File diff 15ee2b6eddfb → e99fbad26f92
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@@ -48,27 +48,24 @@
   <a href="/supporter/">needs <span id="site-fundraiser-middle-goal">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count|intcomma }}</span> Supporters</a> to continue its basic community services &amp;
   <span id="site-fundraiser-final-goal">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_goal_amount|intcomma }}</span> to
   avoid hibernating its enforcement efforts.
{% else %}
      <em>Conservancy will continue our basic community services, thanks to our
        first <span id="site-fundraiser-middle-goal">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count|intcomma }}</span> Supporters! However, we still need a total of
        <span id="site-fundraiser-final-goal">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_goal_amount|intcomma }}</span> Supporters to avoid reducing licensing work &amp; hibernating our
        enforcement efforts.
{% endif %}
{% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold < 632 %}
The next {{ 632|subtract:sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold }} supporters
who sign up <a href="/news/2016/feb/01/PIA-match-extended/">by March 1st will count twice</a>, thanks to <a href="">Private Internet Access</a>!
<strong>&amp;</strong> an additional match from a separate anonymous donor is available for anyone who attended
<a href="">LinuxConf Australia 2016</a>: LCA attendees'
donations currently count triple!
{% endif %}
<div id="siteprogressbar">
<a href="/supporter">
<span id="site-fundraiser-so-far">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount|intcomma }}</span> have joined so far.
{% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount > 750 %}
Thus, our 750 goal was achieved &amp; {{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount|subtract:750|intcomma }}</span> have
    joined beyond that.
{% endif %}
{% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold > 0 %}
Also, match pledges reduced our 2,500 maximum need by <span id="site-fundraiser-match-count">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold|min:632|intcomma }}</span>
{% endif %}