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Location: website/www/conservancy/static/docs/

Bradley M. Kuhn
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Note: we encourage you to add the below to your existing `` on your GitHub project.

== We're Using GitHub Under Protest ==

This project is currently hosted on GitHub.  This is not ideal; GitHub is a proprietary, trade-secret system that is not Free and Open Souce Software (FOSS).  We 
are deeply concerned about using a proprietary system like GitHub to develop our FOSS project.  We have an [open {bug ticket, mailing list thread, etc.} ](INSERT_LINK)
where the project contributors are actively discussing how we can move away from GitHub in the long term.  We urge you to read about the [Give up GitHub]( campaign from [the Software Freedom Conservancy]( to understand some of the reasons why GitHub is not
a good place to host FOSS projects.

If you are a contributor who personally has already quit using GitHub, please [check this resource](INSERT_LINK) for how to send us contributions without using
GitHub directly.

![Logo of the GiveUpGitHub campaign](