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@@ -76,33 +76,33 @@ Conservancy should

<p>In August 2015, <a href="/news/2015/aug/17/debian/">Conservancy announced the Debian Copyright Aggregation
Project</a>.  This project allows Debian contributors to assign copyrights to
Conservancy, or sign enforcement agreements allowing Conservancy to enforce
Free and Open Source (FOSS) licenses on their behalf.  Many Debian contributors
have chosen each of these options already, and more continue to join.</p>

<p>Debian contributors who wish to assign copyright to or sign an enforcement agreement with
Conservancy should contact <a href="">&lt;;</a>.</p>

<h2>Conservancy's Commitment to Copyleft License Compliance</h2>

<p>Conservancy is dedicated to encouraging all users of software to comply
  with Free Software licenses. Toward this goal, in its compliance efforts,
  Conservancy helps distributors of Free Software in a friendly spirit of
  cooperation and participation.  In this spirit, Conservancy has co-published,
  with the Free Software Foundation (FSF), <a href="/linux-compliance/principles.html">the principles that both organizations
  with the Free Software Foundation (FSF), <a href="/copyleft-compliance/principles.html">the principles that both organizations
  follow in their compliance efforts</a>.
  Also in collaboration with the FSF, Conservancy also sponsors
  the <a href=""><cite>Copyleft and the GNU
  General Public License:A Comprehensive Tutorial and Guide</cite></a>,
  which <a href="/news/2014/nov/07/copyleft-org/">formally
  launched in fall 2014</a>.  The Guide includes tutorial materials about
  copyleft and compliance with copyleft licenses,
  including <a href=""><cite>A
  Practical Guide to GPL Compliance</cite></a>.  The materials
  on <a href=""></a> have been developed and
  improved since 2002, and are themselves copylefted, and developed
  collaboratively in public.</p>

<p>However, the Guide is admittedly a large document, so for those who are
  interested in a short summary of describing how Conservancy handles GPL
  enforcement and compliance
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@@ -184,19 +184,19 @@ ability of copyright holders to use copyleft licenses for their
intended effect: to stand up for the rights of users to copy, modify,
and redistribute free software.</p>

<p>The GPL,
enforced when necessary according to these principles, provides a
foundation for respectful, egalitarian, software-sharing

<div class="doc-footer">
  <p>This document is also published on <a href="">FSF's site</a>.</p>
  <p>We revise these principles from time to time based on community feedback.  Please <a href="">subscribe to our principles-discuss list</a> to follow the discussion and share your thoughts with us.</p>

<p>Copyright &copy; 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc., Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc., Bradley M. Kuhn, Allison Randal, Karen M. Sandler.
<br/>Licensed under the <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
<br/>The copyright holders ask that per &sect;3(a)(1)(A)(i) and &sect;3(a)(1)(A)(v) of that license, you ensure these two links (<a href="">[1]</a>,
<br/>The copyright holders ask that per &sect;3(a)(1)(A)(i) and &sect;3(a)(1)(A)(v) of that license, you ensure these two links (<a href="">[1]</a>,
<a href="">[2]</a>) are preserved in modified and/or redistributed versions.</p>
{% endblock %}
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@@ -145,22 +145,22 @@ GPL 에 대한 전적인 컴플라이언스 및 사용자가 소프트웨어를
<p>특히, 본 원칙 목록은 엄격한 기준 및/혹은 시행 조치 관련 “상정 및 중재
규칙” 등을 수립하지 않고 있다. 이를 위한 노력이 오히려 소프트웨어를 카피,
변형, 재배포할 수 있는 사용자 권리를 옹호하고자 하는 저작권자들의 카피레프트
라이선스를 사용 능력을 저해할 수 있다.</p>

<p>GPL 은 필요시 이러한 원칙에 의거 시행되었을 때 존경받는, 평등한 소프트웨어
공유 커뮤니티 형성을 위한 기반을 제공한다.</p>

<p></em>[ 본 문서는 <a href="">FSF
    사이트</a> 에서도 확인할 수 있습니다. ]</em></p>

<p>Copyright &copy; 2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc., Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc., Bradley M. Kuhn, Allison Randal, Karen M. Sandler.
<br/>Licensed under the <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
<br/>에 의거
허가됨. 해당 라이선스의 제 3 조제(a)항제(1)호제(A)목제(i)단 및
제 3 조제(a)항제(1)호제(A)목제(v)단에 의거하여 본 문서의 저작권자는 본 문서의
변경 및/또는 재배포 버전에 두 링크가 (<a href="">[1]</a>,
변경 및/또는 재배포 버전에 두 링크가 (<a href="">[1]</a>,
<a href="">[2]</a>)
유지되기를 요청하는 바입니다.<br/>
이 번역자료는 한국저작권위원회(의 지원으로 번역, 배포 되었습니다.<br/>
This content has been translated and distributed by <a href="">Korean Copyright Commission</a>.</p>
{% endblock %}
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@@ -74,50 +74,50 @@ software communities alike.</p>
<h3>Show you care</h3>

