Changeset - fee584578d4b
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2015-03-08 07:12:06
Wording fix and expand on fact.
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -23,28 +23,29 @@ holders.</p>
the project developers.  All copyright holders involved have the opportunity
to give input and guidance on Conservancy's strategy in dealing with
compliance issues.  Thus, all Conservancy's compliance matter have full
support of relevant copyright holders.</p>

<p>Conservancy is dedicated to encouraging all users of software to comply
  with Free Software licenses. Toward this goal, in its compliance efforts,
  Conservancy helps distributors of Free Software in a friendly spirit of
  cooperation and participation.  In this spirit, Conservancy also sponsors
  the <a href=""><cite>Copyleft and the GNU
  General Public License:A Comprehensive Tutorial and Guide</cite></a>, in
  collaboration with the Free Software Foundation (FSF),
  which <a href="/news/2014/nov/07/copyleft-org/">Conservancy formally launch
  in fall 2014</a>.  The Guide includes tutorial materials about copyleft and
  compliance with copyleft licenses that has been developed and improved
  since 2002.</p>
  which <a href="/news/2014/nov/07/copyleft-org/">Conservancy formally
  launched in fall 2014</a>.  The Guide includes tutorial materials about
  copyleft and compliance with copyleft licenses that has been developed and
  improved since 2002.  Conservancy and FSF develop the Guide, which is
  itself copylefted, collaboratively in public.</p>

<p>Those who are interested in how Conservancy handles GPL enforcement and
  compliance work should read in
  detail <a href="">our
  blog post outlining the compliance process</a>.</p>

<p>If you are aware of a license violation or compliance issue regarding
  Linux, or
  any <a href="">Conservancy member
  project</a> (and in particular BusyBox, Evergreen, Inkscape, Mercurial,
  Samba, Sugar Labs, or Wine),
  please <a href="">contact us by email at
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