Files @ 081b8b95bf0a
Branch filter:

Location: website/www/conservancy/static/admin/css/changelists.css

Bradley M. Kuhn
Copyleft Compliance: Minor rewrite of firmware liberation

This rewrite should improve the stand-alone nature of these documents
and allow for better integration with other summary text and
announcements on the website.

Note that they have now drifted heavily from the original formulation
of the items as grant proposals.
@import url('base.css');

#changelist { position:relative; width:100%; }
#changelist table { width:100%; }
.change-list .filtered table { border-right:1px solid #ddd;  }
.change-list .filtered { min-height:400px; }
.change-list .filtered { background:white url(../img/admin/changelist-bg.gif) top right repeat-y !important; }
.change-list .filtered table, .change-list .filtered .paginator, .filtered #toolbar, .filtered div.xfull { margin-right:160px !important; width:auto !important; }
.change-list .filtered table tbody th { padding-right:1em; }
#changelist .toplinks { border-bottom:1px solid #ccc !important; }
#changelist .paginator { color:#666; border-top:1px solid #eee; border-bottom:1px solid #eee; background:white url(../img/admin/nav-bg.gif) 0 180% repeat-x; overflow:hidden; }
.change-list .filtered .paginator { border-right:1px solid #ddd; }

#changelist table thead th { white-space:nowrap; }
#changelist table tbody td { border-left: 1px solid #ddd; }
#changelist table tfoot { color: #666; }

/*  TOOLBAR  */
#changelist #toolbar { padding:3px; border-bottom:1px solid #ddd; background:#e1e1e1 url(../img/admin/nav-bg.gif) top left repeat-x; color:#666; }
#changelist #toolbar form input { font-size:11px; padding:1px 2px; }
#changelist #toolbar form #searchbar { padding:2px; }
#changelist #changelist-search img { vertical-align:middle; }

#changelist-filter { position:absolute; top:0; right:0; z-index:1000; width:160px; border-left:1px solid #ddd; background:#efefef; margin:0; }
#changelist-filter h2 { font-size:11px; padding:2px 5px; border-bottom:1px solid #ddd; }
#changelist-filter h3 { font-size:12px; margin-bottom:0; }
#changelist-filter ul { padding-left:0;margin-left:10px; }
#changelist-filter li { list-style-type:none; margin-left:0; padding-left:0; }
#changelist-filter a { color:#999; }
#changelist-filter a:hover { color:#036; }
#changelist-filter li.selected { border-left:5px solid #ccc; padding-left:5px;margin-left:-10px; }
#changelist-filter li.selected a { color:#5b80b2 !important; }

.change-list ul.toplinks { display:block; background:white url(../img/admin/nav-bg-reverse.gif) 0 -10px repeat-x; border-top:1px solid white; float:left;  padding:0 !important;  margin:0 !important; width:100%; }
.change-list ul.toplinks li { float: left; width: 9em; padding:3px 6px; font-weight: bold; list-style-type:none; }
.change-list ul.toplinks .date-back a { color:#999; }
.change-list ul.toplinks .date-back a:hover { color:#036; }

.paginator { font-size:11px; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; line-height:22px; margin:0; border-top:1px solid #ddd; }
.paginator a:link, .paginator a:visited { padding:2px 6px; border:solid 1px #ccc; background:white; text-decoration:none; }
.paginator a.showall { padding:0 !important; border:none !important; }
.paginator a.showall:hover { color:#036 !important; background:transparent !important; }
.paginator .end { border-width:2px !important; margin-right:6px; }
.paginator .this-page { padding:2px 6px; font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; vertical-align:top; }
.paginator a:hover { color:white; background:#5b80b2; border-color:#036; }