Changeset - db404db7a915
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Bradley M. Kuhn - 23 months ago 2022-06-30 19:25:40
Rework the list of options and some of the argument.
1 file changed with 8 insertions and 11 deletions:
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@@ -72,54 +72,51 @@ the most important ones:
GitHub <a href="">has
a for-profit software services contract with the USA Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE)</a>.  Activists, including some GitHub employees, have been
calling on GitHub for two years to cancel that contract.  GitHub's primary
reply has been that their parent company, Microsoft, has sold Microsoft Word
for years to ICE without any public complaints.  They claim that this somehow
justifies <em>even more</em> business with an agency whose policies are
problematic.  Regardless of your views on ICE and its behavior, GitHub's
        ongoing <a href="">dismissive and disingenuous</a> responses to the activists who raised this important issue show that GitHub puts its profits above concerns from the community.</p></li>

<li><p>While GitHub pretends to be pro-FOSS
  (like <a href="">SourceForge before
    them</a>), their entire hosting site is, itself, proprietary and/or
  trade-secret software.  We appreciate that GitHub allows some of its
  employees to sometimes contribute FOSS to upstream projects, but our
  community has been burned so many times before by companies that claim to
  support FOSS, while actively convincing the community to rely on their
    proprietary software.  We won't let GitHub burn us in this same way!</p></li>

<li><p>GitHub differs from most of its peers in the FOSS project hosting
industry, as GitHub does not even offer any self-hosting FOSS option.
Their <em>entire</em> codebase is secret.  For example, while we have our
complaints about GitLab's business model of parallel &ldquo;Community&rdquo;
and &ldquo;Enterprise&rdquo; editions, at least GitLab's Community Edition
provides basic functionality for self-hosting and is 100% FOSS.  Other
competitors, like SourceHut, do even better by providing their entire
codebase as FOSS for self-hosting and &ldquo;dog fooding&rdquo; by using
their own platform to develop its software in public!  In addition,
non-profit FOSS hosting sites such
as <a href="">CodeBerg</a> also develop their platform
provides basic functionality for self-hosting and is 100% FOSS. Meanwhile,
    there are <em>non-profit</em> FOSS hosting sites such
as <a href="">CodeBerg</a>, who develop their platform
    publicly as FOSS.</p></li>

<li><p>GitHub has long sought to discredit copyleft generally.  Their various
CEOs have often spoken loudly and negatively about copyleft, including their
founder (and former CEO)
devoting <a href="">his entire
OSCON keynote on attacking copyleft and the GPL</a>.  There are also examples
of <a href="">GitHub
employees filing bug tickets</a> in copylefted projects to cajole them to
    change to non-copyleft licenses.</p></li>
    <li><p>GitHub is wholly owned by Microsoft, a company whose executives have historically repeatedly attacked copyleft licensing.</p></li>

<h2>How Do I Give Up GitHub?</h2>

<p>The reason that it's difficult to leave GitHub is a side-effect of one of
the reasons to leave them: proprietary vendor lock-in.  We are aware that
GitHub, as the &ldquo;Facebook of software development&rdquo;, has succeeded
in creating the most enticing walled garden ever made for FOSS developers.
Just like leaving Facebook is painful because you're unsure how you'll find
and talk with your friends and family otherwise &mdash; leaving GitHub is
difficult because it's how you find and collaborate with
co-developers. GitHub may even be how you find and showcase your work to
prospective employers.  We also know that some Computer Science programs
@@ -159,61 +156,61 @@ to resources to help everyone &mdash; from the most privileged developer to
newcomers and members of underrepresented groups in FOSS &mdash; to give up
on GitHub.  If you don't feel that you or your project can yet leave GitHub,
we ask that you raise awareness
by <a href="">adding
this section to your</a> to share your concerns about GitHub with
your users.  If you're ready to leave GitHub, you
can <a href="">use this template</a> to replace your current one.</p>

<blockquote><p>千里之行始於足下<br/>The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.</p></blockquote>
<div style="text-align: right"><p> &mdash; <cite>老子 (Lao Tsu) in Chapter 64
      of 道德经 (Tao Te Ching)</cite>

<h2>Resources to Give Up GitHub</h2>

<p>Here are some resources to help you quit GitHub.  We'll be expanding this
list regularly as we find more resources.  If you'd like to suggest a
resource not yet listed, you can discuss it on
the <a href="">Give-Up-GitHub
    mailing list</a>.</p>
<li>Alternative Hosting:
<li>Alternative Hosting Services:
    <li><a href="">CodeBerg</a></li>
    <li><a href="">SourceHut</a></li>
    <li>Self-Host (or join a group that self-hosts) with:
 <li>Self-Host (or join a group that self-hosts).  A few options:
        <ul><li><a href="">Gitea</a></li>
        <li><a href="">SourceHut</a></li>
        <li> <a href="">GitLab
        Community Edition</a> (note, the GitLab Enterprise Edition, which is
        provided to the public on,  is (like GitHub) trade-secret,
          proprietary, vendor-lock-in software)</li>
        <li><a href="">SourceHut</a></li>
    (We'll be adding tutorials soon on how to self-host!)

<h2>Ways To Help Even <em>Before</em> You Give Up GitHub</h2>

<p>Here are some ideas of how you can help raise the importance of this issue
even while you're still a GitHub user.  (We'll publish longer tutorials in
future about these and other ways to help.)
<li><p><a href="">Add
    this section to your</a> to share your concerns about GitHub
  with your users.</p></li>

<li><p>Respectfully and kindly ask, before you contribute to a project on
  GitHub, if they could provide alternative means to contribute other than
    using GitHub.</p></li>

<li><p>Explain to your employer the dangers of relying on GitHub's proprietary
    vendor lock-in products.</p></li>

  the <a href="">give-up-github
  mailing list</a> and start threads about your difficulties leaving GitHub.
  This will help us explore solutions with you and add material to this
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