Changeset - f22dd3306b2c
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Daniel Takamori (pono) - 2 years ago 2022-01-04 15:19:49
fix link to vizio update
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ strategies that defend FOSS (such as copyleft). <a href="/about" class="orange">
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<section class="mh0 pa3 bg-light-blue ba b--gray">
<p>We recently filed <a href="">a Motion for Remand in our
lawsuit against Vizio</a> for their flagrant GPL violations, alleged
with great detail in <a href="/docs/software-freedom-conservancy-v-vizio-complaint-2021-10-19.pdf">our complaint in California state
court</a>.  This skirmish in what will likely be a long lawsuit is of particular interest, because the issues explored
directly address one fundamental legal truth of the GPL: it simultaneously operates as a copyright license granted by the copyright holders and as a contract that benefits everyone in the software supply chain &mdash; most importantly, the consumers at the end of that supply chain. <a href="/blog/2022/dec/28/vizio-update-1/">Read more&hellip;</a></p>
directly address one fundamental legal truth of the GPL: it simultaneously operates as a copyright license granted by the copyright holders and as a contract that benefits everyone in the software supply chain &mdash; most importantly, the consumers at the end of that supply chain. <a href="/blog/2021/dec/28/vizio-update-1/">Read more&hellip;</a></p>

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