Changeset - f4c4ad3fb4d1
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Karen Sandler (karen) - 8 years ago 2016-03-09 02:21:10
Adding Spec-Ops to Current Member Projects page
1 file changed with 11 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -346,2 +346,13 @@ Safari and Opera.</p>

<h2><a href="">Spec-Ops</a></h2>

<p>Spec-Ops' mission is to identify critical open standards activities 
and move them along. Spec-Ops puts experts in the room who understand 
the technology, who know about the process of creating standards, and 
who have no specific personal or corporate agenda &mdash; then lets them get 
on with it. Spec-Ops also develops free and open source software 
(licensed under BSD-style licenses) to test and implement these 
standards, in order to speed adoption and ensure their long term 
viability and success.</p>

<h2><a href="">Squeak</a></h2>
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