File diff 3a9199732bf4 → 14ce1e4efb0f
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@@ -230,13 +230,12 @@ VMKAPI_MODULE_CALL_VOID(pciDevExt->moduleID,
      anywhere in the source release.</p>

<p>Further evidence that the implementation of this function occurs elsewhere
  can by found by running <code>objdump -x</code> on the un-vmtar'ed
  <code>vmklinux_9</code> module.  Note the following output in the &ldquo;SYMBOL
  TABLE&rdquo; section:

0000000000000000         *UND*  0000000000000000 vmk_PCIGetDeviceName

&hellip;and the following lines found in the  &ldquo;RELOCATION RECORDS FOR
[.text]&rdquo; section: