Files @ ea9a59c551f8
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Location: website/www/conservancy/static/supporter-page.js

ea9a59c551f8 9.3 KiB application/javascript Show Annotation Show as Raw Download as Raw
Improve FAQ entry: VMware violation tech example

Add additional information and details about the technical details of
the VMware violation. This extends the existing example with more
detail and improves various other parts related in the FAQ.
/* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Denver Gingerich, 
** Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Bradley M. Kuhn.
** License: GPLv3-or-later
**  Find a copy of GPL at

$(document).ready(function() {
    var goal  = $('span#fundraiser-goal').text();
    var soFar = $('span#fundraiser-so-far').text();
    var donationCount = $('span#fundraiser-donation-count').text();
    var noCommaGoal = parseFloat(goal.replace(/,/g, ""));
    var noCommaSoFar = parseFloat(soFar.replace(/,/g, ""));
    var noCommaDonationCount = parseInt(donationCount.replace(/,/g, ""));
    var percentage = (parseFloat(noCommaSoFar) / parseFloat(noCommaGoal)) * 100;
    var curValue = 0.00;
    var incrementSoFar = 0.00;
    var curDonationCount = 0;
    var riseLevelPercent = 0.5;
    var incrementDonationCount = Math.round( (riseLevelPercent / 100) * noCommaDonationCount );

    $('span#fundraiser-percentage').css({ 'color'        : 'green',
                                          'font-weight'  : 'bold',
                                          'float'        : 'right',
                                          'margin-right' : '40%',
                                          'margin-top'   : '2.5%',
                                          'text-align'   : 'inherit'});
    function riseDonationProgressBar() {
        if (curValue >= percentage) {
            $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value :  percentage });
            $('span#fundraiser-percentage').text(percentage.toFixed(1) + "%");
        } else {
            var newVal = (curValue / 100.00) * noCommaGoal;
            $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value:  curValue });
            curValue += riseLevelPercent;
            setTimeout(riseDonationProgressBar, 50);
    function riseDonationCount() {
        if (curDonationCount >= noCommaDonationCount) {
        } else {
            curDonationCount += incrementDonationCount;
            setTimeout(riseDonationCount, 50);
    if (noCommaDonationCount > 0) {
    if (noCommaSoFar > 0.00 && noCommaGoal > 0.00) {
        $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value:  curValue });


     .bind('click', function() {
        var $control = $(this);
        var $parent = $control.parents('.toggle-unit');


        // if control has HTML5 data attributes, use to update text
        if ($parent.hasClass('expanded')) {
        } else {
      .bind('click', function() {
        var $control = $('#donate-box');
        var $otherTextControl = $('.donate-sidebar');

        setTimeout(function() { $control.find('.toggle-content').slideUp(100);
                              }, 300);
          setTimeout(function() { $control.find('.toggle-content').fadeIn(2000);
                                  .css({'font-weight': 'bold', 'font-size' : '110%' });
                                }, 500);
    $('input[name=on0]:radio').change(function() {
        var input=$(this);
        var tShirtSelector = input.parent().children('.t-shirt-size-selector')
        var noShippingSelector = input.parent().children('input#no_shipping');
        var value = input.val();
        if (value == "wantGiftYes") {
        } else {

    // Forms start in "invalid" form, with the errors shown, so that
    // non-Javascript users see the errors by default and know what they must
    // enter.  The following two lines correct that.
    $('.supporter-form-inputs .form-error-show')
    $('.dinner-form-inputs .form-error-show')

    $('*#amount').on('input', function() {
        var input=$(this);
        var value = input.val();
        var errorElement=$("span#error", input.parent());
        var noCommaValue = value;
        noCommaValue = value.replace(/,/g, "");
        var re = /^((\d{1,3}(,?\d{3})*?(\.\d{0,2})?)|\d+(\.\d{0,2})?)$/;
        var isValid = ( re.test(value) &&
                        parseInt(noCommaValue) >= parseInt(input.attr("minimum")));
        if (isValid)  {
        else {
    var validateFormAtSubmission = function(element, event) {
            var valid = element.hasClass("valid");
            if (! valid) {
                                        .css("font-weight", "bold").css("font-size", "150%");
            } else {
    $(".supporter-form-submit#monthly").click(function (event) {
        validateFormAtSubmission($(".supporter-form#monthly input#amount"), event);
    $(".supporter-form-submit#annual").click(function (event) {
        validateFormAtSubmission($(".supporter-form#annual input#amount"), event);
    $(".dinner-form-submit").click(function (event) {
        validateFormAtSubmission($(".dinner-form input#amount"), event);
    /* Handle toggling of annual/monthly form selections */
    $('#annualSelector').css("font-weight", "bold").css("font-size", "127%");

    $("a[href$='monthly']").bind('click', function() {
        $('#monthlySelector').css("font-weight", "bold").css("font-size", "127%");
        $('#annualSelector').css("font-weight", "normal").css("font-size", "125%");
    $("a[href$='annual']").bind('click', function() {
        $('#annualSelector').css("font-weight", "bold").css("font-size", "127%");
        $('#monthlySelector').css("font-weight", "normal").css("font-size", "125%");
    $( ".footnote-mark" ).tooltip({
        items: "a",
        hide: { duration: 5000 },
        position: {
            my: "center bottom-20",
            at: "center left",
            using: function( position, feedback ) {
                $( this ).css( position );
                $( "<div>" )
                    .addClass( "arrow" )
                    .addClass( feedback.vertical )
                    .addClass( feedback.horizontal )
                    .appendTo( this );
        content: function() {
            return $('.footnote-1-text').text();

$(window).load(function () {
    verifySelctionCorrectOnPageLoad = function() {
        var ourURL = document.URL;
        if ("#monthly") > 0) {
            $('#monthlySelector').css("font-weight", "bold").css("font-size", "127%");
            $('#annualSelector').css("font-weight", "normal").css("font-size", "125%");
        if ("#annual") > 0) {
            $('#annualSelector').css("font-weight", "bold").css("font-size", "127%");
            $('#monthlySelector').css("font-weight", "normal").css("font-size", "125%");
    if (location.hash) {
        setTimeout(verifySelctionCorrectOnPageLoad, 1);
    window.addEventListener("hashchange", verifySelctionCorrectOnPageLoad);