Changeset - 651ac80b41ce
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 8 years ago 2016-08-09 12:53:52
Proper placement of this <hr> tag.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Support Conservancy - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}supporter{% endblock %}

{% block head %}
<link href="/css/forms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="donate-sidebar">
<table style="background-color:#afe478;width:100%;">
<tr><td style="text-align:center;padding:10px;padding-bottom:10px;">
<div id="donate-box" class="toggle-unit"><h1 class="toggle-content">Support

<h3 class="donate-box-highlight">Become a Supporter Now:</h3>

<p>Support us now!</p>

<h4><a href="#annual"><span class="donate-box-highlight">Annual supporter</span> via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>
<h4><a href="#monthly"><span class="donate-box-highlight">Monthly supporter</span> via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>
<h4><a href="#renewal"><span class="donate-box-highlight">Renewing Annual supporter</span> via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>
<span class="donate-box-highlight">Other annual supporters methods:</span>
<div class="toggle-unit">
    <h4 class="toggle-control" data-text="Wire Transfer" 
    data-expanded-text="Wire Transfer:">Wire Transfer</h4>
    <div class="toggle-content">
       Contact <a href="">Conservancy
            by email</a><br/> for wire transfer instructions.<br/>
            Include  currency &amp; country.<br/>
    </div><!-- /.toggle-content -->
</div><!-- /.toggle.unit -->

<div class="toggle-unit">
    <h4 class="toggle-control" data-text="Paper Check" 
    data-expanded-text="Paper Check:">Paper Check</h4>
    <div class="toggle-content">
    Send paper check for $120 to:<br/>
    Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.<br/>
    137 MONTAGUE ST  STE 380<br/>
    BROOKLYN, NY 11201-3548 &nbsp; USA<br/>
    Please write <q>SUPPORTER</q>, t-shirt size, if you are renewing, and if
    you want public acknowledgment in memo line. 
    </div><!-- /.toggle-content -->
</div><!-- /.toggle.unit -->

<p><a href="/donate">Even More Ways to Donate</a></p>
<!-- Flattr end -->
<div class="content-with-donate-sidebar">
  <h1 class="appeal"><img class="appeal-header" alt="Become a Conservancy Supporter!" src="/img/conservancy-supporter-header.png"/></h1>

<div class="supporter-type-selector">
  <strong>Become a Supporter Now:</strong>   <a id="annualSelector" href="#annual">Annual</a> | <a id="monthlySelector" href="#monthly">Monthly</a> | <a id="renewalSelector" href="#renewal">Annual Renew</a></div>
<div id="annual" class="supporter-type-selection">
<h3>Join as an Annual Supporter</h3>
<a id="annual"></a>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> annual supporter is not an automatic renewal
  relationship.  If you join today, you'll receive an email in about one year to remind you to
  optionally renew.</p>
<form id="annual" class="supporter-form" action="" method="post" name="supporter">
<div class="supporter-form-inputs">
            <input type="hidden" name="return" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" />
            <input type="hidden" name="business" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Conservancy Supporter, Annual" />
            <input id="no_shipping" type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0" />
  <label for="amount"><strong>Amount:</strong> $</label>
  <input id="amount" type="text" name="amount" size="7" minimum="120" value="120" />
  <span id="error" class="form-error-show">$120 is a minimum for Conservancy
  Supporters.  <a href="/donate">Donate smaller amounts here</a>.</span><br/>

