File diff cfd495c24626 → 03e06738a00c
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Install with:
# SystemD services

## Installing

Install all SystemD services with:

    cp systemd/conservancy-www-*.{service,timer} /etc/systemd/system
    systemctl enable conservancy-www-cleanup.service
    systemctl start conservancy-www-cleanup.service
    systemctl enable conservancy-www-update.timer
    systemctl start conservancy-www-update.timer
    systemctl enable conservancy-www-db.service


##  Website updates

Monitor with:
Monitor the website update service with:

    systemctl list-timers --all
    journalctl --catalog --follow --unit conservancy-www-update.service

Updates will fail unless `/var/www/website` has a git upstream, so set that with:

    git remote add upstream
    git branch --set-upstream-to=upstream/master master
Note that the update script does not run `migrate`.


## Fundraiser/sustainer database updates

The `conservancy-www-db.service` applies SQL updates to the website
database. These include the fundraising total and sustainers to be publicly