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{% extends "base_compliance.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Copyleft Compliance Projects - {% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}VMwareLawsuitFAQ{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h1>Frequently Asked Questions about Christoph Hellwig's VMware Lawsuit</h1>

<p><strong>Update 2019-04-02:</strong> Please
  see <a href="">this
  announcement regarding conclusion of the VMware suit in Germany</a>.  Since the suit has
  concluded, any funds you donate here will support our ongoing compliance efforts.  The
  remaining material below is left as it was before that announcement:</p>


<p>Conservancy maintains this
  <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> list regarding
  <a href="/news/2015/mar/05/vmware-lawsuit/">Christoph Hellwig's lawsuit against VMware
  in Germany over alleged GPL violations on Linux</a> as a service to the
  Free Software community, and in particular, the copyleft community.  Conservancy
  realizes this lawsuit generates many questions and interest
  from the community.  Legal counsel (both Conservancy's own, and
  Christoph's lawyer, Till Jaeger) correctly advise us to limit our public
  comments regarding specific details of the case while litigation remains
  pending in court.  Nevertheless, Conservancy, as a
  non-profit charity serving the public good, seeks to be as transparent as
  possible.  If you have additional questions you'd like to see answered
  here, please <a href="">email
  &lt;;</a>, but understand that we may often need
  to answer: <q>We cannot comment on this while litigation is pending</q>.</p>

  <dt>Who is the Plaintiff in the lawsuit?</dt>
  <summary>Who is the Plaintiff in the lawsuit?</summary>

  <dd>Christoph is one of most active developers of the Linux kernel. He has
  <p>Christoph is one of most active developers of the Linux kernel. He has
   contributed 279,653 lines of code to the latest Linux 3.19 kernel, and
   thus ranks 20th among the 1,340 developers involved in that release.
   Christoph also ranks 4th among those who have reviewed third-party source
   code, and he has tirelessly corrected and commented on other developers'

  <dt id="court-documents">Are the court documents released?</dt>

  <dd>Not currently.  Court proceedings are not public by default in Germany
  (unlike in the USA).  Conservancy will continue to update this FAQ with
  <summary id="court-documents">Are the court documents released?</summary>

  <p>Not currently.  Court proceedings are not public by default in Germanyg (unlike in the USA).  Conservancy will continue to update this FAQ with
  information that Conservancy knows about the case.  We would all also
  welcome an agreement with VMware whereby both sides would agree to publish
  all Court documents.  Unfortunately, VMware has explicitly asked for the
  filings not to be published.   Accordingly, Conservancy itself has not
  even been able to review VMware's statement of defense nor Christoph's
  response to that statement of defense.</dd>
  response to that statement of defense.</p>

  <dt id="funding">Who's funding this lawsuit?</dt>
  <summary id="funding">Who's funding this lawsuit?</summary>

  <dd>Conservancy has engaged in a grant agreement with Christoph Hellwig for
  <p>Conservancy has engaged in a grant agreement with Christoph Hellwig for
  the purposes of pursuing this specific legal action in Germany.
  Conservancy is funding this legal action specifically as part of
  Conservancy's program activity in
  its <a href="/copyleft-compliance/about.html">GPL Compliance
  Project for Linux Developers</a>.</dd>
  Project for Linux Developers</a>.</p>

  <dt id="combined-and-derivative-works">Is this the Great Test Case of Combined / Derivative Works?</dt>
  <summary id="combined-and-derivative-works">Is this the Great Test Case of Combined / Derivative Works?</summary>

  <dd>This case is specifically regarding a combined work that VMware
  <p>This case is specifically regarding a combined work that VMware
  allegedly created by combining their own code (&ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;) with
  portions of Linux's code, which was licensed only under GPLv2.  As such,
  this, to our knowledge, marks the first time an enforcement case is
  exclusively focused on this type of legal question relating to GPL.
  However, there are so many different ways to make combined and/or
  derivative works that are covered by GPL that no single case could possibly
  include all such issues. </dd>
  include all such issues. </p>

  <dt id="why-lawsuit">Why must you file a lawsuit?  Isn't there any other way to convince
    VMware to comply with GPL?</dt>
  <summary id="why-lawsuit">Why must you file a lawsuit?  Isn't there any other way to convince VMware to comply with GPL?</summary>

  <dd><p>Neither Conservancy nor Christoph takes this action lightly nor without
  <p>Neither Conservancy nor Christoph takes this action lightly nor without
  exhausting every other possible alternative first.  This lawsuit is the
    outgrowth of years of effort to convince VMware to comply with GPL.</p>

    <p>In October 2011, Conservancy received a GPL violation report on
  BusyBox for VMware's ESXi products.  Conservancy opened the matter in its
  usual, friendly, and non-confrontational way.  Nevertheless, VMware
  immediately referred Conservancy to VMware's outside legal counsel in the
  USA, and Conservancy negotiated with VMware's legal counsel throughout
  late 2011, 2012 and 2013.  We exchanged and reviewed
  <a title="Complete, Corresponding Source" href="">CCS</a> candidates, and
  admittedly, VMware made substantial and good efforts toward compliance on
  BusyBox.  However, VMware still refused to fix a few minor and one major
  compliance problem that we discovered during the process.  Namely, there
  was a major violation regarding Linux itself that ultimately became
  Christoph's key complaint in this lawsuit.</p>

 <p>Meanwhile, when Conservancy realized in late 2012 there might be a major
 Linux violation still present in VMware's ESXi products, Conservancy
 representatives sought every industry contact we had for assistance,
 including those from trade associations, companies (both competitors and
 collaborators with VMware), and everyone else we could think of who might be
 able to help us proceed with friendly negotiations that would achieve
 compliance.  While we cannot name publicly the people we asked for help
 to convince VMware to comply, they include some of the most notable
 executives, diplomats, and engineering managers in the Linux community.  No
 one was able to assist Conservancy in convincing VMware to comply with the
 GPL.  Then, in early 2014, VMware's outside legal counsel in the USA finally
 took a clear and hard line with Conservancy stating that they would not
 comply with the GPL on Linux and argued (in our view, incorrectly) that they
 were already in compliance.</p>

 <p>Conservancy in parallel informed Christoph fully of the details of the
   Linux violation on Christoph's copyrights, and based on Conservancy's
   findings, Christoph began his own investigation and confirmed
   Conservancy's compliance conclusions.  Christoph then began his own
   enforcement effort with legal representation from Till Jaeger.  Christoph has
   been unable to achieve compliance, either, through his negotiations in
   2014.  VMware's last offer was a proposal for a settlement agreement that VMware would
   only provide if Christoph signed an NDA, and Christoph chose (quite
   reasonably) not to sign an NDA merely to look at the settlement offer.</p>

 <p>Thus, this lawsuit comes after years of negotiations by Conservancy to
 achieve compliance &mdash; negotiations that ended in an outright refusal by
 VMware's lawyers to comply.  Those events were then followed by a year of
   work by Christoph and Till to achieve compliance in a separate action.</p>

 <p>Simply put, Conservancy and Christoph fully exhausted every possible
 non-litigation strategy and tactic to convince VMware to do the right thing
 before filing this litigation.</p>

  <dt>What are VMware's primary defenses for their alleged copyright
  <summary>What are VMware's primary defenses for their alleged copyright

  <dd>With the guidance of counsel, Christoph was able to provide Conservancy
  <p>With the guidance of counsel, Christoph was able to provide Conservancy
  with a high-level summary of VMware's statement of defense, which we share
  in this FAQ.  Specifically, VMware's statement of defense primarily focuses
  on two issues.  First, VMware questions Christoph's copyright interest in
  the Linux kernel and his right to bring this action.  Second, VMware claims
  vmklinux is an &ldquo;interoperability module&rdquo; which communicates
  through a stable interface called VMK API.</dd>
  through a stable interface called VMK API.</p>

