Changeset - 75425551f9ba
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2014-12-10 15:12:40
Additional supporter overnight.
2 files changed with 3 insertions and 3 deletions:
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{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Sponsors - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}sponsors{% endblock %}
{% block head %}
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

<h1>Conservancy's Sponsors &amp; Supporters</h1>

<p>Conservancy relies on donations from the general public to support its
work, and asks everyone <a href="/donate">to donate generously</a>.


<p>The sponsors whose logos are listed below (in alphabetical order) have donated
substantially in the past twelve months to support the ongoing work of
Conservancy.  These sponsors support our work through financial
contributions.  Conservancy graciously thanks these sponsors for their
support, but doesn't necessarily endorse nor promote any specific activity of
any of its sponsors.</p>

<ul id="sponsor">
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/appendTo.png" height="75" width="200" alt="appendTo" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/black-duck.jpg" height="51" width="230" alt="Black Duck" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/citrix.png" height="79" width="250" alt="Citrix" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/gandi.png" height="65" width="171" alt="Gandi.Net" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/google.png" height="76" width="238" alt="Google" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/hp.png" height="75" width="75" alt="HP" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/linuxfoundation.png" height="76" width="250" alt="Linux Foundation" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/marin-halpin.png" height="80" width="250" alt="David Marin and Amanda Halpin" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/mozilla.png" height="101" width="250" alt="Mozilla Foundation" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/redhat.png" height="80" width="250" alt="Red Hat" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="/img/sponsors/samsung.jpg" height="83" width="250" alt="Samsung" /></a></li>

<!-- This section will be added when we have in-kind contributions -->

<!-- <h3>In-Kind Donation of Services</h3> -->

<!-- <p>Conservancy would also like to thank the following companies who have -->
<!--   donated services and/or resources in-kind to support Conservancy's -->
<!--   work.</p> -->

<!-- <ul> -->
<!-- </ul> -->

<p>Conservancy Supporters are individuals who give $120 or more annually as
  part of <a href="/supporter/">the Official Conservancy Supporter
  program</a>.  Those who request public acknowledgment are listed here in
  alphabetical order by surname:</p>

<a id="supporters"></a>
<ul id="supporters">
  <li>Aleph Objects, Inc.</li>
  <li>Russ Allbery</li>
  <li>Jeremy Allison</li>
  <li>Anonymous (2 people)</li>
  <li>Anonymous (3 people)</li>
  <li>Martin Ansdell-Smith</li>
  <li>Alison Chaiken</li>
  <li>Matthew Daniel</li>
  <li>Mark Cohen</li>
  <li>Michael Dexter</li>
  <li>Aurimas Fiseras</li>
  <li>Karl Fogel</li>
  <li>Richard Fontana</li>
  <li>Timothy Freund</li>
  <li>Philippe Gauthier</li>
  <li>Scott González</li>
  <li>Jared Grubb</li>
  <li>Steven Hamilton</li>
  <li>Karl Ove Hufthammer</li>
  <li>Henrik Ingo</li>
  <li>maiki interi</li>
  <li>Ian Kelling</li>
  <li>Tom Kent</li>
  <li>Cathy Kuhn</li>
  <li>Tom Marble</li>
  <li>Michael Miller</li>
  <li>Pariksheet Nanda</li>
  <li>Deborah A. Nicholson</li>
  <li>Samuel and Cristine Noble</li>
  <li>Prabowo Saputro</li>
  <li>Christopher Schafer</li>
  <li>Richard Schmeidler</li>
  <li>Mats Sjöberg</li>
  <li>W. John Sullivan</li>
  <li>Kat Walsh</li>
  <li>Christopher Allan Webber</li>
  <li>Richard Wheeler</li>
  <li>Mark Wielaard</li>
  <li>Serge Wroclawski</li>
  <li>Seymour Zucker</li>

{% endblock %}
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{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Support Conservancy - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}supporter{% endblock %}

{% block head %}
<link href="/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<link href="/forms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/supporter-page.js"></script>

{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="donate-sidebar">
<table style="background-color:#afe478;width:100%;">
<tr><td style="text-align:center;padding:10px;padding-bottom:10px;">

<div id="donate-box" class="toggle-unit"><h1 class="toggle-content">Support
$<span id="fundraiser-so-far">1,220</span> of $<span id="fundraiser-goal">5,000</span> match met.<br/>
<div id="progressbar" style="height:20px;"><span style="float:right; align:center; margin-right:40%">24.4%</span></div>
$<span id="fundraiser-so-far">1,460</span> of $<span id="fundraiser-goal">5,000</span> match met.<br/>
<div id="progressbar" style="height:20px;"><span style="float:right; align:center; margin-right:40%">29.2%</span></div>

