Changeset - cffc81b5d884
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0
Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 8 years ago 2016-01-19 03:50:08
Prepare for Supporters beyond 750.

After the next import, we'll have more than 750 supporters. This change
not only handles that fact, but adds sufficient Javascript and Django
templating to handle the case if the Supporter count for any reason
drops below 750 again.
2 files changed with 50 insertions and 21 deletions:
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@@ -10,66 +10,83 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
    var siteMiddleGoal = $('span#site-fundraiser-middle-goal').text();
    var noCommaSiteMiddleGoal = parseInt(siteMiddleGoal.replace(/,/g, ""));
    var siteSoFar = $('span#site-fundraiser-so-far').text();
    var noCommaSiteSoFar = parseInt(siteSoFar.replace(/,/g, ""));
    var siteMatchCount = $('span#site-fundraiser-match-count').text();
    var noCommaSiteMatchCount = parseInt(siteMatchCount.replace(/,/g, ""));
    if (! noCommaSiteMatchCount) {
        noCommaSiteMatchCount = "0";
    var noCommaMatchFinalGoal = noCommaSiteFinalGoal - noCommaSiteMatchCount;
    var goal  = $('span#fundraiser-goal').text();
    var soFar = $('span#fundraiser-so-far').text();
    var donationCount = $('span#fundraiser-donation-count').text();
    var noCommaGoal = parseFloat(goal.replace(/,/g, ""));
    var noCommaSoFar = parseFloat(soFar.replace(/,/g, ""));
    var noCommaDonationCount = parseInt(donationCount.replace(/,/g, ""));
    var percentage = (parseFloat(noCommaSoFar) / parseFloat(noCommaGoal)) * 100;
    var curValue = 0.00;
    var incrementSoFar = 0.00;
    var curDonationCount = 0;
    var riseLevelPercent = 0.5;
    var incrementDonationCount = Math.round( (riseLevelPercent / 100) * noCommaDonationCount );

        multiprogressbar({ parts: [
          { value: (noCommaSiteSoFar / noCommaSiteFinalGoal) * 100,
            text: siteSoFar + " joined!",
            barClass: "progress", textClass: "soFarText" },
            { value: ((noCommaSiteMiddleGoal - noCommaSiteSoFar) / noCommaSiteFinalGoal) * 100,
            text: siteMiddleGoal + " will save our basic work",
            barClass: "middle-goal", textClass: "goalText" },
            { value: 
              ((noCommaMatchFinalGoal - noCommaSiteMiddleGoal) / noCommaSiteFinalGoal) * 100,
              text: noCommaMatchFinalGoal.toLocaleString() + " will save license compliance", 
              barClass: "final-goal", textClass: "goalText" },
            {  value: 100,
               text: siteMatchCount + " matched!",
               barClass: "progress", textClass: "soFarText" },


    if (noCommaSiteSoFar > noCommaSiteMiddleGoal) {
        // We've got
        var moreCount = noCommaSiteSoFar - noCommaSiteMiddleGoal;
        moreCount =  moreCount.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
            multiprogressbar({ parts: [
                { value: (noCommaSiteSoFar / noCommaSiteFinalGoal) * 100,
                  text: "750 achieved! " + moreCount + " beyond that have joined!",
                  barClass: "progress", textClass: "soFarText" },
                { value:
                  ((noCommaMatchFinalGoal - noCommaSiteMiddleGoal) / noCommaSiteFinalGoal) * 100,
                  text: noCommaMatchFinalGoal.toLocaleString() + " will save license compliance work",
                  barClass: "final-goal", textClass: "goalText" },
                {  value: 100,
                   text: siteMatchCount + " matched!",
                   barClass: "progress", textClass: "soFarText" },
    } else {
            multiprogressbar({ parts: [
                { value: (noCommaSiteSoFar / noCommaSiteFinalGoal) * 100,
                  text: siteSoFar + " joined!",
                  barClass: "progress", textClass: "soFarText" },
                { value: ((noCommaSiteMiddleGoal - noCommaSiteSoFar) / noCommaSiteFinalGoal) * 100,
                  text: siteMiddleGoal + " will save our basic work",
                  barClass: "middle-goal", textClass: "goalText" },
                { value:
                  ((noCommaMatchFinalGoal - noCommaSiteMiddleGoal) / noCommaSiteFinalGoal) * 100,
                  text: noCommaMatchFinalGoal.toLocaleString() + " will save license compliance",
                  barClass: "final-goal", textClass: "goalText" },
                {  value: 100,
                   text: siteMatchCount + " matched!",
                   barClass: "progress", textClass: "soFarText" },
    $('span#fundraiser-percentage').css({ 'color'        : 'green',
                                          'font-weight'  : 'bold',
                                          'float'        : 'right',
                                          'margin-right' : '40%',
                                          'margin-top'   : '2.5%',
                                          'text-align'   : 'inherit'});
    function riseDonationProgressBar() {
        if (curValue >= percentage) {
            $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value :  percentage });
            $('span#fundraiser-percentage').text(percentage.toFixed(1) + "%");
        } else {
            var newVal = (curValue / 100.00) * noCommaGoal;
            $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value:  curValue });
            curValue += riseLevelPercent;
            setTimeout(riseDonationProgressBar, 50);
    function riseDonationCount() {
        if (curDonationCount >= noCommaDonationCount) {
        } else {
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@@ -22,56 +22,68 @@
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/supporter-page.js"></script>
    {% block head %}{% endblock %}

  <body class="conservancy-{% block category %}other{% endblock %}">
    <h1 id="conservancyheader"><a id="logobutton" href="/">Software Freedom Conservancy</a></h1>
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      <div id="navbar-clear"></div>

    <div class="fundraiser-top-text">
{% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount < 750 %}
   <a href="/supporter/">needs <span id="site-fundraiser-middle-goal">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count|intcomma }}</span> Supporters</a> to continue its basic community services &amp;
   <span id="site-fundraiser-final-goal">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_goal_amount|intcomma }}</span> to
   avoid hibernating its enforcement efforts!
{% else %}
      <em>Conservancy will continue our basic community services, thanks to our
        first 750 Supporters! However, we still need
        <span id="site-fundraiser-middle-goal">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count|intcomma }}</span> Supporters to avoid reducing licensing work and hibernating our
        enforcement efforts!
{% endif %}
{% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold < 632 %}
The next {{ 632|subtract:sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold }} supporters
who sign up <a href="/news/2015/dec/24/private-internet-access-match/">by January 31 will count twice</a>, thanks to <a href="">Private Internet Access</a>!
{% endif %}
<a href="/supporter"><div id="siteprogressbar">
    <span id="site-fundraiser-so-far">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount|intcomma }}</span> have joined so far
<div id="siteprogressbar">
<a href="/supporter">
<span id="site-fundraiser-so-far">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount|intcomma }}</span> have joined so far.
{% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount > 750 %}
Thus, our 750 goal was achieved and {{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount|subtract:750|intcomma }}</span> have
    joined beyond that.
{% endif %}
{% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold > 0 %}
    and match pledges reduced our 2,500 maximum need by <span id="site-fundraiser-match-count">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold|min:632|intcomma }}</span>
Also, match pledges reduced our 2,500 maximum need by <span id="site-fundraiser-match-count">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold|min:632|intcomma }}</span>
{% endif %}
      {% block outercontent %}<div id="mainContent"> {% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>{% endblock %}
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      <p class="copyright_info">
      <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="/img/cc-by-sa_88x31.png" /></a> 
      <br />This page, and all contents herein, unless a license is otherwise
      specified, are licensed under a
      <a rel="license" href="">Creative
      Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p>
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