Files @ 1493bafa8564
Branch filter:

Location: website/systemd/

Denver Gingerich
usethesource: linkify email addr in CCIRT process

# Pull in and apply Conservancy website updates from the git repository.
# This is intended to be run on a timer. Note that it does *not* restart the
# Django application or run the migrate and collectstatic commands.

set -e
set -u
set -x


git_rev_name() {
    git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name "$@"

# If the checkout is not on the production branch,
# assume maintenance is happening and stop.
if [ "$(git_rev_name HEAD)" != "$PRODUCTION_BRANCH" ]; then
    exit 0

# Abort if the production branch isn't tracking a remote branch.
if ! git_upstream="$(git_rev_name '@{upstream}' 2>/dev/null)"; then
    exit 3

IFS=/ read git_remote git_refspec <<EOF
git fetch --quiet --no-tags "$git_remote" "$git_refspec"
if [ "$(git rev-parse "$PRODUCTION_BRANCH")" = "$(git rev-parse "$git_upstream")" ]; then
    exit 0

git merge --quiet --ff-only "${git_remote}/${git_refspec}"
python3 -m compileall -q -x - conservancy || exitcode=$?
chgrp -R www-data conservancy || exitcode=$?
chmod -R g+rX-w,o+X-w conservancy || exitcode=$?
chmod -R o+r conservancy/static || exitcode=$?
exit "$exitcode"