  <dt>How did Christoph respond to VMware's statement of defense?</dt>
  <summary>How did Christoph respond to VMware's statement of defense?</summary>

  <dd>Christoph's response discusses his extensive contributions to the Linux
  <p>Christoph's response discusses his extensive contributions to the Linux
  kernel and disputes the technical merits of VMware's assertions. The
  response points out that vmklinux is <strong>not</strong> an
  interoperability module, but rather an arbitrary separation of the Linux
  derived module from vmkernel.   Specifically, vmklinux is nonfunctional
  with any non-ESX OS, and vmklinux is tied intimately to a specific version
  of ESXi.  Vmklinux does not allow reuse of unmodified Linux drivers in
  binary or source form.  Christoph further points out that if the Court
  allows proprietarization of an arbitrary split portion of GPL'd computer
  programs, it could allow redistributors to trivially bypass the strong
  copyleft terms found in the GPL.  Finally, the response explains that
  vmkernel and vmklinux don't &ldquo;communicate over an interface&rdquo;,
  rather they run in the same process as a single computer program.  Thus,
  VMK API, as used by vmklinux, is not an &ldquo;interface&rdquo; as set
  forth in
  the <a href="">EU
      Directive 2009/24/EC</a>.</dd>
      Directive 2009/24/EC</a>.</p>

  <dt id="tech">Can you explain further how VMware incorporated code from Linux into
  their kernel?</dt>
  <summary id="tech">Can you explain further how VMware incorporated code from Linux into
  their kernel?</summary>

  <p id="diagram">
    Conservancy prepared this diagram to show the technical situation as we
    understand it.  The diagram compares the technical architecture of a full,
    running Linux kernel with a full, running VMware kernel:
      <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.png">
    <img class="inside-faq" alt="[Diagram of Linux and VMware running kernels]" src="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en_scaled.png" /></a>

    <p>If you want to download the diagram, it's available
    in <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.svg">SVG
    (English)</a>, <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.png">PNG
    (English)</a>, <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_de.svg">SVG
    (German)</a>, and <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_de.png">PNG

  <dt>Can you explain further in words (rather than a picture) about the central
  component in ESXi that the lawsuit alleges violates the GPL?</dt>
  <summary>Can you explain further in words (rather than a picture) about the central
  component in ESXi that the lawsuit alleges violates the GPL?</summary>
    <p>The GPL violation at issue involves VMware's ESXi product.
    Conservancy independently reviewed ESXi and its incomplete
      <abbr title="complete, corresponding source">CCS</abbr>
    release as part of our GPL enforcement efforts described above.</p>

    <p>Conservancy's preliminary investigation indicated that the operating
    system kernel of VMware ESXi product consists of three key components:
          <li> the proprietary component &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;, which is
            released in binary form only,</li>
            <li>the kernel module &ldquo;vmklinux&rdquo;, which contains modified Linux
Code, and for which (at least some) source code is provided.
            <li>other kernel modules with device drivers, most of which are
            modified Linux drivers, and for which (at least some) source code
              is provided.</li>

    <p>Conservancy examined the incomplete CCS alongside the
           binary &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo; component.  Such examination indicates that functions
           in &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo; do make function calls to Linux's kernel code
      in the usual way for a single program written in C.</p></dd>
      in the usual way for a single program written in C.</p></p>

    <dt>Doesn't VMware's &ldquo;shim layer&rdquo; insulate them from GPL
    <summary>Doesn't VMware's &ldquo;shim layer&rdquo; insulate them from GPL
    obligations and allow them to keep certain code in their kernel

    <p>Many in the media have talked about the possibility that VMware might
    use some so-called &ldquo;shim layer&rdquo; between Linux code and
    VMware's proprietary code.  While, for decades, there has been much talk of
    various mechanisms of GPL obligation avoidance, Conservancy believes that
    merely modifying technical details of a combination's construction
    does not typically influence the legal analysis in a combined or
    derivative work scenario.</p>

    <p>Furthermore, the technical details of VMware's alleged GPL violation
    do not even mirror the typical scenarios that have usually been called
    &ldquo;shim layers&rdquo;.  Conservancy's analysis of VMware's ESXi
    product, in fact, indicates that VMware rather flagrantly combined Linux
    code in their own kernel, and evidence seems to indicate the work as a
    whole was developed by modifying Linux code in tandem with
    modifications to &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo; in a tightly coupled manner.</p>
   <dt id="shim-meaningless">Is Conservancy proposing a &ldquo;shim
      layer&rdquo; as a viable solution for GPL compliance?</dt>

   <summary id="shim-meaningless">Is Conservancy proposing a &ldquo;shim
      layer&rdquo; as a viable solution for GPL compliance?</summary>

    <dd>No, in fact, as we say above, Conservancy doesn't think the phrase
    <p>No, in fact, as we say above, Conservancy doesn't think the phrase
        &ldquo;shim layer&rdquo; has any meaning, despite regular use of that
        phrase in the media.  Conservancy generally doubts there is any
        technological manipulation that changes the outcome of a
        combined/derivative work analysis.</dd>
        combined/derivative work analysis.</p>

    <dt id="example">Can you give a <em>specific</em> example, with code, showing how
    VMware combined Linux source code with their binary-only components?</dt>
    <summary id="example">Can you give a <em>specific</em> example, with code, showing how
    VMware combined Linux source code with their binary-only components?</summary>

     <dd><p>There are numerous examples available that show this.  The
     <p><p>There are numerous examples available that show this.  The
       details of alleged infringement specifically relating to Hellwig's
       contributions to Linux are of course the main matter of the
       allegations in the litigation, and Conservancy
       released <a href="#diagram">the diagram above</a> to exemplify that
       issue.  Conservancy continues to <a href="#court-documents">hope VMware will
       agree to make public all court documents</a> as a matter of public
       good, since the court documents discuss the specifics of alleged
         infringement on Hellwig's copyrights.</p>

       <p>However, Conservancy examined VMware's ESXi product in detail
       even before Hellwig's enforcement action began.  Below is one example
       among many where VMware's CCS was incomplete per GPLv2&sect;2(c) and
       GPLv2&sect;3(a).  (One can verify these results by
       <a href="#verify">downloading and installing the binary and source
       packages for VMware's ESXi 6.0</a>.)  Note that this
       example below is not necessarily regarding
       Hellwig's copyrights; VMware incorporated Linux code copyrighted by
       many others as well into their kernel.</p>

       <h3>Example of &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;'s combination with Linux code</h3>
       <p>Our example begins with examination of the file
           called <code>vmkdrivers/src_92/vmklinux_92/vmware/linux_pci.c</code>,
           which can be found in the &ldquo;Open Source&rdquo; release for
           ESXi 6.0.  A small excerpt from that file, found in the
           function <code>LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved()</code>, reads as follows:</p>

#include &lt;linux/pci.h&gt;
 * This function [...] is modelled after pci_remove_device, the function which would
 * be called in a linux system.
static void
LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved(vmk_PCIDevice vmkDev)
   LinuxPCIDevExt *pciDevExt;
   struct pci_dev *linuxDev;
  if (unlikely(
    vmk_PCIGetDeviceName(vmkDev, vmkDevName, sizeof(vmkDevName)-1) != VMK_OK))
      vmkDevName[0] = 0;

<h4>Combination of &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo; code with &ldquo;vmkdrivers&rdquo;</h4>

