Files @ 21ee13ee7ecc
Branch filter:

Location: website/www/conservancy/templates/feeds/omnibus_description.html

Bradley M. Kuhn
Supporter: pictures: get picture-small working & apply throughout.

I pulled this from the `blog-left` style I used to use in blog posts
and created a new style called picture-small. On smaller screen
real estate, Tony's picture was ultimately too big.
{% ifequal obj.omnibus_type "news" %}
<p><i>A <a href="https://{{ site }}/news/">news item</a> from Software Freedom Conservancy.</i></p>
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal obj.omnibus_type "event" %}
<p><i>An <a href="https://{{ site }}/events/">upcoming event</a> related to the Software Freedom Conservancy.</i></p>
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal obj.omnibus_type "blog" %}
<p><i>A <a href="https://{{ site }}/blog/">blog post</a> from Software Freedom Conservancy.</i></p>
{% endifequal %}
{% include obj.omnibus_feed_description_template  %}