Files @ 76b653ed8afb
Branch filter:

Location: website/www/conservancy/static/conservancy.css

Denver Gingerich
Lawsuit FAQ now uses ESXi 6.0 and add minor fixes.

The main change here is that the lawsuit FAQ page now shows one how to
verify that VMware combined Linux source code with their binary-only
components using VMware's ESXi 6.0 rather than ESXi 5.5 Update 2.
This required a couple minor path changes and updates to the memory
addresses and SHA-1 checksums. The analysis steps otherwise remained
the same.

The FAQ is now more generic in its discussion of the ESXi versions
that were originally analyzed, in order to avoid confusion with the
analysis provided in the FAQ, which uses a newer version and reaches
the same conclusion.

Some minor, unrelated fixes were also added. These include:
* add period at end of paragraphs where it was previously missing
* convert ">" in <pre> and <code> to "&gt;" so the page is valid HTML
* convert "&" in <pre> to "&amp;" so the page is valid HTML
* add missing 's' to "truct pci_driver"
* fix the "tg.c" filename - this should be "tg3.c"
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/* Make dl's ( such as for FAQ entries) look nice on screens, both big and small. */

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