<p>The function, <code>vmk_PCIGetDeviceName()</code> must be defined, with an
      implementation, for this code above to work, or even compile.
      Inside <code>BLD/build/HEADERS/vmkapi-current-all-public/generic/release/hardware/vmkapi_pci_incompat.h</code>,
      found in the <code>vmkdrivers</code> package of ESXi 6.0, shows a
      function header definition for <code>vmk_PCIGetDeviceName()</code>.
      However, the source of its implementation is not provided there or
      anywhere in the source release.</p>

<p>Further evidence that the implementation of this function occurs elsewhere
  can by found by running <code>objdump -x</code> on the un-vmtar'ed
  <code>vmklinux_9</code> module.  Note the following output in the &ldquo;SYMBOL
  TABLE&rdquo; section:</p>

0000000000000000         *UND*  0000000000000000 vmk_PCIGetDeviceName

&hellip;and the following lines found in the  &ldquo;RELOCATION RECORDS FOR
[.text]&rdquo; section:

0000000000032db3 R_X86_64_PC32     vmk_PCIGetDeviceName+0xfffffffffffffffc
00000000000333ea R_X86_64_PC32     vmk_PCIGetDeviceName+0xfffffffffffffffc
0000000000036644 R_X86_64_PC32     vmk_PCIGetDeviceName+0xfffffffffffffffc
000000000003986a R_X86_64_PC32     vmk_PCIGetDeviceName+0xfffffffffffffffc

<p>The above two properties both suggest that the <code>vmklinux_9</code>
 module requires: (a) a definition of the <code>vmk_PCIGetDeviceName()</code>
 function to operate, but (b) that function is not defined
 inside <code>vmklinux_9</code> itself.</p>

<p>The definition can however be found in binary-only software provided in
  ESXi 6.0 &mdash; specifically, inside a file named <code>k.b00</code>,
  which is located in partition 5 on a disk where ESXi has been installed (or
  in the ESXi 6.0 installer ISO image).  Running <code>file</code>
  after <code>gunzip</code> on this file yields &ldquo;ELF 64-bit LSB shared
  object&rdquo;.  Meanwhile, <code>file k.b00</code> reports &ldquo;gzip
  compressed data, was &lsquo;vmvisor64-vmkernel.stripped&rsquo;&rdquo;.
  These findings strongly suggests this is an image of the
  &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo; component.  An <code>objdump -x</code> yields this
  &ldquo;SYMBOL TABLE&rdquo; section:</p>

000041800033193c g     F .text  000000000000012e vmk_PCIGetDeviceName

<p>&hellip; which indicated these binary file contains the function body
for  <code>vmk_PCIGetDeviceName</code>.</p>

<p>Furthermore, after detailed searching, Conservancy found no evidence that any
  other code (other than modified Linux code) makes calls
  to <code>vmk_PCIGetDeviceName</code>.  This provides a strong indication
  that this function's primary purpose is to combine Linux code with
  &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;.  Conservancy also found other functions where similar analysis
  yields similar results as above.</p>

<h4>Linux's <code>struct pci</code> combined with <code>LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved()</code></h4>

<p>Having established the direct and close combination
  of <code>vmk_PCIGetDeviceName</code>
  and <code>LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved()</code>,  focus now on the
  quoted code from <code>LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved()</code>.  That code, note
  that one of the local variables is <code>struct pci_dev *linuxDev;</code>.
  A definition of <code>pci_dev</code> is found in
  <code>vmkdrivers/src_92/include/linux/pci.h</code> (which
  is <code>#include</code>'d above) reads:</p>

struct pci_dev {
#if defined(__VMKLNX__)
        /* 2008: Update from Linux source */
        u8              revision;       /* PCI revision, low byte of class word */
#endif /* defined(__VMKLNX__) */
       struct pci_driver *driver;      /* which driver has allocated this device */
struct pci_driver {
        struct list_head node;
        char *name;
        void (*remove) (struct pci_dev *dev);   /* Device removed (NULL if not a hot-plug capable driver) */

<p>These structures, and based on those from Linux itself
  (<a href="">a
    similar version of this file can be seen in Linux 2.6.24</a>), and as can
  be seen above, have been modified to work with &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;.</p>

<p>In <code>LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved()</code>, we saw a macro called with a
  variable, <code>linuxDev</code> which was of type <code>struct pci</code>.
  Thus, the combination of code from Linux's <code>pci.h</code>
  and VMware's <code>vmware/linux_pci.c</code> is very tightly coupled and

<h4><code>VMKAPI_MODULE_CALL_VOID</code> macro calls driver's code</h4>

  file <code>BLD/build/HEADERS/vmkapi-current-all-public/generic/release/base/vmkapi_module.h</code>
  contains the macro definition of  <code>VMKAPI_MODULE_CALL_VOID</code>,
  which is quoted below (with debug lines removed):
#define VMKAPI_MODULE_CALL_VOID(moduleID, function, args...)  \
do {                                                    \
    vmk_ModInfoStack modStack;                          \
    vmk_ModulePushId(moduleID, function, &amp;modStack);    \
    (function)(args);                                   \
    )                                                   \
    vmk_ModulePopId();                                  \
} while(0)

<p>When the macro is expanded, it means that <code>(function)(args)</code> is
  actually expanded to <code>linuxDev-&gt;driver-&gt;remove(linuxDev)</code>.
  Therefore, we see <code>LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved()</code> makes directs calls
  to a driver's remove() function, by combining with Linux's <code>struct
  pci</code>, and by VMware's introduction of this new calling code.
  Conservancy has confirmed many drivers from Linux are incorporated via
  these mechanisms; one specific example is discussed next.</p>

<h4>Combination of the tg3 driver with &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;</h4>

<p>VMware includes a file <code>vmkdrivers/src_9/drivers/net/tg3/tg3.c</code>
  in their source release.  This file appears to be Linux's tg3 driver.  It
  includes a definition of the <code>struct pci_dev</code> for this device,
  which reads:</p>

static struct pci_driver tg3_driver = {
        .remove         = __devexit_p(tg3_remove_one),

<p>Therefore, when the code in <code>LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved()</code>
  calls <code>linuxDev-&gt;driver-&gt;remove(linuxDev)</code>, the code
  ultimately called (in the case where a tg3 card is driven by the kernel)
  is <code>tg3_remove_one()</code>, which is found in <code>tg3.c</code> and
  comes directly from Linux.</p>

<p>(Note: <code>__devexit_p</code> is a straightforward macro found
  in <code>vmkdrivers/src_92/include/linux/init.h</code> (which also comes
  from Linux) that will simply expand to its first argument in this

<h4>VMware distribution of binary version of <code>tg3.c</code></h4>

<p>VMware furthermore distributes a modified version of <code>tg3.c</code> in
  binary form.  This can be found in <code>usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/tg3</code>,
  which is extracted by un-vmtar'ing the file <code>net_tg3.v00</code> (found
  on the ESXi 6.0 installer ISO image).  Conservancy has confirmed that
  file is a compiled version of <code>tg3.c</code>.</p>


