File diff 7074802d50c0 → d8a702c8c922
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{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% block subtitle %}Support Conservancy - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}sustainer{% endblock %}

{% block head %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/supporter-page.js' %}"></script>
<link href="{% static 'css/forms.css' %}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
{% include "opengraph_partial.html" with url="/sustainer/" title="Support Conservancy!" description="Software freedom is critical to many of today&rsquo;s most pressing social issues, but it&rsquo;s only effective when FOSS is for everyone. Support Conservancy today to help make that happen!" %}
{% include "opengraph_urllist_partial.html" with property='image' urls='' fallback='/img/conservancy-logo.png' %}
{% include "opengraph_urllist_partial.html" with property='image' urls='' fallback='/static/img/conservancy-logo.png' %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="breadcrumbs">
  <p><a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="/about">Who We Are</a></p>


<div class="content-with-donate-sidebar" id="formStart">


{% if partial_amount > 0 %}
@@ -31,45 +31,45 @@

  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="annual" min_amt=120 default_amt=128 article="an" only %}

  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="monthly" min_amt=10 default_amt=12 only %}

  <a name="renew" class="hidden"></a>
  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="renewal" min_amt=120 default_amt=128 verb="renew" article="an" supptype="annual" only %}
{% endif %}

<span id="form-correction-needed" class="form-error">Please ensure all form data above is correct.</span>

<div style="overflow: auto; text-align: center;">
  <a href="/img/tshirt-2023.png"><img src="/img/tshirt-2023.png"  height="300"/></a>
  <a href="/img/tshirt-2023.png"><img src="{% static 'img/tshirt-2023.png' %}"  height="300"/></a>


<hr style="clear: both;"/>
<p>Sustainers help us do our work in a strategic, long-term way. We could not
  do this without the support and financial contributions of individuals like
  you. <a href="/sponsors/#sustainers">We list our Sustainers here</a>.</p>


<div class="expandable-section" id="2021-summary">
  Please watch this video to learn about what we do and why we need your support as
  a Sustainer:
<p style="text-align:center;">
<video style="width: 50%; height: auto;" controls="" poster="/videos/sfc-introduction-video_poster.jpg">
<source src="/videos/sfc-introduction_1080p.mp4" />
<track src="/docs/sfc-introduction-vtt-captions.txt" kind="subtitles" srclang="en" label="English" />
<a href="/videos/sfc-introduction_1080p.mp4"><img src="/videos/sfc-introduction-video_poster.jpg"
<source src="{% static 'videos/sfc-introduction_1080p.mp4' %}" />
<track src="{% static 'docs/sfc-introduction-vtt-captions.txt' %}" kind="subtitles" srclang="en" label="English" />
<a href="/videos/sfc-introduction_1080p.mp4"><img src="{% static 'videos/sfc-introduction-video_poster.jpg' %}"
                                                  alt="Software Freedom Conservancy introduction video"></a><br/>
<a href="">(watch on Youtube)</a>


<p><h3>The wide range of work we engage in is supported by people like you. </h3></p>

<p>We are so proud that we're funded by individuals and stay unbeholden to corporate interests and pressures. We stand up for developers, consumers and those who have been historically excluded. We work to make technology truly fair for all. </p>

<p>Thank you for helping making this work possible:</p>

@@ -171,27 +171,27 @@ can provide solid FOSS replacements to proprietary technologies for all of us.</

<h3 id="WritingAndSpeaking">Writing and Speaking</h3>
<div data-read-more="Find out about our writing and speaking engagements&hellip;">

<p>Our staff has been presenting and speaking about software freedom all year.
Our Executive Director Karen Sandler received an honorary doctorate from
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven for her incredible work in FOSS leadership, and
her advocacy and pursuit of software freedom and rights for all.
In November she spoke at <a href="">SFSCON about "The History of, and Path forward for, Copyleft and the GPL"</a>.</p>

