File diff cd8f4d01e6fc → 771b54759a62
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@@ -239,32 +239,24 @@ properly at some point in the future.</p>

<p>If you care about the
GPL, <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">help us meet our goal</a>
so we can stand up for the GPL together.</p>

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<p>Please <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">join our Supporter program</a> and spread software freedom!</p>

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<p>Right now, Supporter donations are matched by
<a href="">Private Internet
  Access</a>, <strong>and</strong> donations from those at who
attended <a href="">LinuxConf Australia 2016</a> will
  receive an <strong>additional</strong> second match from a separate
  anonymous donor!</p>


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<h3>Join as an Annual Supporter</h3>
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<p><strong>Note:</strong> annual supporter is not an automatic renewal
  relationship.  If you join today, you'll receive an email in about one year to remind you to
  optionally renew.</p>
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