<p>Given this evidence and related contextual clues, the only logical
  conclusions are:</p>
    <ul><li><code>vmklinux_9</code>, a binary object, dynamically links with
        the binary objects: <code>k.b00</code> and <code>tg3</code> (the
        driver built from <code>tg3.c</code>'s source).  These three binary
        objects together form a single running binary (likely along with many
        other binary objects as well).</li>
      <li>That single running binary contains code licensed under the GPLv2
       &mdash; namely the code derived from <code>tg3.c</code>
       and <code>pci.h</code>.  Thus, the single running binary may be
       distributed in binary form only under permissions provided under GPLv2
       &mdash; in
       particular <a href="">GPLv2&sect;2</a>
       and <a href="">GPLv2&sect;3</a>.</li>
      <li>GPLv2&sect;3(a&ndash;b) requires that <q>complete corresponding
          machine-readable source code</q> must accompany binary
          distributions such as these.  GPLv2&sect;3 further states
          that <q>for an executable work, complete source code means all the
          source code for all modules it contains</q>.</li>
      <li>The binary work in question contains modules from <code>k.b00</code>,
        <code>vmlinux_9</code> and <code>tg3</code>.</li>
      <li>VMware did not provide source code for any modules found in
      <li>Therefore, VMware failed to comply with the GPLv2, as such
      compliance requires source code (or an offer therefor) for the material
        in <code>k.b00</code>.</li>
<p>The above is but one piece of evidence among many, but hopefully it helps
  to explain some of the &ldquo;combined work&rdquo; violations found in
  VMware's ESXi product.  Conservancy did a similar analysis for ESXi 5.0
  as well as ESXi 5.5 Update 2 and found nearly identical results.</p>

<dt id="verify">How can I verify Conservancy's technical findings above?</dt>
<summary id="verify">How can I verify Conservancy's technical findings above?</summary>

<dd><p>The binary and source packages mentioned above are available
<p><p>The binary and source packages mentioned above are available
on VMware's website.  These packages contain the
previously-mentioned <code>linux_pci.c</code>,
<code>vmkapi_pci_incompat.h</code>, and <code>k.b00</code> files, as well as
    <code>vmklinux_9</code> and the source code that builds the latter.</p>

  <p>To speed up the process, Conservancy has provided
  a <a href=";a=summary">Git
  repository that we built that includes the source components that VMware
  released</a>, and which are discussed above in our examples.  However, one
  can also obtain the source components directly from VMware, by following
  these steps (no login is required):</p>

<li>Visit <a href=""></a>.</li>

<li>Click the &ldquo;Download&rdquo; button beside the text that reads
&ldquo;Open source software accompanying ESXi&rdquo;.</li>

<li>Confirm that the SHA-1 hash matches the published one
  (35811b981470abe8b606d8a7a97c9795ce570597), found under &ldquo;Read
  More&rdquo; on that web page.</li>

<li>Mount (or otherwise open) the
  downloaded <code>VMware-ESXI-600-ODP.iso</code>.</li>

<li>Extract <code>vmkdrivers/src_92/vmklinux_92/vmware/linux_pci.c</code>
  and <code>BLD/build/HEADERS/vmkapi-current-all-public/generic/release/hardware/vmkapi_pci_incompat.h</code>
  from <code>vmkdrivers-gpl/vmkdrivers-gpl.tgz</code> with tar and gzip.</li>

<li>Generate <code>vmklinux_9</code> by following the steps
  in <code>vmkdrivers-gpl/BUILD.txt</code> in the ISO.
  (Note: <code>vmklinux_9</code> is also available pre-built on a running
  ESXi system; <a href="#vmklinux">see below for instructions on how to access it</a>).</li>

<li>You may need the &ldquo;Open source software disclosure package for
  toolchain&rdquo; file from the above download page to
  complete the build &mdash; upon downloading you will find it is named
  <code>VMware-TOOLCHAIN-600-ODP.iso</code> and has a SHA-1 hash of


  <p>To obtain the binary components, follow these steps (a login is required):<p>

<li>Register for an account at <a href=""></a>.</li>

<li>Click the &ldquo;Activate Now&rdquo; link in the follow-up email.  Enter
  the password used at registration time.  Click &ldquo;Continue&rdquo;.</li>

<li>Visit <a href=""></a>.</li>

<li>Click &ldquo;Register&rdquo; (under the text that reads &ldquo;You have
  not registered for this product&rdquo;).</li>

<li>Enter the number of servers you plan to install on (e.g., 1).  Click

<li>If the &ldquo;VMware vSphere Hypervisor 6.0 &ndash;
  Binaries&rdquo; section is not expanded, click the plus sign next to it.</li>

<li>Click the &ldquo;Manually Download&rdquo; link that's beside &ldquo;ESXi
  ISO image (Includes VMware Tools)&rdquo;.</li>

<li>Confirm that the SHA-1 hash matches the published one (a38a9d37ea529329338de049679c1dd1687d3860).</li>

<li>Mount (or open via some other means) the
downloaded <code>VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.0.0-2494585.x86_64.iso</code>.</li>

<li>Find the <code>k.b00</code> file in the root directory.  Extract it
using <code>zcat k.b00 &gt; vmvisor64-vmkernel</code> (or a similar command).
Repeat the steps described above using <code>objdump -x

<li id="vmklinux">To retrieve <code>vmklinux_9</code> you will need to install
ESXi on your system by booting the ISO and following the instructions.  Once
booted, you can then enable SSH access using &ldquo;Customize System/View Logs -&gt;
Troubleshooting Options -&gt; Enable SSH&rdquo;.  Login to the system with SSH
and then run <code>find /vmfs -name misc_dri.v00 -print</code>.  On the
resulting file, run <code>zcat misc_dri.v00 &gt; misc_dri.vmtar</code> then
<code>vmtar -x misc_dri.vmtar -o misc_dri.tar</code>.  You can then extract
<code>misc_dri.tar</code> using the usual <code>tar</code> to extract
<code>usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/vmklinux_9</code>.  The <code>misc_dri.v00</code>
file is also available next to <code>k.b00</code> in the root directory of
the ISO (mentioned above), but the <code>vmtar</code> command itself is only
available when logged into an ESXi system. <code>vmtar</code> can be found
at <code>bin/vmtar</code> inside
<code>sb.v00</code> on the ISO, but one needs <code>vmtar</code> to open
<code>sb.v00</code>, similar to <code>misc_dri.v00</code> above.</li>


  <p>Note that VMware may present you with <abbr title="End User Licensing Agreement">EULA</abbr>s and <abbr title="Terms of Service">ToS</abbr> when you download
  software from VMware's website.  Conservancy strongly suggests that you review these
  terms in great detail with the assistance of your own legal counsel before
  downloading the software and/or engaging in the process that Conservancy
  discusses above.</p>

<dt id="similarity-analysis">How do you know Christoph's code is present in
  VMware's work?</dt>
<summary id="similarity-analysis">How do you know Christoph's code is present in
  VMware's work?</summary>

published <a href="/copyleft-compliance/vmware-code-similarity.html">its
comparison analysis between Christoph's code and VMware's code</a>. This
particular analysis uses a two step process: (a) use Linux's public Git logs
to find Christoph's contributions from Christoph, and (b) use a widely
accepted and heavily academically cited tool, CCFinderX, to show that VMware
copied Christoph's code into their product.</dd>
copied Christoph's code into their product.</p>

<dt id="appeal">I heard that Christoph's case was dismissed.  Is that
<summary id="appeal">I heard that Christoph's case was dismissed.  Is that

  <dd>There was a ruling in July 2016 in the Hamburg District Court, which
  <p>There was a ruling in July 2016 in the Hamburg District Court, which
    dismissed Christoph's case against VMware.  The ruling concerned German
    evidence law and the Court did not rule on the merits of the case. The
    ruling centered around German evidentary rules related to documenting
    Christoph's contributions that appear in VMware's product.
    In <a href="">a
    statement on his website</a>, Christoph Hellwig announced that he will
    appeal the ruling. Christoph also published
    (in <a href="">German</a>
    and <a href="">English)
    the Court's ruling</a> which explains why the materials submitted did not
    satisfy German evidence rules &mdash; despite publicly available
    information in Linux's Git repositories. In addition, the Court chose not
    to seek expert testimony.</dd>
  <dt id="statements-of-support">Have others issued statements of support about this action?</dt>
  <dd>Various individuals and groups have publicly stated their support for
    to see</p>details>