                      <label for="wantGift"><strong>Do you want to receive a t-shirt? </strong></label>
                      <input type="radio" name="on0" value="wantGiftYes" />Yes
                      <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="on0" value="wantGiftNo" />No
                      <br />
                      <span class="t-shirt-size-selector">
                      <label for="tShirtSize"><strong>T-shirt size: </strong></label>
                      <select name="os0" id="os0">
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenS">Men's S</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenM">Men's M</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenL">Men's L</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenXL">Men's XL</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="Men2XL">Men's 2XL</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesS">Ladies' S</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesM">Ladies' M</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesL">Ladies' L</option>
                         <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesXL">Ladies' XL</option>
                      <label for="publicAck"><strong>
                          Should we <a href="/sponsors#supporters">list you publicly</a> as a Conservancy Supporter? </strong></label>
                      <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="on1" value="publicAckYes" />Yes
                      <input type="radio" name="on1" value="publicAckNo" />No<br/>
                      <label for="joinList"><strong>Join Conservancy's
                      Low-Traffic Announcement Email List? </strong></label>
                      <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="os1" value="joinListYes" />Yes
                      <input type="radio" name="os1" value="joinListNo" />No<br/>
                      <br />
                      <br /></div>
                      <div id="annual" class="supporter-form-submit">
                      <input type="image"
                             height="81" width="188"
                             border="0" name="submit" alt="Become an Annual Supporter Now!">
                      <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
<br/><br/><small>Button above redirects to PayPal's site for credit
        card, bank account or PayPal balance payment methods.  Select options first.</small>
<div id="monthly" class="supporter-type-selection">
<h3>Join as an Monthly Supporter</h3>
<a id="monthly"></a>
<p>Monthly renewal is automatic.  Also, monthly supporters might not receive tangible Supporter benefits (such as
  the t-shirt) until they've reached at least $60 in monthly supporter
  donations.  However, they will be included immediately
  in <a href="/sponsors/#supporters">in the Supporters' list</a>.</p>
<form id="monthly" class="supporter-form" action="" method="post" target="_top">
<div class="supporter-form-inputs">
            <input type="hidden" name="business" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Conservancy Supporter, Monthly" />
            <input type="hidden" name="return" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick-subscriptions">
            <input id="no_shipping" type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0" />
            <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US">
            <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
            <input type="hidden" name="t3" value="M" />
            <input type="hidden" name="p3" value="1" />
            <input type="hidden" name="src" value="1" />
            <input type="hidden" name="srt" value="0" />
            <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Conservancy Supporter, Monthly" />
  <label for="amount"><strong>Monthly Amount:</strong> $</label>
  <input id="amount" type="text" name="a3" size="5" minimum="10" value="10" />
  <span id="error" class="form-error-show">$10/month is a minimum for Conservancy
  Supporters.  <a href="/donate">Donate smaller amounts here</a>.</span><br/>
                      <label for="wantGift"><strong>Do you want to receive a t-shirt? </strong></label>
                      <input type="radio" name="on0" value="wantGiftYes" />Yes
                      <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="on0" value="wantGiftNo" />No
                      <br />
                      <span class="t-shirt-size-selector">
                      <label for="tShirtSize"><strong>T-shirt size: </strong></label>
                      <select name="os0" id="os0">
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenS">Men's S</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenM">Men's M</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenL">Men's L</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenXL">Men's XL</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="Men2XL">Men's 2XL</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesS">Ladies' S</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesM">Ladies' M</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesL">Ladies' L</option>
                         <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesXL">Ladies' XL</option>
                      <label for="publicAck"><strong>
                          Should we  <a href="/sponsors#supporters">list you publicly</a> as a Conservancy Supporter? </strong></label>
                      <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="on1" value="publicAckYes" />Yes
                      <input type="radio" name="on1" value="publicAckNo" />No<br/>
                      <label for="joinList"><strong>Join Conservancy's
                      Low-Traffic Announcement Email List? </strong></label>
                      <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="os1" value="joinListYes" />Yes
                      <input type="radio" name="os1" value="joinListNo" />No<br/>
                      <br /></div>
                      <div id="monthly" class="supporter-form-submit">
                      <input type="image"
                      height="81" width="188"
                      border="0" name="submit" alt="Become a Monthly Supporter Now!">
<br/><br/><small>Button above redirects to PayPal's site for credit
        card, bank account or PayPal balance payment methods.  Select
                      options first.</small>

<div id="renewal" class="supporter-type-selection">
<h3>Renew as an Annual Supporter</h3>
<a id="renewal"></a>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> This option is for existing annual supporters who
  seek to renew for another year.  The annual renewal is not automatic;
  annual supporters are emailed each year to invite them to optionally renew. </p>
<form id="renewal" class="supporter-form" action="" method="post" name="supporter">
<div class="supporter-form-inputs">
            <input type="hidden" name="return" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" />
            <input type="hidden" name="business" value="" />
            <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Conservancy Supporter, Annual Renewal" />
            <input id="no_shipping" type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0" />
  <label for="amount"><strong>Amount:</strong> $</label>
  <input id="amount" type="text" name="amount" size="7" minimum="120" value="120" />
  <span id="error" class="form-error-show">$120 is a minimum for Conservancy
  Supporters.  <a href="/donate">Donate smaller amounts here</a>.</span><br/>

