Changeset - 835d482604b3
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 10 years ago 2014-07-14 18:39:10
No longer "stash" the GET object in self.

I don't think this was actually necessary ultimately. I think the older
code, herein removed, in item_author_email() was wrong-headed in the
first place, or at the very least, was overkill.

Each item has a distinct author, according to the BlogEntry model. So,
I think this is actually what we want. I noticed the author filed isn't
properly going into the RSS at the moment anyway, but I'm somewhat past
caring about that, as long as the URLs now work to get author- and tag-
specific feeds.
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@@ -133,51 +133,48 @@ class OmnibusFeed(ConservancyFeedBase):
            bb.omnibus_type = "blog"
            bb.omnibus_feed_description_template = "feeds/blog_description.html"
            bb.omnibus_feed_title_template = "feeds/blog_title.html"

        news = PressRelease.objects.filter(,
        for nn in news:
            nn.omnibus_type = "news"
            nn.omnibus_feed_description_template = "feeds/news_description.html"
            nn.omnibus_feed_title_template = "feeds/news_title.html"

        a  = [ ii for ii in itertools.chain(blogs, news)]
        a.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('pub_date'), reverse=True)
        return a


    def item_extra_kwargs(self, item):
        return super(OmnibusFeed, self).item_extra_kwargs(item)

class BlogFeed(ConservancyFeedBase):
    link = "/blog/"
    get_absolute_url = '/feeds/blog/'

    def get_object(self, request):
        # This is a hack:  keep GET object handy so I always have it in all methods.
        if not hasattr(self, 'GET') and request and hasattr(request, 'GET'):
            self.GET = request.GET
        return request

    def title(self, obj):
        answer = "The Software Freedom Conservancy Blog"

        GET = obj.GET
        tags = []
        if 'author' in GET:
            tags = GET.getlist('author')
        if 'tag' in GET:
            tags += GET.getlist('tag')

        if len(tags) == 1:
            answer += " (" + tags[0] + ")"
        elif len(tags) > 1:
            firstTime = True
            done = {}
            for tag in tags:
                if done.has_key(tag): continue
                if firstTime:
                    answer += " ("
                    firstTime = False
                    answer += ", "
@@ -205,71 +202,55 @@ class BlogFeed(ConservancyFeedBase):
                if done.has_key(tag): continue
                if firstTime:
                    answer += " tagged with "
                    firstTime = False
                    answer += " or "
                answer += tag
                done[tag] = tag
            answer = "All blogs at the Software Freedom Conservancy"
        answer += "."

        return answer
    def item_title(self, item):
        return item.headline

    def item_description(self, item):
        return item.summary

    def item_author_name(self, item):

    def item_author_email(self, item):
        GET = self.GET
        if not 'author' in GET:
        return "" %
            answer = ""
            authors = GET.getlist('author')
            firstTime = True
            for author in authors:
                if not firstTime:
                    answer = "" % author
                    firstTime = False
                    answer += "," % author

    def item_pubdate(self, item):
        return item.pub_date

    def items(self, obj):
        # This is a hack:  keep GET object handy so I always have it in all methods.
        if not hasattr(self, 'GET') and request and hasattr(request, 'GET'):
            self.GET = request.GET

        GET = self.GET
        GET = obj.GET

        def OR_filter(field_name, subfield_name, objs):
            from django.db.models import Q
            return reduce(lambda x, y: x | y,
                          [Q(**{'%s__%s' % (field_name, subfield_name): x})
                           for x in objs])

        queryset = BlogEntry.objects.filter(

        if 'author' in GET:
            authors = GET.getlist('author')
            queryset = queryset.filter(OR_filter('author', 'username', authors))

        if 'tag' in GET:
            tags = GET.getlist('tag')
            queryset = queryset.filter(OR_filter('tags', 'slug', tags))

        return queryset.order_by('-pub_date')[:10]


def view(request):
    """Listing of all available feeds

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