  <details>k expert testimony.</p>
  <summary id="statements-of-support">Have others issued statements of support about this action?</summary>
  <p>Various individuals and groups have publicly stated their support for
    Conservancy's and Hellwig's actions in this matter.  They include:
        <li><a href="">APRIL</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Free
            Software Foundation</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Free
            Software Foundation Europe</a></li>
        <li><a href="">GNOME Foundation</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Open Source Initiative</a></li>
        <li><a href="">The
            Samba Team</a></li>
        <li><a href="">The
        SWIG Project</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Dave Airlie, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Matthew Garrett, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="/news/2015/mar/05/vmware-lawsuit/#glikely">Grant Likely, Linux Kernel Engineer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Michal Nazarewicz, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Luis R. Rodriguez (aka mcgrof), Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Wolfram Sang, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Josh
        Triplett, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Rik van Riel, Linux Developer</a></li>

see <a href="">FSF's
statement of support</a>, but why
isn't <a href="">FSF enforcing</a> in
this case?</dt>
this case?</summary>

<dd>While FSF are the authors and license steward of the GNU GPL, it's up to
<p>While FSF are the authors and license steward of the GNU GPL, it's up to
the copyright holder to enforce GPL.  VMware created an operating system by
combining parts of the kernel named Linux with their own proprietary code,
and then added BusyBox to provide the userspace operating system components.
As such, ESXi is not
a <a href="">traditional GNU/Linux
system</a>.  FSF has many copyrights of its own, but these are almost
exclusively on various parts of the GNU system, not on the kernel, Linux.  As
such, FSF probably does not have copyright interests available to directly
enforce the GPL regarding the primary issue in this case.</dd>
enforce the GPL regarding the primary issue in this case.</p>

  <dt><em>I</em> care about copyleft and the GPL.  How can I help?</dt>
  <summary><em>I</em> care about copyleft and the GPL.  How can I help?</summary>

  <dd>Conservancy needs <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">your immediate financial
  <p>Conservancy needs <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">your immediate financial
  support to proceed with this litigation</a>.  Litigation costs are
  unpredictable, and this lawsuit may take years to resolve.  Conservancy is
  prepared to fund this case through its conclusion, but we can only do so
  with <a href="/sustainer/"><em>your</em> support</a>.  If you are an
  individual who supports copyleft and wants to see it defended, please
  donate now.  And, if you make a public statement of support, please email the
  to <a href="">&lt;;</a>,
  as we'd like to include representative selection of supportive statements above.</dd>
  as we'd like to include representative selection of supportive statements above.</p>

  <dt>Why is the case in Germany?</dt>
  <summary>Why is the case in Germany?</summary>

  <dd>Copyright infringement claims can be brought anywhere that distribution
  <p>Copyright infringement claims can be brought anywhere that distribution
  of the copyrighted works occur.  VMware distributes ESXi throughout the
  world, but Germany is close to Christoph's home and his lawyer was
  available to do the litigation work there.  Finally, historically,
  Mr. Jaeger's cases in Germany have usually achieved worldwide compliance on
  the products at issue in those cases.</dd>
  the products at issue in those cases.</p>
{% endblock %}

<!--  LocalWords:  Christoph Hellwig VMware vmkernel Linux's GPLv VMware's
<!--  LocalWords:  ESXi CCS Christoph's Jaeger NDA SVG PNG vmklinux vmk un
<!--  LocalWords:  Hellwig's PCIGetDeviceName vmvisor vmkDev vmkDevName UND
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<!--  LocalWords:  Toolchain bbc Hypervisor cafc cb fae ToS Airlie mcgrof
<!--  LocalWords:  Rik userspace Jaeger's endblock
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    font-weight: bold;

/* Make dl's ( such as for FAQ entries) look nice on screens, both big and small. */

dl {
    border: 3px double #ccc;
    padding: 0.5em;
dt {
    text-align: center;
    margin: 0em 1em 0.5em 0.5em;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: green; }
dd {
    margin: 0 0 1.5em 2em;

.fundraiser-top-text {
    background: #F0FFB8;
    padding: .2em .7em;
.fundraiser-top-text * {
    margin: .5em auto;
    max-width: 70em;
    width: 95%;
.fundraiser-top-text p {
    font-size: 110%;
    font-style: italic;
    text-align: center;

/* Fallback elements created by conservancy.js when no video source is
   supported. */
div.small-right, div.medium-right {
    border: thick solid #577632;
    padding: .3em;
    text-align: center;

.breadcrumbs {
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.breadcrumbs a:first-child {
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.press-release .date, .conservancy-blog .date {
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/* Expanding sections. */
details summary {
  font-size: 1rem;
  font-weight: bold;
  padding: 0.5rem 0;
Show inline comments
{% extends "base_blog.html" %}

{% block head %}
{% include "opengraph_partial.html" with url=object.get_absolute_url title=object.headline description=object.get_description %}
{% include "opengraph_urllist_partial.html" with property='image' urls=object.get_one_image_url fallback='/img/conservancy-logo.png' %}
{% include "opengraph_urllist_partial.html" with property='video' urls=object.get_one_video_url %}
{% endblock %}

{% block subtitle %}{{ object.headline|striptags|safe }} - Conservancy Blog - {% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="breadcrumbs">
  <p><a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="#fixme">News</a> / <a href="/blog/">Blog</a></p>

{% include "blog/entry_partial.html" with entry=object htag="h2" only %}

<p class="blog-comments">Please email any comments on this entry to
  <a href=""></a>.</p>

<p><span class="continued"><a href="/blog/">Other Conservancy Blog entries&hellip;</a></span></p>

{% endblock %}
Show inline comments
{% extends "base_blog.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Conservancy Blog - {% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="breadcrumbs">
  <p><a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="#fixme">News</a></p>

<h2><a href="/feeds/blog/" class="feedlink"><img src="/img/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="[RSS]"/></a> Conservancy Blog{% if author %} &mdash; {{ author.formal_name }}{% endif %}</h2>

{% if authors or tags %}
<p>Displaying posts
{% if authors %}by {% for author in authors %}{% if not forloop.last %}{% if not forloop.first %}, {% endif %}{% endif %}<a href="{{ author.biography_url }}">{{ author.formal_name }}</a>{% ifequal forloop.revcounter 2 %} and {% endifequal %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% if tags %}tagged {% for tag in tags %}{% if not forloop.last %}{% if not forloop.first %}, {% endif %}{% endif %}<a href="{{ tag.get_absolute_url }}">{{ tag.label }}</a>{% ifequal forloop.revcounter 2 %} or {% endifequal %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% for entry in blog_entries %}
  {% include "blog/entry_partial.html" with entry=entry only %}
{% endfor %}

{% if blog_entries.has_next %}<a class="next_page_button" href="?page={{ blog_entries.next_page_number }}{% if query_string %}&amp;{{ query_string|escape }}{% endif %}">Next page (older) &raquo;</a>{% endif %}
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{% if blog_entries.paginator.num_pages > 1 %}<p class="pagination_list"> {% for pagenum in blog_entries.paginator.page_range %}{% ifequal pagenum blog_entries.number %}[{{ pagenum }}]{% else %}<a href="?page={{ pagenum }}">{{ pagenum }}</a>{% endifequal %} {% endfor %}</p>{% endif %}
<div class="clear"></div>

{% endblock %}
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{% extends "base_news.html" %}

{% block head %}
{% include "opengraph_partial.html" with url=object.get_absolute_url title=object.headline description=object.get_description %}
{% include "opengraph_urllist_partial.html" with property='image' urls=object.get_one_image_url fallback='/img/conservancy-logo.png' %}
{% include "opengraph_urllist_partial.html" with property='video' urls=object.get_one_video_url %}
{% endblock %}

