Changeset - c37383dcfc86
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-12-09 00:17:28
Add two additional supporters.
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@@ -55,40 +55,42 @@ any of its sponsors.</p>
  program</a>.  Those who request public acknowledgment are listed here in
  alphabetical order by surname:</p>

<a id="supporters"></a>
<ul id="supporters">
  <li>Aleph Objects, Inc.</li>
  <li>Russ Allbery</li>
  <li>Anonymous (2 people)</li>
  <li>Alison Chaiken</li>
  <li>Matthew Daniel</li>
  <li>Mark Cohen</li>
  <li>Michael Dexter</li>
  <li>Aurimas Fiseras</li>
  <li>Karl Fogel</li>
  <li>Richard Fontana</li>
  <li>Philippe Gauthier</li>
  <li>Scott González</li>
  <li>Jared Grubb</li>
  <li>Steven Hamilton</li>
  <li>Karl Ove Hufthammer</li>
  <li>Henrik Ingo</li>
  <li>maiki interi</li>
  <li>Ian Kelling</li>
  <li>Tom Kent</li>
  <li>Cathy Kuhn</li>
  <li>Michael Miller</li>
  <li>Pariksheet Nanda</li>
  <li>Deborah A. Nicholson</li>
  <li>Samuel and Cristine Noble</li>
  <li>Prabowo Saputro</li>
  <li>Christopher Schafer</li>
  <li>Richard Schmeidler</li>
  <li>Mats Sjöberg</li>
  <li>W. John Sullivan</li>
  <li>Kat Walsh</li>
  <li>Christopher Allan Webber</li>
  <li>Mark Wielaard</li>
  <li>Richard Wheeler</li>
  <li>Seymour Zucker</li>
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