Changeset - ad758d870de8
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2015-11-29 20:21:32
Add copyright notice and license of document.

Upon agreement of all the authors mentioned in the earlier commit and
listed herein, the license of the document is as this commit describes.
1 file changed with 6 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -124,64 +124,70 @@ to request compensation for the cost of their time providing the
compliance education that accompanies any constructive enforcement
action. Nevertheless, pursuing damages to the full extent allowed by
copyright law is usually unnecessary, and can in some cases work against
the purpose of copyleft. </li>

<li><strong>Community-oriented compliance work does not request nor accept payment
to overlook problems.</strong>

Community-oriented enforcement cannot accept payments in exchange for
ignoring a violation or accepting incomplete solutions to identified
compliance problems. Ideally, copyright holders should refuse any
payment entirely until the distributor repairs the past violation and
commits formally (in writing) to plans for future compliance.</li>

<li><strong>Community-oriented compliance work starts with carefully
verifying violations and finishes only after a comprehensive

This means fully checking reports and confirming violations before accusing
an entity of violating the GPL. Then, all of the relevant
software should be examined to ensure any compliance problems, beyond
those identified in initial reports and those relating to any clauses of the
relevant licenses, are raised and fixed. This is important so that
the dialogue ends with reasonable assurance for both sides that additional
violations are not waiting to be discovered.
(<a href="">Good examples of
compliance</a> already exist to help distributors understand their

<li><strong>Community-oriented compliance processes should extend the
benefit of GPLv3-like termination, even for GPLv2-only
works. </strong> GPLv2 terminates all copyright permissions at the
moment of violation, and that termination is permanent. GPLv3's
termination provision allows first-time violators automatic
restoration of distribution rights when they correct the violation
promptly, and gives the violator a precise list of copyright holders
whose forgiveness it needs. GPLv3's collaborative spirit regarding
termination reflects a commitment to and hope for future cooperation
and collaboration. It's a good idea to follow this approach in
compliance situations stemming from honest mistakes, even when the
violations are on works under GPLv2.</li>

<p>These principles are not intended as a strict set of rules.
Achieving compliance requires an understanding of the violator's
situation, not so as to excuse the violation, but so as to see how
to bring that violator into compliance.  Copyleft licenses do not
state specific enforcement methodologies (other than license termination itself)
in part because the real world situation of GPL violations varies;
rigidity impedes success. </p>

<p>In particular, this list of principles purposely does not seek to
create strict criteria and/or &ldquo;escalation and mediation
rules&rdquo; for enforcement action. Efforts to do that limit the
ability of copyright holders to use copyleft licenses for their
intended effect: to stand up for the rights of users to copy, modify,
and redistribute free software.</p>

<p>The GPL,
enforced when necessary according to these principles, provides a
foundation for respectful, egalitarian, software-sharing

<p><em>[ This document is also published on <a href="">FSF's site</a>. ]</em></p>

<p>Copyright &copy; 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc., Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc., Bradley M. Kuhn, Allison Randal, Karen M. Sandler.
<br/>Licensed under the <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
<br/>The copyright holders ask that per &sect;3(a)(1)(A)(i) and &sect;3(a)(1)(A)(v) of that license, you ensure these two links (<a href="">[1]</a>,
<a href="">[2]</a>) are preserved in modified and/or redistributed versions.</p>
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