{% block subtitle %}{{ object.headline|striptags|safe }} - {% endblock %}

{% block content %}

<div id="mainContent">
  <div class="breadcrumbs">
    <p><a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="#fixme">News</a></p>
{% include "news/pressrelease_partial.html" with pressr=object htag="h2" only %}
{% endblock %}
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{% extends "base_news.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}News - {% endblock %}

{% block outercontent %}
    <div id="container">
         <div id="sidebar" class="{% block submenuselection %}other{% endblock %}">
         <h2>News Index by Year</h2>
         {% for year in date_list reversed %}<li class="{{ year|date:"Y" }}"><a href="{{ year|date:"Y" }}/">{{ year|date:"Y" }}</a></li>{% endfor %}
         <div id="mainContent">
           <div class="breadcrumbs">
             <p><a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="#fixme">News</a></p>
         <h1><a href="/feeds/news/" class="feedlink"><img src="/img/feed-icon-14x14.png" alt="[RSS]"/></a> Conservancy News</h1>


{% ifnotequal news.number 1 %}<p>(Page {{ news.number }} of {{ news.paginator.num_pages }})</p>{% endifnotequal %}

{% for pressr in news %}
  {% if pressr.is_recent %}
    {% include "news/pressrelease_partial.html" with pressr=pressr show="summary" only %}
  {% else %}
    {% include "news/pressrelease_partial.html" with pressr=pressr show="dateline" only %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if news.has_next %}<a class="next_page_button" href="?page={{ news.next_page_number }}">Next page (older) &raquo;</a>{% endif %}
{% if news.has_previous %}<a href="?page={{ news.previous_page_number }}">&laquo; Previous page (newer)</a>{% endif %}
{% if news.paginator.num_pages > 1 %}<p class="pagination_list"> {% for pagenum in news.paginator.page_range %}{% ifequal pagenum news.number %}[{{ pagenum }}]{% else %}<a href="?page={{ pagenum }}">{{ pagenum }}</a>{% endifequal %} {% endfor %}</p>{% endif %}
<div class="clear"></div>

{% endblock %}
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{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Sponsors - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}sponsors{% endblock %}
{% block head %}
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="breadcrumbs">
  <p><a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="#fixme">Who We Are</a></p>

<h1>Conservancy's Sponsors &amp; Sustainers</h1>

<p>Conservancy relies on donations from the general public to support its
work, and asks everyone <a href="/donate">to donate generously</a>.


<p>The sponsors whose logos are listed below (in alphabetical order) have donated
substantially in the past twelve months to support the ongoing work of
Conservancy.  These sponsors support our work through financial
contributions  and have asked for public acknowledgment of their
contributions.  Conservancy graciously thanks these sponsors for their
support, but doesn't necessarily endorse nor promote any specific activity of
any of its sponsors.</p>

<!-- logos should be 250x250 maximum. -->
<ul id="sponsor">
<li><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/ardc.svg" width="250" alt="Amateur Radio Digital Communications" /></a></li>
<li><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/codeweavers.png" width="250" alt="CodeWeavers" /></a></li>
<li><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/google.png" height="76" width="238" alt="Google" /></a></li>
<li><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/indeed.png" height="69" width="250" alt="Indeed" /></a></li>
<li><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/jmp.svg" height="244" width="250" alt="" /></a></li>
<li><a rel="nofollow" href="">Mark Wielaard</a></li>
<li><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/mozilla.png" height="101" width="250" alt="Mozilla Foundation" /></a></li>
<li><a rel="nofollow" href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/redhat.png" height="80" width="250" alt="Red Hat" /></a></li>

<!-- This section will be added when we have in-kind contributions -->

<!-- <h3>In-Kind Donation of Services</h3> -->

<!-- <p>Conservancy would also like to thank the following companies who have -->
<!--   donated services and/or resources in-kind to support Conservancy's -->
<!--   work.</p> -->

<!-- <ul> -->
<!-- </ul> -->

<p>Conservancy currently has {{supporters_count|safe}} Sustainers.
  Conservancy Sustainers are individuals (or small companies) who give $120
  or more annually as part of <a href="/sustainer/">the Official Conservancy
  Sustainer program</a>.  Those who request public acknowledgment are listed
  here in order by the date when they first joined the Sustainer program:</p>

<ul id="sustainers">
<li>Anonymous ({{anonymous_count|safe}} people)</li>
{% for ss in supporters %}
<li>{{ ss.display_name|safe }}</li>
{% endfor %}

{% endblock %}
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{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Support Conservancy - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}sustainer{% endblock %}

{% block head %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/supporter-page.js"></script>
<link href="/css/forms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
{% include "opengraph_partial.html" with url="/sustainer/" title="Support Conservancy!" description="Software freedom is critical to many of today&rsquo;s most pressing social issues, but it&rsquo;s only effective when FOSS is for everyone. Support Conservancy today to help make that happen!" %}
{% include "opengraph_urllist_partial.html" with property='image' urls='' fallback='/img/conservancy-logo.png' %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="breadcrumbs">
  <p><a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="#fixme">Who We Are</a></p>

<div class="donate-sidebar">
<table style="background-color:#afe478;width:100%;">
<tr><td style="text-align:center;padding:10px;padding-bottom:10px;">
<div id="donate-box" class="toggle-unit"><h1 class="toggle-content">Support

<h3 class="donate-box-highlight">Become a Sustainer Now:</h3>

<p>Support us now!</p>

<h4><a href="#annual"><span class="donate-box-highlight">Annual sustainer</span> via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>
<h4><a href="#monthly"><span class="donate-box-highlight">Monthly sustainer</span> via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>
<h4><a href="#renewal"><span class="donate-box-highlight">Renewing Annual sustainer</span> via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>

<span class="donate-box-highlight">Other annual sustainers methods:</span>
<div class="toggle-unit">
    <h4 class="toggle-control" data-text="Wire Transfer"
    data-expanded-text="Wire Transfer:">Wire Transfer</h4>
    <div class="toggle-content">
       Contact <a href="">Conservancy
            by email</a><br/> for wire transfer instructions.<br/>
            Include  currency &amp; country.<br/>
    </div><!-- /.toggle-content -->
</div><!-- /.toggle.unit -->

<div class="toggle-unit">
    <h4 class="toggle-control" data-text="Paper Check"
    data-expanded-text="Paper Check:">Paper Check</h4>
    <div class="toggle-content">
    Send paper check for $120 to:<br/>
    Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.<br/>
    137 MONTAGUE ST  STE 380<br/>
    BROOKLYN, NY 11201-3548 &nbsp; USA<br/>
    Please write <q>SUSTAINER</q>, t-shirt size, if you are renewing, and if
    you want public acknowledgment in memo line.
    </div><!-- /.toggle-content -->
</div><!-- /.toggle.unit -->

<p><a href="/donate">Even More Ways to Donate</a></p>
<!-- Flattr end -->
<div class="content-with-donate-sidebar" id="formStart">
  <h1 class="appeal"><img class="appeal-header" alt="Become a Conservancy Sustainer!" src="/img/conservancy-supporter-header.png"/></h1>

{% if partial_amount > 0 %}
  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="annual" min_amt=minimum_amount partial_amt=partial_amount article="an" only %}
{% else %}
  <div class="supporter-type-selector">
    <strong>Become a Sustainer Now:</strong>
    <a id="annualSelector" href="#annual">Annual</a>
    | <a id="monthlySelector" href="#monthly">Monthly</a>
    | <a id="renewalSelector" href="#renewal">Annual Renew</a>

  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="annual" min_amt=120 article="an" only %}

  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="monthly" min_amt=10 only %}

  <a name="renew" class="hidden"></a>
  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="renewal" min_amt=120 verb="renew" article="an" supptype="annual" only %}
{% endif %}

