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{% extends "base_compliance.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Copyleft Compliance Projects - {% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}EnforcementStrategy{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

<h1 id="software-freedom-conservancy-proposal-for-gpl-enforcement-grant">History and Future Strategy</h1>

<p>The Software Freedom Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity
  registered in New York that continues it work in the are of important
  registered in New York.  Founded in 2006, Conservancy helps people take control
  of their computing by growing the software freedom movement, supporting
  community-driven alternatives to proprietary software, and defending free
  software with practical initiatives.  Conservancy accomplishes these goals
  with various initiatives including fiscal sponsorship, licensing and project
  governance policy, and public advocacy.  Some of Conservancy's most important
  licensing policy work involves defending and upholding the rights of
  software users and consumers under copyleft licenses, such as the GPL.</p>

<h2 id="brief-history-of-user-focused-gpl-enforcement">Brief History of
  User-Focused GPL Enforcement</h2>

<p>The spring of 2003 was a watershed moment for software freedom on
  electronic devices. 802.11 wireless technology had finally reached the
  mainstream, and wireless routers for home use had flooded the market
  earlier in the year. By June
  2003, <a href="">the
    general public knew that Linksys (a division of Cisco) was violating the
    GPL</a> on their WRT54G model wireless routers. Hobbyists discovered
  (rather easily) that Linux, BusyBox and many GNU programs were included in
  the router, but Linksys and Cisco had failed to provide source code or any
  offer for source code to its customers.</p>

<p>A coalition formed including organizations and individuals — including
<p>A coalition formed made up of organizations and individuals — including
  Erik Andersen (major contributor to and former leader of the BusyBox
  project) and Harald Welte (major contributor to Linux’s netfilter
  subsystem) — to enforce the
  GPL. <a href="">Bradley
    M. Kuhn</a>, who is now Conservancy’s Policy Analyst and
  Hacker-in-Residence, led and coordinated that coalition when he was
  Executive Director of the FSF. By early 2004, this coalition, through the
  process of GPL enforcement, compelled Linksys to release an
  almost-GPL-compliant source release for the
  WRT54G. A <a href="">group of volunteers
    quickly built a new project, called OpenWRT</a> based on that source
  release. In the years that have followed, OpenWRT has been ported to almost
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  — invading the privacy and security of individual homes. Even when
  companies succeed in keeping out third parties, consumers
  are <a href="">pressured
    by camera makers</a> to automatically upload their videos to local
  police. Televisions
  routinely <a href="">spy
    on consumers for the purposes of marketing and massive data

<p>There is one overarching irony to this growing dystopia: nearly all these
  devices are based primarily on software licensed under the GPL: most
  notably, Linux. While Linux-based systems do allow proprietary user-space
  applications not licensed under GPL, the kernel (and many other system
  applications not licensed under GPL, the kernel and many other system
  utilities routinely used in embedded systems, such as Conservancy’s BusyBox
  project) are under that license (or similar copyleft licenses such as the
  LGPL). These licenses require device markers to provide complete,
  project, are under that license (or similar copyleft licenses such as the
  LGPL). These licenses require device makers to provide complete,
  corresponding source code to everyone in possession of their
  devices. Furthermore, Linux’s specific license (GPL, version 2), mandates
  that source code must also include “the scripts used to control compilation
  and installation of the executable”. In short, the consumers must receive
  all the source code and the ability to modify, recompile and reinstall that
  software. Upholding of this core freedom for Linux made OpenWRT
  possible. We work to preserve (or, more often, restore) that software
  freedom for consumers of other types of electronic devices.</p>

<p>When devices are compliant with the GPL’s requirements, customers can
  individually or collectively take action against the surveillance and other
  predatory behavior perpetuated by the manufacturers of these devices by
  modifying and replacing the software. Hobbyists can aid their community by
  providing these alternatives. People with no technical background already
  replace firmware on their wireless routers with OpenWRT to both improve
  network performance and allay privacy concerns. Furthermore, older
  equipment is often saved from planned obsolescence by alternative
  solutions. E-recyclers
  like <a href="">Freegeek</a> do this regularly for
  desktop and laptop machines with GNU/Linux distributions like Debian, and
  with OpenWRT for wireless routers. We seek to assure they can do this for
  with OpenWRT for wireless routers. We seek to ensure they can do this for
  other types of electronic products. However, without the complete,
  corresponding source code and the scripts to control its compilation and
  corresponding source code, including the scripts to control its compilation and
  installation, the fundamental purpose of copyleft is frustrated. Consumers,
  hobbyists, non-profit e-recyclers and the general public are left without
  the necessary tools they need and deserve, and which the license promises

