Changeset - aef9d18eb4c0
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Ben Sturmfels (bsturmfels) - 5 months ago 2023-11-25 02:41:55
Add docs to enable conservancy-www-db.path
2 files changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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# To-do

* consider running the /etc/systemd/system/conservancy-www-db.service on a timer so it doesn't require an Apache restart (and brief outage)
* use `<detail>` elements for supporter page hidden sections, rather than complex jQuery - or consider Alpine.js
* replace `internalNavigate` with inline flexbox layout
* migrate to Django 4.2
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@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Install all Systemd services with:
    systemctl enable conservancy-www-update.timer
    systemctl start conservancy-www-update.timer
    systemctl enable conservancy-www-db.service
    systemctl enable conservancy-www-db.path
    systemctl start conservancy-www-db.path


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