Changeset - 75846d7f353c
[Not reviewed]
8 5 8
Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 7 years ago 2016-10-24 20:44:42
Merge my local changes with upstream changes.
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 5 deletions:
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@@ -195,29 +195,29 @@ work on this front and look forward to seeing where it leads.</q> &mdash;
<a href="">Adam
  Huttler</a>, Chief Executive Officer, <a href="">Fractured Atlas</a></p>

<p><q><a href=""></a> is
just one of many organizations that would benefit from a Free Software
accounting system that is usable by non-technical people.  We
enthusiastically support the Conservancy's campaign to create one, and look
forward to using the result.</q>
&mdash; <a href="">Karl
Fogel</a>, Executive Director,
  <a href=""></a></p>

<p><q>As a fiscal sponsor organization with over 30 currently-associated Free
Software projects, Software in the Public Interest shares the Conservancy's
needs and interests in this area, and welcome the opportunity to collaborate
on the development of a Free Software solution to our accounting needs.</q>
&mdash; Bdale Garbee, President,  <a href="">Software
<p><q>Software in the Public Interest is a fiscal sponsor for 44 free and open
source projects. We share many of the accounting needs and challenges of
the Conservancy and are excited to collaborate on a Free Software
solution to these needs and challenges.</q>
&mdash; Michael Schultheiss, Treasurer, <a href="">Software
    in the Public Interest</a></p>

<p><q>Open Source accounting software specifically tailored for non-profits
    will fill a pretty large need.</q>
    &mdash; <a href="">Thad Calabrese</a>,
    Assistant Professor of Public and Nonprofit Financial Management
    at <a href="">NYU Wagner</a>, and co-author
    of <cite>Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit
    Organizations, 4th Edition</cite>.</p>

<p><q>The Open Source Initiative has shared the experiences of Software
     Freedom Conservancy in navigating the financial management needs of
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