<p>Additionally, copyleft compliance relates directly to significant
  generational educational opportunities. There are few easier ways to
  understand technology than to experiment with a device one already
  has. Historically, FOSS has succeeded because young hobbyists could
  examine, modify and experiment with software in their own devices. Those
  hobbyists became the professional embedded device developers of today!
  Theoretically, the advent of the “Internet of Things” — with its many
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  lives. Yet, that’s rarely possible in reality. To ensure that both current
  and future hobbyists can practically modify their Linux-based devices, we
  must enforce Linux’s license. With public awareness that their devices can
  be improved, the desire for learning will increase, and will embolden the
  curiosity of newcomers of all ages and backgrounds. The practical benefits
  of this virtuous cycle are immediately apparent. With technological
  experimentation, people are encouraged to try new things, learn how their
  devices work, and perhaps create whole new types of devices and
  technologies that no one has even dreamed of before.</p>

<p>“Internet of Things” firmware should never rely on one vendor — even the
  vendor of the hardware itself. This centralized approach is brittle and
  inevitably leads to invasions of the public’s privacy and control of their
  inevitably leads to invasions of the public’s privacy and loss of control of their
  technology. Conservancy’s GPL enforcement work is part of the puzzle that
  ensures users can choose who their devices connect to, and how they
  connect. Everyone deserves control over their own computing — from their
  laptop to their television to their toaster. When the public can modify (or
  help others modify) the software on their devices, they choose the level of
  centralized control they are comfortable with. Currently, users with
  Linux-based devices usually don’t even realize what is possible with
  copyleft; Conservancy aims to show them.</p>

<h2 id="the-gpl-compliance-project-for-linux-developers">The GPL Compliance
  Project for Linux Developers</h2>

<p>In May 2012, Software Freedom Conservancy
  formed <a href="">The GPL
  formed <a href="">The GPL
    Compliance Project for Linux Developers</a> in response to frustration by
  upstream Linux developers about the prevalence of noncompliance in the
  field, and their desire to stand with Conservancy’s BusyBox, Git and Samba
  projects in demanding widespread GPL compliance. This coalition of Linux
  developers works with Conservancy to enforce the GPL for the rights of
  Linux users everywhere — particularly consumers who own electronic
  devices. We accept violation reports from the general public, and
  prioritize enforcement in those classes of devices where we believe that we
  can do the most good to help achieve GPL compliance that will increase
  software freedom for the maximum number of device users.</p>

<h2 id="the-need-for-litigation">The Need for Litigation</h2>
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<p>The success of the OpenWRT project, born from GPL enforcement, has an
  important component. While we’ve long hoped that volunteers, as they did
  with OpenWRT and SamyGo, will take up compliant sources obtained in our GPL
  enforcement efforts and build alternative firmware projects, history shows
  us that the creation of such projects is not guaranteed and exceedingly

<p>Traditionally, our community has relied exclusively on volunteers to take
  up this task, and financial investment only comes after volunteers have put
  in the unfunded work to make an MVP alternative firmware. While volunteer
  involvement remains essential to the success of alternative firmware
  projects, we know from our fiscal sponsorship work that certain aspects of
  FOSS projects require an experienced charity to initiate and jump start
  FOSS projects require an experienced charity to initiate and jump-start
  some of the less exciting aspects of FOSS project creation and

<p>Conservancy plans to select a specific class of device. Upon achieving
  compliant source releases in that subindustry through GPL enforcement,
  Conservancy will <a href="firmware-liberation">launch an alternative
  firmware project</> for that class of device.</p>
  Conservancy will <a href="firmware-liberation.html">launch an alternative
  firmware project</a> for that class of device.</p>

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