File diff f8f3cb2f3683 → 60616f422694
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@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@

<h3 id="Highlights">Highlights from some of our projects</h3>
<div data-read-more="Read more about our projects&hellip;">

  <p>Software Freedom Conservancy helped our projects engage in critical work
  this year. Overall, we raised, administered and facilitated <strong>$1.7 million</strong>
  to improve software freedom &mdash: this year alone!  Those funds
  to improve software freedom &mdash; this year alone!  Those funds
  go <em>directly</em> to fund <acronym title="Free and Open Source Software">FOSS</acronym>
  contributors.  We do the arduous work to sustain these FOSS communities:</p>

<p>We helped <b>Outreachy</b> expand to its largest cohorts ever. Our last
round accepted 71 interns, and we announced this week that the current round
 will have 62! (That's 133 interns &mdash; an <strong>27% growth</strong> from the previous two
@@ -223,13 +223,13 @@ organizations of all sizes can make the same commitment.</p>
  and Your Right to Install Under Copyleft</a>. Bradley also explained
  how <cite><a href="/blog/2021/jun/30/who-should-own-foss-copyrights/">It
  Matters Who Owns Your Copylefted Copyrights</a></cite> &mdash; which
  garnered a lot of great community conversations. In another vein, Sage
  Sharp of Outreachy wrote a tremendous piece
  titled <cite><a href="/blog/2021/apr/20/how-to-apologize/">So you want to
  apologize&hellip; Now what?</a></cite> &mdash: which has helped explain the
  apologize&hellip; Now what?</a></cite> &mdash; which has helped explain the
  entire life cycle apologizing for your own behavior. We can all learn from
  this piece about how to act more humanely in our shared spaces of

<p>This was another long year of online conferences. While the traveling was
 easier (by not doing it), we miss the face to face relationship building