<div class="picture-small right">
<video class="small-right" controls="" poster="/videos/2023-02-02_Sandler-Karen_KU-Leuven_Honorary-Doctorate_still.png" id="doctorate_vid">
  <source src="/videos/2023-02-02_Sandler-Karen_KU-Leuven_Honorary-Doctorate.mp4">
  <track src="/docs/2023-02-02_Sandler-Karen_KU-Leuven_Honorary-Doctorate.en.txt" kind="subtitles" srclang="en" label="English" />
  <track src="/docs/" kind="subtitles" srclang="nl" label="Dutch (NL)" />
  <source src="{% static 'videos/2023-02-02_Sandler-Karen_KU-Leuven_Honorary-Doctorate.mp4' %}">
  <track src="{% static 'docs/2023-02-02_Sandler-Karen_KU-Leuven_Honorary-Doctorate.en.txt' %}" kind="subtitles" srclang="en" label="English" />
  <track src="{% static 'docs/' %}" kind="subtitles" srclang="nl" label="Dutch (NL)" />
<p><a href="/videos/2023-02-02_Sandler-Karen_KU-Leuven_Honorary-Doctorate.mp4">Download Karen's talk</a>
  or <a href="">watch on YouTube</a></p>

<p>Policy Fellow Bradley M. Kuhn gave many conference talks and also represented SFC at many
government hearings and inquiries. Beginning the year at <a href="">FOSDEM</a>,
Bradley (and Karen) led the Legal and Policy DevRoom. He then spoke at SCaLE
20x giving a talk titled <a href="">Learning From the Big Failures To Improve FOSS Advocacy and Adoption</a>.
As the host of a keynote discussion at FOSSY, Bradley facilitated a
<a href="">
community discussion about the RHEL policy change</a>.
@@ -213,25 +213,25 @@ classroom to educate students about software freedom.</p>

<h3 id="Highlights">Highlights from some of our projects</h3>
<div data-read-more="Read more about our projects&hellip;">

  <p>We've raised, administered and/or facilitated $1.8 million to improve
software freedom directly! This includes contractors, interns and students,
administrators, and grants for creation, distribution and maintenance of free
software projects.  Part of the unique position of our organization is the
expertise necessary to do this kind of work.</p>

<div class="picture-small right">
  <img class="small-right" src="/img/outreachy-nigeria-1000-celebration.png"
  <img class="small-right" src="{% static 'img/outreachy-nigeria-1000-celebration.png' %}"
alt="Group Picture: Outreachy interns, mentors, and community coordinators gathered to celebrate the 1,000 interns milestone in Lagos, Nigeria." />
  <p>Group Picture: Outreachy interns, mentors, and community coordinators gathered to celebrate the 1,000 interns milestone in Lagos, Nigeria.</p>
  <p>You can view a <a href="">video of the celebration here.</a></p>

<p><b>Outreachy</b> accepted 63 interns in the December 2022 cohort, and 64
interns in the May 2023 cohort with over 30 Free and Open Source software
communities.  Bringing in new communities in the Open Science and Humanitarian
spheres, Outreachy continues to lead the way in providing opportunities to
people subject to systemic bias and impacted by underrepresentation in
technology. Celebrating our 1000th intern (!!!), there were celebrations
featuring alumni and current interns all over the world. </p>
@@ -274,25 +274,25 @@ annual summit was hosted in Hamburg featuring incredible
technical talks, project planning and continues to build the momentum and
reach for reproducibility. </p>






<h3 id="HelpUs">Help us Continue this Work</h3>
<div style="overflow: auto">
<div class="picture-small right">
  <img src="/img/scaled-LLW-2015-Conservancy-Supporters-by-Carlo-Piana-CC-0.jpg" alt="Zack, Karen, John and Jim pose, mostly wearing the vintage t-shirt!" />
  <img src="{% static 'img/scaled-LLW-2015-Conservancy-Supporters-by-Carlo-Piana-CC-0.jpg' %}" alt="Zack, Karen, John and Jim pose, mostly wearing the vintage t-shirt!" />
  <p>Sustainers pose with Karen! <br/>From left: Stefano &ldquo;Zack&rdquo; Zacchiroli, Karen M. Sandler, John Sullivan, and Jim Wright</p>

<p>We are beyond thankful for the ability to continue our work &mdash; which
  only continues due to <strong>your financial contributions</strong>. We
  recognize that not everyone has the same financial leeway to donate as they
  have in the past. But please consider giving what you can so that our
  organization can continue to advocate and support the rights of all
  software users. We work hard and efficiently, and accomplish so much with
  our small staff. We hope &mdash; through our hard work, creativity, and
  passionate dedication &mdash; that we've demonstrated over the years how
  Software Freedom Conservancy continues to be the beacon of change for