<h3>Help Us Reach Our Match Goal:</h3>

<p>Support us now &amp; <strong>donation counts triple!</strong></p>

<h4><a href="#annual">Annual supporter via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>
<h4><a href="#monthly">Monthly supporter via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>
Other annual supporters methods:
<div class="toggle-unit">
    <h4 class="toggle-control" data-text="Wire Transfer" 
    data-expanded-text="Wire Transfer:">Wire Transfer</h4>
    <div class="toggle-content">
       Contact <a href="">Conservancy
            by email</a><br/> for wire transfer instructions.<br/>
            Include  currency &amp; country.<br/>
    </div><!-- /.toggle-content -->
</div><!-- /.toggle.unit -->

<div class="toggle-unit">
    <h4 class="toggle-control" data-text="Paper Check" 
    data-expanded-text="Paper Check:">Paper Check</h4>
    <div class="toggle-content">
    Send paper check for $120 to:<br/>
    Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.<br/>
    137 MONTAGUE ST  STE 380<br/>
    BROOKLYN, NY 11201-3548 &nbsp; USA<br/>
    Please write <q>SUPPORTER</q> and t-shirt size in memo line. 
    </div><!-- /.toggle-content -->
</div><!-- /.toggle.unit -->

<p><a href="/donate">Even More Ways to Donate</a></p>
<!-- Flattr end -->


<div style="align:left;width:80%;">
  <h1><img class="appeal-header" alt="Become a Conservancy Supporter!" src="/img/conservancy-supporter-header.png"/></h1>

 <img class="appeal-match" alt="*"
<p class="appeal-match-text"><strong>Big News:</strong> A generous anonymous donor has agreed to donate
        $2 of every $1 in supporter donations (up to $5k total)!  You can
        effectively triple your donation if you
        <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">just support us now!</a>
<br/> <hr/>
<p>Software Freedom Conservancy is an essential organization to free and
open source software. We are the home of over
<a href="/members/current/">30 projects</a> like 
<a href="">Git</a>,
<a href="">Inkscape</a>, <a href="">Samba</a>,
<a href="">Wine</a>, <a href="">Selenium</a>, the <a href="/linux-compliance/">GPL Compliance Project for Linux
Developers</a>, <a href="">PyPy</a> and
<a href="">Sugar Labs</a> just to name a few. Conservancy is a "fiscal sponsor plus",
providing everything that our projects need in a nonprofit. We help our
projects defend their trademarks, manage their assets, handle donations,
improve their community management, manage risk and assist them with all
legal needs they may have. While we do receive a portion of the revenue
donated to our projects, we keep that number low enough that it doesn't
even pay for a single staff member. <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">Help us</a> show that you care about
community-focused free software and help us be able to continue our
charitable work. Donating to Conservancy is a great non-technical way to
contribute to the cause.</p>

<img alt="*** The Conservancy T-Shirt that Supporters Receive ***" class="appeal" src="/img/conservancy-t-shirt.jpg"/>

<p>For the first time, we're launching a Supporter
program. For <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">an annual donation of $120</a>, you can
download an official Supporter card and receive a Conservancy t-shirt<a id="return-footnote-shirts-when"></a><sup class="footnote-mark"><a href="#footnote-shirts-when">1</a></sup>. If
this is out of reach, please donate at whatever level you can - it makes a
big difference to us to know that you <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">support us</a>, and a little goes a long

<p>In addition to supporting our projects,

<li>we share our expertise across communities. We speak at many
conferences, and publish materials to increase understanding about the
organizational, community and legal issues around free and open source
software. We advocate for free and open source software and provide
education around that mission.  We form partnerships across our
communities to work more effectively.  Check out <a 
or sign up to join the <a 
tax exempt working group</a>.</li>

<li>we seek to solve problems for the public through free and open 
software.  We've launched a <a href="">
nonprofits accounting project</a> to help all
nonprofits (in free software and in other fields) avoid paying millions
of dollars in licensing fees for subpar accounting software.</li>

<li>as part of Conservancy's partnership in the program, we support Karen as
  a co-organizer of the Free and Open Source Software Outreach Program.</li>

<li>we encourage and support our employees to do volunteer work in the
    community.  For example, Bradley and Karen together host an oggcast
    called <cite><a href="">Free as in Freedom</a></cite> which
    discusses important legal and policy issues in open source and free

<img class="appeal-footer" alt="*" src="/img/conservancy-supporter-heart.png"/>

<p>As an organization, we try to do do everything transparently; even 
internal policies</a> are published and available for scrutiny.</p>

<p>Please <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">join our Supporter program</a> and spread software freedom!</p>

<p class="footnote"><sup><a href="#return-footnote-shirts-when">1</a></sup><a id="footnote-shirts-when"></a><span class="footnote-1-text">The
    shirts will ship during Q1 2015.</span></p>

<div class="supporter-type-selector">
  <strong>Become a Supporter Now:</strong>  <a id="annualSelector" href="#annual">Annual</a> | <a id="monthlySelector" href="#monthly">Monthly</a></div>
<div id="annual" class="supporter-type-selection">
<h3>Join as an Annual Supporter</h3>
<a id="annual"></a>
<form id="annual" class="supporter-form" action="" method="post" name="supporter">
<div class="supporter-form-inputs">
            <input type="hidden" name="return" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" />
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