<span id="form-correction-needed" class="form-error">Please ensure all form data above is correct.</span>

<hr style="clear: both;"/>
<div class="expandable-section" id="2020-summary">

<div class="picture-small right">
  <img src="/img/2020_Sebro-Tony_CopyleftConf.jpg" alt="Tony Sebro speaks on stage in front of a slide comparing 1800&rsquo;s Eschatology and Golden Era Hip Hop">
  <p><a href="/about/board/#tony">Tony Sebro</a>, delivering the keynote
  address at <a href="">Copyleft Conf 2020</a>.<br/>Photo &copy; Remy DeCausemaker, licensed <a href="">CC BY-SA</a></p>

<p>2020 has been a difficult year. We&rsquo;ve all scrambled to keep ourselves
and our loved-ones safe and healthy, coped with the isolation connected
to lockdowns and quarantines, and dealt with the
disconnection from our support networks — including friends, family
and even childcare. We worried about racial equality and hope the fight for
social justice will result in basic rights that everyone deserves.</p>
<p>Throughout all of this, Conservancy remained focused on its mission and on
the free and open source software community. While cheering those working to help prevent the
spread of COVID-19 and those fighting for racial equality, we know our
expertise, skills, and mission can only tangentially improve those situations. While
<a href="/blog/2020/apr/21/workduringcovid/">contributing
where we can</a>, we remain focused on the long-term nature of
software freedom. We keep working to grow and support FOSS
communities to plan for ethical technology down the road, so that software
freedom can be in the service of human freedom.</p>
<p>We&rsquo;re proud of how much we&rsquo;ve been able to accomplish in the last year,
even in the face of so many obstacles.</p>

<a class="expander" data-expand-link-text="(Expand All Sections)"></a>

<h3 id="StayingConnected">Staying Connected</h3>
<div data-read-more="Read more about staying connected&hellip;">
<p>We helped folks stay connected, even when travel
and in-person meetings could not happen. We gathered digitally every
Thursday with all who wanted to join since early March to discuss
important issues or just reach out to other people who care about software freedom. The topics of these chats varied widely from
helping family and friends to use FOSS tools to discussing impactful
presentations concerting copyleft to how to dismantle systemic racism in free software to
important software freedom policy issues like standing up to fight the

<h3 id="PayingPeople">Paying People to Work on Software Freedom</h3>
<div data-read-more="Read more about paying people to work on software freedom&hellip;">
<p>Our Outreachy internship program became even more essential during this
difficult time.  Everyone needs remote work now, <em>and</em> to learn how
to effectively work remotely.  This year, we achieved the most internships in
a single year yet!
We funded over 100 interns across two cohorts, generating
new code, new documentation, and essential FOSS contributions.  Outreachy
also prepares its interns for remote-work careers in FOSS, providing access to opportunities after their internship is over.
Since traveling is unsafe during a pandemic, interns could not use the Outreachy travel stipend for in-person conferences or events.
We moved quickly to pay all 127 active travel stipends simply as additional intern bonuses, helping both current interns and many alums during this stressful time.</p>
<p>We hear the news consistently that this pandemic has hit underrepresented groups harder for the same
reasons of systemic bias that we&rsquo;ve talked about for years in Outreachy. We&rsquo;ve worked to make the program more stable and to diversify its funding so that we can support even more internships going forward.
We&rsquo;re proud to help in our own small way.</p>
<p>It&rsquo;s not just interns we fund.  Overall, Conservancy funded 27 contractors for a
total of about $650,000 and 16 grantees about $100,000 in the last 12 months.
That&rsquo;s three-quarters of a million dollars of funded FOSS work for the public good in just one year! And along with our internships, we spent a total of $1.5 million! The contractors spanned 15 projects and accomplished some impressive work. Our contractors report publicly on their work and you can see the <a href="">Reproducible Builds team</a> helping us know we can rely on the software we use, the <a href="">Outreachy team</a> organizing the complex and resource intensive internship program, <a href="">phpMyAdmin</a>  continuing their longstanding work to maintain and improve one of the most popular MySQL administration tools and the <a href="">Godot team</a> as they work to make the best game engine ever.</p>
<p>Our contractors write, document, and share great
FOSS that benefits the general public; there is no other organization in
the world that pays contractors that much money with that as their primary
directive.  Sure, companies write lots of FOSS, but they focus only on projects that
benefit their profit motive and self-interest.  We fund FOSS development that benefits everyone and we
only fund software development that completely respects your software freedom and

<h3 id="Policy">Policy</h3>
<div data-read-more="Read more about our policy work this year&hellip;">
<p>This year, we expanded our plans and involvement on key issues of software
freedom policy.  We are known throughout the FOSS community as the
organization that knows the details of FOSS policy — from project governance, to licensing to Codes of
Conduct — and gets those details
right.  We help our projects with everything from minor disagreements among
leadership to major licensing challenges that threaten the future of their
project.  While we can&rsquo;t tell every one of these stories on our blog,
just ask anyone in our Project Leadership Committees and they&rsquo;ll surely
tell you that Conservancy knows our stuff and handles any issues of this nature that occur.</p>
<p>Whenever possible, though, Conservancy does our policy work in public as key activists for software freedom. We <a href="/news/2020/jan/15/googlevoracle/">added our voice</a> to important legal cases like Google v. Oracle.  We provided context to interpret issues arising over the year, such as the launch of <a href="/blog/2020/jul/09/org-proliferation/">new organizational solutions for FOSS</a> and <a href="/blog/2020/oct/26/microsoft-github-riaa-youtube-dl/">DMCA aggression towards FOSS projects</a>.  We presented new ways to think about our critical problems, like legal mechanisms to achieve <a href="/blog/2020/jan/06/copyleft-equality/">copyleft equality</a> in the face of proprietary relicensing, ways to <a href="/blog/2019/dec/19/CPupdate/">support maintainers in employment contracts</a>, and extend protection of FOSS projects from <a href="/blog/2020/nov/13/widevine-dmca-takedown/">aggressive DMCA takedowns</a>.  We successfully filed for a <a href="/news/2020/jul/30/refile2020/">renewal of the Smart TV DMCA exemption</a> that we achieved in 2015.  We
went even further this year, and applied for <a href="/blog/2020/sep/16/dmca-exemptions-2020/">three more exemptions</a> that would protect the rights of those who use interconnected devices that have become critical fixtures in everyone&rsquo;s lives.</p>
<p>Most importantly, Conservancy remains the only charity actively fighting for the rights ensured by GPL on Linux. Our focus remains on IoT and embedded devices
that are now ubiquitous and used by everyone.  While we can only <a href="/blog/2019/oct/02/cambium-ubiquiti-gpl-violations/">occasionally discuss GPL enforcement matters publicly</a>, we launched this
year our <a href="/copyleft-compliance/enforcement-strategy.html">Strategic GPL Enforcement Plan</a>, and our companion <a href="/copyleft-compliance/firmware-liberation.html">Firmware Liberation Project</a>.  These two new initiatives have
just begun and they need your support and help to succeed.</p>

<h3 id="NewMembers">New Member Projects and New Board Member</h3>
<div data-read-more="Read more about our new member projects and board member&hellip;">
<p>In 2020, Conservancy welcomed two important new projects.  The <a href="/news/2020/jul/21/ICRjoins/">Institute for Computing in Research</a> runs a mentoring program designed to bridge inequities in tech by training teenage students to do rigorous scientific research using free software. <a href="/news/2020/sep/10/openwrt-joins/">OpenWrt</a> is a critical FOSS wireless router project that demonstrates the long lasting positive  results of strategic GPL enforcement. We also recognize that communities change over time. In addition to adding new projects, we took the time this past year to sunset some of our projects that no longer had a charitable focus.</p>
<p>We were also pleased to welcome <a href="/news/2020/jan/03/arandal/">Allison Randal</a>, a steadfast advocate of software freedom, to our Board of Directors.</p>