<p>Bad actors have become complacent because they think you don't care.  A
  strong show of public support for Conservancy and Christoph's position will
  help our legal case and demonstrate the interpretive context for it.
  Please <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">donate</a> to our campaign to enforce the GPL.  Help Conservancy
  increase its number of individual donors, so we have clear evidence to show
  bad actors that the GPL matters to the individuals in our community.
  After you <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">donate</a>, go and tell the world: &ldquo;Play by the rules, @VMware. I defend the #GPL with Christoph &amp; @Conservancy. #DTRTvmware  Help at &rdquo; on your blog or microblog.


<h3>Isn't the combined works and/or derivative works question a legal grey area?</h3>

<p>We don't think so, but this case will let the court to decide that question.
Either way, it's beneficial to our entire community to find out what the
judges think.  (Check out our <a href="/linux-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html">FAQ to find out more
judges think.  (Check out our <a href="/copyleft-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html">FAQ to find out more

<p>Help us pay for this expensive lawsuit and to generally defend software
  freedom and the GPL.  Help us show the world that copyleft matters.  We are excited 
  to announce that we already reached an anonymous match for this campaign, where every dollar donated 
  was matched up to $50,000. However, that $100,000 is just an initial step
  and there is so much GPL enforcement work to do.  So, please
  donate now: by becoming <a href="/supporter/">a Conservancy Supporter</a> or
  via <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">donate link on the right</a>.</p>

<h3>Want To Know More?</h3>

<p>Watch the video below of Conservancy Executive Director, Karen Sandler,
  <a href="/news/2015/mar/31/libreplanet/">delivering a keynote on this topic
    LibrePlanet 2015</a>:</p>
 <video controls
         preload="auto" class="video-js vjs-default-skin"
         data-setup='{"height": 276,
                      "width": 640 }'>
    <source src=""

              type="video/webm; codecs=&#34;vp8, vorbis&#34;"

<p>Or, read <a href="/linux-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html">our FAQ about
<p>Or, read <a href="/copyleft-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html">our FAQ about
    the lawsuit</a>.</p>

{% endblock %}
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@@ -34,33 +34,33 @@

  <dd>Not currently.  Court proceedings are not public by default in Germany
  (unlike in the USA).  Conservancy will continue to update this FAQ with
  information that Conservancy knows about the case.  We would all also
  welcome an agreement with VMware whereby both sides would agree to publish
  all Court documents.  Unfortunately, VMware has explicitly asked for the
  filings not to be published.   Accordingly, Conservancy itself has not
  even been able to review VMware's statement of defense nor Christoph's
  response to that statement of defense.</dd>

  <dt id="funding">Who's funding this lawsuit?</dt>

  <dd>Conservancy has engaged in a grant agreement with Christoph Hellwig for
  the purposes of pursuing this specific legal action in Germany.
  Conservancy is funding this legal action specifically as part of
  Conservancy's program activity in
  its <a href="/linux-compliance/about.html">GPL Compliance
  its <a href="/copyleft-compliance/about.html">GPL Compliance
  Project for Linux Developers</a>.</dd>

  <dt id="combined-and-derivative-works">Is this the Great Test Case of Combined / Derivative Works?</dt>

  <dd>This case is specifically regarding a combined work that VMware
  allegedly created by combining their own code (&ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;) with
  portions of Linux's code, which was licensed only under GPLv2.  As such,
  this, to our knowledge, marks the first time an enforcement case is
  exclusively focused on this type of legal question relating to GPL.
  However, there are so many different ways to make combined and/or
  derivative works that are covered by GPL that no single case could possibly
  include all such issues. </dd>

  <dt id="why-lawsuit">Why must you file a lawsuit?  Isn't there any other way to convince
    VMware to comply with GPL?</dt>

@@ -143,41 +143,41 @@
  vmkernel and vmklinux don't &ldquo;communicate over an interface&rdquo;,
  rather they run in the same process as a single computer program.  Thus,
  VMK API, as used by vmklinux, is not an &ldquo;interface&rdquo; as set
  forth in
  the <a href="">EU
      Directive 2009/24/EC</a>.</dd>

