Changeset - d00623dbd1cd
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Martin Michlmayr (tbm) - 8 years ago 2016-02-28 20:10:07
Explain that link is Korean

It may not be clear what the link is, particularly if you don't have
Hangul fonts installed. I first thought it was a broken backlink.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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{% extends "base_compliance.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Copyleft Compliance Projects - {% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}CopyleftPrinciples{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
[ <a href="/copyleft-compliance/">한국어 판</a>]<br/>
[ <a href="/copyleft-compliance/">한국어 판 (Korean)</a>]<br/>

<h1>The Principles of Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement</h1>

<p>The GNU General Public License (GPL) is the principal copyleft
license. Copyleft is a framework that permits ongoing sharing of a
published work, with clear permissions that <em>both</em> grant
<em>and</em> defend its users' freedoms &mdash; in contrast to other
free licenses that grant freedom but don't defend it.
Free software released under the GPL is fundamental
to modern technology, powering everything from laptops and desktops to
household appliances, cars, and mobile phones, to the foundations of
the Internet. Following the GPL's terms is easy &mdash; it gets more
complicated only when products distributed with GPL'd software also
include software distributed under terms that restrict users. Even in
these situations, many companies comply properly, but some companies
also try to bend or even break the GPL's rules to their perceived

<p>The Free Software Foundation (FSF) and Software Freedom Conservancy
  (Conservancy) today lead worldwide efforts to ensure compliance with
  the GPL family of licenses. The FSF began copyleft enforcement
  in the 1980s, and Conservancy has enforced the GPL for many of
  its member projects since its founding nearly a decade ago. Last
  year, the FSF and Conservancy jointly
  published <a href=""><cite>Copyleft and
  the GNU General Public License: A Comprehensive Tutorial and
  Guide</cite></a>, which includes sections such as
  &ldquo;<a href="">A
  Practical Guide to GPL Compliance&rdquo;</a> and
  &ldquo;<a href="">Case
  Studies in GPL Enforcement</a>&rdquo;, which explain the typical
  process that both the FSF and Conservancy follow in their GPL
  enforcement actions. (Shorter descriptions of these processes appear
  in blog posts written
  by <a href="">the
  and <a href="">Conservancy</a>.)</p>

<p>As stalwarts of the community's freedom, we act as a proxy for users when
companies impede the rights to copy, share, modify, and/or
redistribute copylefted software. We require all redistributors to
follow the GPL's requirements in order to protect all the users' freedom,
and secondarily to support businesses that respect freedom
while discouraging and penalizing bad actors.</p>

<p>Copyleft is based on copyright; it uses the power of copyright to
defend users' freedom to modify and redistribute rather than to hinder
modification and redistribution. A traditional copyright license is
violated by giving the work to others without permission; a copyleft
license is violated by imposing restrictions to <em>prevent</em>
further redistribution by others. Nevertheless, with their basis in copyright law,
copyleft licenses are enforced through the same mechanisms &mdash; using
the same vocabulary and processes &mdash; as other copyright
licenses. We must take care, in copyleft enforcement,
to focus on the ultimate freedom-spreading purpose of copyleft,
and not fall into an overzealous or punitive approach, or into
legitimizing inherently unjust aspects of the copyright regime.
Therefore Conservancy and the FSF do enforcement according to community-oriented principles originally formulated by the FSF in 2001.

<h4>Guiding Principles in Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement</h4>

<li><strong>Our primary goal in GPL enforcement is to bring about GPL
compliance.</strong>  Copyleft's overarching policy
goal is to make  respect of users' freedoms the norm.
The FSF designed the GNU GPL's text towards this end.
Copyleft enforcement done in this spirit focuses on stopping
incorrect distribution, encouraging corrected distribution, and
addressing damage done to the community and users by the past
violation. Addressing past damage often includes steps to notify those
who have already received the software how they can also obtain its
source code, and to explain the scope of their related rights. No
other ancillary goals should supersede full compliance
with the GPL and respect for users' freedoms to copy, share, modify
and redistribute the software.

<li><strong>Legal action is a last resort. Compliance actions are primarily
education and assistance processes to aid those who are not following the

Most GPL violations occur by mistake, without ill will.
Copyleft enforcement should assist these distributors to
become helpful participants in the free software
projects on which they rely. Occasionally, violations are intentional
or the result of severe negligence, and there is no duty to be
empathetic in those cases.  Even then, a lawsuit is a
last resort; mutually agreed terms that fix (or at least cease)
further distribution and address damage already done are much better than a battle in court.

<li><strong>Confidentiality can increase receptiveness and
responsiveness.</strong> Supporters of software
freedom rightly view confidentiality agreements with
distrust, and prefer public discussions.  However, in compliance
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