File diff cacb6d2effa4 → 383c53d718b5
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@@ -73,25 +73,48 @@ software communities alike.</p>

<p>Bad actors have become complacent because they think you don't care.  A
  strong show of public support for Conservancy and Christoph's position will
  help our legal case and demonstrate the interpretive context for it.
  Please <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">donate</a> to our campaign to enforce the GPL.  Help Conservancy
  increase its number of individual donors, so we have clear evidence to show
  bad actors that the GPL matters to the individuals in our community.
  After you <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">donate</a>, go and tell the world: &ldquo;Play by the rules, @VMware. I defend the #GPL with Christoph &amp; @Conservancy. #DTRTvmware  Help at &rdquo; on your blog or microblog.


<h3>Isn't the combined works and/or derivative works question a legal grey area?</h3>

<p>We don't think so, but this case will let the court to decide that question.
Either way, it's beneficial to our entire community to find out what the
judges think.  (Check out our <a href="/linux-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html">FAQ to find out more

<p>Help us pay for this expensive lawsuit and to generally defend software
  freedom and the GPL.  Help us show the world that copyleft matters.  We are excited 
  to announce an anonymous match for this campaign, where every dollar donated 
  will be matched up to $50,000. Please
  donate now: by becoming <a href="/supporter/">a Conservancy Supporter</a> or
  via <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">donate link on the right</a>.</p>

<h3>Want To Know More?</h3>

<p>Watch the video below of Conservancy Executive Director, Karen Sandler,
  <a href="/news/2015/mar/31/libreplanet/">delivering a keynote on this topic
    LibrePlanet 2015</a>:
 <video controls
         preload="auto" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"
         data-setup='{"height": 276,
                      "width": 640 }'>
    <source src=""

              type="video/webm; codecs=&#34;vp8, vorbis&#34;"

<p>Or, read <a href="/linux-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html">our FAQ about
    the lawsuit</a>.</p>

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