  <dt id="tech">Can you explain further how VMware incorporated code from Linux into
  their kernel?</dt>

  <p id="diagram">
    Conservancy prepared this diagram to show the technical situation as we
    understand it.  The diagram compares the technical architecture of a full,
    running Linux kernel with a full, running VMware kernel:
      <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.png">
    <img class="inside-faq" alt="[Diagram of Linux and VMware running kernels]" src="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en_scaled.png" /></a>
      <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.png">
    <img class="inside-faq" alt="[Diagram of Linux and VMware running kernels]" src="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en_scaled.png" /></a>

    <p>If you want to download the diagram, it's available
    in <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.svg">SVG
    (English)</a>, <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.png">PNG
    (English)</a>, <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_de.svg">SVG
    (German)</a>, and <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_de.png">PNG
    in <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.svg">SVG
    (English)</a>, <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.png">PNG
    (English)</a>, <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_de.svg">SVG
    (German)</a>, and <a href="/copyleft-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_de.png">PNG

  <dt>Can you explain further in words (rather than a picture) about the central
  component in ESXi that the lawsuit alleges violates the GPL?</dt>
    <p>The GPL violation at issue involves VMware's ESXi product.
    Conservancy independently reviewed ESXi 5.5 and its incomplete
      <abbr title="complete, corresponding source">CCS</abbr>
    release as part of our GPL enforcement efforts described above.</p>

    <p>Conservancy's preliminary investigation indicated that the operating
    system kernel of VMware ESXi product consists of three key components:
          <li> the proprietary component &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;, which is
            released in binary form only,</li>
@@ -559,33 +559,33 @@ available when logged into an ESXi system. <code>vmtar</code> can be found
at <code>bin/vmtar</code> inside
<code>sb.v00</code> on the ISO, but one needs <code>vmtar</code> to open
<code>sb.v00</code>, similar to <code>misc_dri.v00</code> above.</li>


  <p>Note that VMware may present you with <abbr title="End User Licensing Agreement">EULA</abbr>s and <abbr title="Terms of Service">ToS</abbr> when you download
  software from VMware's website.  Conservancy strongly suggests that you review these
  terms in great detail with the assistance of your own legal counsel before
  downloading the software and/or engaging in the process that Conservancy
  discusses above.</p>

<dt id="similarity-analysis">How do you know Christoph's code is present in
  VMware's work?</dt>

published <a href="/linux-compliance/vmware-code-similarity.html">its
published <a href="/copyleft-compliance/vmware-code-similarity.html">its
comparison analysis between Christoph's code and VMware's code</a>. This
particular analysis uses a two step process: (a) use Linux's public Git logs
to find Christoph's contributions from Christoph, and (b) use a widely
accepted and heavily academically cited tool, CCFinderX, to show that VMware
copied Christoph's code into their product.</dd>

<dt id="appeal">I heard that Christoph's case was dismissed.  Is that

  <dd>There was a ruling in July 2016 in the Hamburg District Court, which
    dismissed Christoph's case against VMware.  The ruling concerned German
    evidence law and the Court did not rule on the merits of the case. The
    ruling centered around German evidentary rules related to documenting
    Christoph's contributions that appear in VMware's product.
    In <a href="">a
    statement on his website</a>, Christoph Hellwig announced that he will
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@@ -134,33 +134,33 @@ protocol implementations cooperative and support for SSL sockets.</p>
  speed and efficiency.</p>

<p>Every Git clone is a full-fledged repository with complete history and
  full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access
  or a central server. Branching and merging are fast and easy to do.</p>

<p>Git is used for version control of files, much like tools such as
  Mercurial, Bazaar, Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and Visual SourceSafe.</p>

<h2><a href="">Godot Engine</a></h2>

<p>Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D game
engine. It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on
making your game without reinventing the wheel. Godot is is completely Free
and Open Source under the MIT License.</p>

<h2><a href="/linux-compliance/">GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers</a></h2>
<h2><a href="/copyleft-compliance/">GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers</a></h2>

<p>The GPL Compliance Project for Linux Developers is comprised of
copyright holders in the kernel, Linux, who have contributed to Linux
under its license, the GPLv2. These copyright holders have formally asked
Conservancy to engage in compliance efforts for their copyrights in the
Linux kernel.</p>