<h3 id="Events">Events and Conferences</h3>
<div data-read-more="Read more about our events and conferences&hellip;">
<p>FOSS events and conferences have always been an essential component of FOSS,
but this year, the pandemic thwarted our usual event system an infrastructure.
Conservancy has been at the center of transitioning events to online formats for
both our  member
projects and other third party  other FOSS conferences and event groups.  People around the world took huge losses in travel and event
cancellations, but we were adept.  We acted early and saved tens of thousands for
our member projects by negotiating with canceled venues.  We quickly adjusted
our travel policy to handle pandemic refund procedures, and we posted those changes publicly for other organizations to benefit.  When it&rsquo;s safe and healthy for everyone to travel again, we plan to organize Copyleft Conf, SeConf, and the dozens of in-person hackfests.  Meanwhile, we have and will continue to
help our projects cancel or reschedule their events and, as we did for our member projects like Racket and Selenium, to operate as virtual events this year.</p>
<p>We were lucky that Copyleft Conf 2020 was timed before the
pandemic was upon us, and that event was an amazing success.  We reached out and welcomed non-FOSS licensors who seek to use
<a href="">copyleft for social justice</a> to begin dialogue.  To this day, it remains the
only <a href="">discussion</a> of its kind, and the <a href="[]=subject%3A%22copyleftconf2020%22">videos</a> are
still available for your virtual viewing.  We plan to turn
Copyleft Conf 2021 into a year-long series of online sessions about issues in copyleft
as we look hopefully forward to an in-person Copyleft Conf 2022.</p>

<div class="picture-small left">
  <img src="/img/2020-01-17_bkuhn_lca-2020.png" alt="Bradley on stage at LinuxConf Australia 2020" />
  <p><a href="/about/staff/#bkuhn">Bradley M. Kuhn</a>, delivering
  a <a href="">talk with Karen</a> at LCA 2020.<br/>Photo &copy; by Linux Australia, licensed <a href="">CC BY-SA</a></p>

<p>We participated in many exciting events organized by others. Before travel was canceled, we  presented multiple talks at LCA and on the FOSDEM main stage, helped organize the Legal &amp; Policy DevRoom at FOSDEM, spoke to students and faculty at Oxford University, ran a workshop at Open Source 101 and delivered keynotes at CHAOSScon, Git Merge and the OpenUK Healthcare event. Once in-person events were no longer possible, we participated in many virtual events, including GUADEC, DebConf, ÖzgürKon and State of the Source. Our Executive Director was a featured speaker at VentCon, a conference urgently organized in May for folks working on FOSS projects for ventilators at a time when making sure that hospitals had enough access to ventilators to treat the surge in COVID-19 patients was a top concern.</p>
<p>We also remain ready to continue our work of helping to sponsor travel for our member projects and their events when travel becomes safe again. Before we ceased our conferences and travel, we funded over $60,000 worth of travel to important events, on pace for what could have been one of our biggest travel sponsorship years.  We invested remaining travel funds into improving online infrastructure and planning
for how to keep FOSS engaged without these essential in-person events.</p>

<h3 id="HelpUs">Help Us Continue our Mission</h3>
<p>We know this year brought unforeseen financial challenges.  Some of you have
faced unemployment, and many others are underemployed right now due to the
pandemic.  As you think about where to route your limited charitable
dollars this year, we ask that you think about how far your donation goes with Conservancy.  We&rsquo;ve remained a small, agile organization (some
even have called us scrappy) precisely because we have the most experienced
non-profit management team in FOSS.  We couldn&rsquo;t have predicted the
pandemic, but we did plan for the worst.  We&rsquo;re frugal, careful, and we plan ahead, so you can know that every
dollar you give to Conservancy is used to support critical work.  While companies sell
you products this end of year season, we offer you a chance to donate to something much bigger. By becoming a Conservancy Sustainer, you can put
your money to work fighting for the freedom and rights of all software

<div class="picture-small right">
  <img src="/img/scaled-LLW-2015-Conservancy-Supporters-by-Carlo-Piana-CC-0.jpg" alt="Zack, Karen, John and Jim pose, mostly wearing the vintage t-shirt!" />
  <p>Vintage-shirt-wearing Sustainers pose with Karen! <br/>From left: Stefano &ldquo;Zack&rdquo; Zacchiroli, Karen M. Sandler, John Sullivan, and Jim Wright</p>

<h3 id="VintageT">Vintage T-Shirt Promotion</h3>
<div data-read-more="Would you like a last chance to receive a vintage Conservancy t-shirt?  Find out how&hellip;">

<p>If you're a Sustainer, you've already received or will soon receive a
  t-shirt in our 2018 design shown here.   But,
would you like to take advantage of a last chance to get our vintage design &mdash; seen sported so often
by <a href="">our earliest Sustainers</a> at <a href="">conferences and events</a>?  If so, read on!</p>

<div class="picture-tiny left">
<img src="/img/brett-in-2018-shirt.jpg" alt="Brett wears the 2018 t-shirt!" />
<p><a href="/about/staff/#brett">Brett Smith</a> wears the current t-shirt design.</p>

<p><strong>UPDATE: Just give $256 total for this year's fundraiser and
    receive an additional vintage T-shirt!</strong></p>

<p>But first, as a note to how difficult this year has been, we know that many of our 2019 Sustainers are still
awaiting their t-shirts, which have the wonderful 2018 design.   We've had difficulty working through
keeping our staff safe during the pandemic lock downs and making trips to the post office &mdash; historically,
we on staff all shared the post office trips, but we all have different COVID-19 risk factors and thus it's all moving
slowly.  We appreciate the patience of our Sustainers waiting for t-shirts, and we do have plan to safely send out
the backlog by years' end.</p>

<p>As part of those preparations, we found a treasure trove and now have an exciting promotion for renewing
Sustainers.  We found an old stash of <strong>vintage t-shirts</strong>, in the old style!  Supplies are limited,
but for those few sustainers who would like to receive one, we have a special offer.  Sustainers who give
$256 or more between 2020-01-15 and 2021-01-15 can receive one of these vintage t-shirts!  To claim your vintage t-shirt, do the following:

<div class="picture-tiny right">
  <img src="/img/2019-08-26_Neil-alone_GUADECSupporterNight.jpg" alt="Neil McGovern, Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation, wears the vintage t-shirt!" />
  <p>Neil McGovern wearing that stylish vintage shirt!</p>

    <li>Renew as a <a href="/sustainer/#annual">an annual sustainer</a> for $256 or more. (Alternatively, if
      you already gave this year, make a <a href="/donate/">separate donation</a> so that your 2020 total is $256.)</li>
      <li> <a href="">Email &lt;;</a> and include the email
      address and date(s) of your donation(s) that total $256 and your
        desired size.  (We have all sizes <strong>except MenM</strong> in
      stock.   Supplies <em>are</em> limited; we cannot necessarily guarantee
      your size selection, and we'll continue to update here as sizes run out.)</li>

<div class="picture-small left">
  <img src="/img/2020-12-04_lots-vintage-shirts.jpg" alt="A big stack of vintage Conservancy t-shirts!" />
  <p>Supplies won't last; give $256 and make one of these vintage shirts yours today!</p>

<p>You too can look cool in the vintage design.  Or maybe your original has faded and you're ready to spruce up with a new one?  As we said,
supplies are limited so make a big donation today, support Conservancy, and show you've always been old-school &mdash; or just
want to look that way!</p>

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