Changeset - 726b29e9f25b
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2015-03-05 21:00:53
Link to the larger one.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -98,49 +98,49 @@
   Conservancy's compliance conclusions.  Christoph then began his own
   enforcement effort with legal representation from Till Jaeger.  Christoph has
   been unable to achieve compliance, either, through his negotiations in
   2014.  VMware's last offer was a proposal for a settlement agreement that VMware would
   only provide if Christoph signed an NDA, and Christoph chose (quite
   reasonably) not to sign an NDA merely to look at the settlement offer.</p>

 <p>Thus, this lawsuit comes after years of negotiations by Conservancy to
 achieve compliance &mdash; negotiations that ended in an outright refusal by
 VMware's lawyers to comply.  Those events were then followed by a year of
   work by Christoph and Till to achieve compliance in a separate action.</p>

 <p>Simply put, Conservancy and Christoph fully exhausted every possible
 non-litigation strategy and tactic to convince VMware to do the right thing
 before filing this litigation.</p>

  <dt>Can you explain further how VMware incorporated code from Linux into
  their kernel?</dt>

  <dd>Conservancy prepared this diagram to show the technical situation as we
    understand it.  The diagram compares the technical architecture of a full,
    running Linux kernel with a full, running VMware kernel:
      <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en_scaled.png">
      <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.png">
    <img alt="[Diagram of Linux and VMware running kernels" src="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en_scaled.png" width="519" height="392" /></a>

    <p>If you want to download the diagram, it's available
    in <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.svg">SVG
    (English)</a>, <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_en.png">PNG
    (English)</a>, <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_de.svg">SVG
    (German)</a>, and <a href="/linux-compliance/linux-vs-vmkernel_de.png">PNG

  <dt>I care about copyleft and the GPL.  How can I help?</dt>

  <dd>Conservancy needs <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">your immediate financial
  support to proceed with this litigation</a>.  Litigation costs are
  unpredictable, and this lawsuit may take years to resolve.  Conservancy is
  prepared to fund this case through its conclusion, but we can only do so
  with <a href="/supporter/"><em>your</em> support</a>.  If you are an
  individual who supports copyleft and wants to see it defended, please
  donate now.</dd>

  <dt>Why is the case in Germany?</dt>

  <dd>Copyright infringement claims can be brought anywhere that distribution
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