<h2><a href="">Homebrew</a></h2>

<p>Homebrew is a software package manager for Apple's OS X operating 
system. Homebrew installs the free and open source software that OS X 
users need that Apple didn't install by default.</p>

<h2><a href="">Inkscape</a></h2>

<p>Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities
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@@ -45,33 +45,33 @@
</div><!-- /.toggle.unit -->

<p><a href="/donate">Even More Ways to Donate</a></p>
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<div class="content-with-donate-sidebar">
  <h1><img class="appeal-header" alt="Become a Conservancy Supporter!" src="/img/conservancy-supporter-header.png"/></h1>

<p>Software Freedom Conservancy is an essential organization to free and
open source software. We are the home of over
<a href="/members/current/">30 projects</a> like 
<a href="">Git</a>,
<a href="">Inkscape</a>, <a href="">Samba</a>,
<a href="">Wine</a>, <a href="">Selenium</a>, the <a href="/linux-compliance/">GPL Compliance Project for Linux
<a href="">Wine</a>, <a href="">Selenium</a>, the <a href="/copyleft-compliance/">GPL Compliance Project for Linux
Developers</a>, <a href="">PyPy</a> and
<a href="">Sugar Labs</a> just to name a few. Conservancy is a "fiscal sponsor plus",
providing everything that our projects need in a nonprofit. We help our
projects defend their trademarks, manage their assets, handle donations,
improve their community management, manage risk and assist them with all
legal needs they may have. While we do receive a portion of the revenue
donated to our projects, we keep that number low enough that it doesn't
even pay for a single staff member. <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">Help us</a> show that you care about
community-focused free software and help us be able to continue our
charitable work. Donating to Conservancy is a great non-technical way to
contribute to the cause.</p>

<img alt="*** The Conservancy T-Shirt that Supporters Receive ***" class="appeal" src="/img/conservancy-t-shirt.jpg"/>

<p>For the first time, we're launching a Supporter
program. For <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">an annual donation of $120</a>, you can
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@@ -28,31 +28,31 @@
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="4ZKJN4F9BMFAS">
<input type="image" src="" style="border:0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
<img alt="" style="border:0" src="" width="1" height="1">
<!-- PayPal end -->

<p>Or, <a href="/supporter/#annual"><span class="donate-box-highlight">become a Conservancy
      Supporter</span></a> (&mdash; a better option if you're donating more
      than $120, since you'll get a t-shirt!).</p>
<div class="content-with-donate-sidebar">
    <div id="container">
         <div id="sidebar" class="{% block submenuselection %}other{% endblock %}">
            <h2>Our Copyleft {% block category %}Compliance{% endblock %} Projects</h2>
            <li class="AboutCompliance"><a href="/linux-compliance/about.html">About</a></li>
            <li class="CopyleftPrinciples"><a href="/linux-compliance/principles.html">Principles of Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement</a></li>
            <li class="VMwareLawsuitAppeal"><a href="/linux-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-appeal.html">Stand Up For GPL!</a></li>
            <li class="AboutCompliance"><a href="/copyleft-compliance/about.html">About</a></li>
            <li class="CopyleftPrinciples"><a href="/copyleft-compliance/principles.html">Principles of Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement</a></li>
            <li class="VMwareLawsuitAppeal"><a href="/copyleft-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-appeal.html">Stand Up For GPL!</a></li>
            <li><a href="/news/2015/mar/05/vmware-lawsuit/">VMware Lawsuit: Original Press Release</a></li>
            <li><a href="/news/2016/aug/09/vmware-appeal/">VMware Lawsuit: Announcement of Appeal</a></li>
            <li class="VMwareLawsuitFAQ"><a href="/linux-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html">
            <li class="VMwareLawsuitFAQ"><a href="/copyleft-compliance/vmware-lawsuit-faq.html">
                <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr> on VMware Lawsuit</a></li>
            <li class="VMwareCodeSimilarity"><a href="/linux-compliance/vmware-code-similarity.html">VMware's &amp; Christoph's Code Similarity Analysis</a></li>
            <li class="VMwareCodeSimilarity"><a href="/copyleft-compliance/vmware-code-similarity.html">VMware's &amp; Christoph's Code Similarity Analysis</a></li>
            <li class="CopyleftOrg"><a href=""></a></li>
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{% comment %}

fundraiser_goal_amount: The highest number of Supporters we want
fundraiser_so_far_amount: The number of Supporters we have
fundraiser_donation_count: The "minimum" number of Supporters we want (not currently used)
fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold: The number of Supporters that have been matched
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