                      <label for="wantGift"><strong>Do you want to receive (another) t-shirt? </strong></label>
                      <input type="radio" name="on0" value="wantGiftYes" />Yes
                      <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="on0" value="wantGiftNo" />No
                      <br />
                      <span class="t-shirt-size-selector">
                      <label for="tShirtSize"><strong>T-shirt size: </strong></label>
                      <select name="os0" id="os0">
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenS">Men's S</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenM">Men's M</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenL">Men's L</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="MenXL">Men's XL</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="Men2XL">Men's 2XL</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesS">Ladies' S</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesM">Ladies' M</option>
                        <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesL">Ladies' L</option>
                         <option name="os0" id="os0" value="LadiesXL">Ladies' XL</option>
                      <label for="publicAck"><strong>
                          Should we <a href="/sponsors#supporters">list you publicly</a> as a Conservancy Supporter? </strong></label>
                      <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="on1" value="publicAckYes" />Yes
                      <input type="radio" name="on1" value="publicAckNo" />No<br/>
                      <label for="joinList"><strong>Join Conservancy's
                      Low-Traffic Announcement Email List? </strong></label>
                      <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="os1" value="joinListYes" />Yes
                      <input type="radio" name="os1" value="joinListNo" />No<br/>
                      <br />
                      <br /></div>
                      <div id="renewal" class="supporter-form-submit">
                      <input type="image"
                             height="81" width="188"
                             border="0" name="submit" alt="Renew as an Annual Supporter Now!">
                      <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
<br/><br/><small>Button above redirects to PayPal's site for credit
        card, bank account or PayPal balance payment methods.  Select options
  first.  Choosing options here will change any previous settings.</small>
<span id="form-correction-needed" class="form-error">Please ensure all form data above is correct.</span>

<br clear="all"/>
<h4>Software Freedom needs your help. </h4>

<p><em>Conservancy must move to a 
Supporter-driven organization so we can focus on critical free software 
issues that nobody else is tackling.  Stand up for the GPL, support great 
member projects, and make your voice heard in support of free software.  
<a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">Donate today!</a></em></p>

<!--- FIXME scale this properly like on VMware page -->

<a href="/img/member-project-logos.png"><img class="appeal-left" src="/img/member-project-logos.png"/></a>

The world today is powered increasingly by Free Software. But what many
people don't realize is how much support is needed to keep all of these
projects free and open. The work that we do every day ensures the success and
the continued freedom of the projects that the developers of our member
projects dedicate themselves to. Projects like Git, Samba,
Wine, BusyBox, QEMU, Inkscape, Selenium, and dozens more.</p>

<p>We are asking for you
  to <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">join us and become a
    Conservancy Supporter</a> but this is more than our usual annual
  fundraising appeal.  As described in more detail below, after the events 
  of 2015, we must substantially increase our individual support to be able 
  to continue defending software freedom for our member projects and the 
  entire free and open source software community.  We needed at least 750 
  of you to become annual Supporters just to continue our basic community
  services, and we thank you so much that you responded.  But 
  we still need 2,500 (total) of you to become annual Supporters now to continue
  our licensing work, including enforcing copyleft licenses.  If you don't become a Supporter now,
  we will be forced to radically restructure and wind down a substantial portion
  of our operations.</p>

<br clear="left"/>
<h4>2015 successes</h4>

<a href="/img/conservancy-staff-photo.jpg"><img class="appeal-right" src="/img/conservancy-staff-photo.jpg"/></a>
Software Freedom Conservancy has had a lot of major successes this year:

<li>We brought four new projects under the protection of 
Conservancy: <a href="/news/2015/jul/23/qemu-joins/">QEMU</a>,
  the generic machine emulator and
virtualizer, <a href="">The Bro Network Security
Monitor</a>, the <a href="">Godot Game Engine</a>,
and <a href="">Outreachy</a>, a program dedicated to
helping people from underrepresented groups get involved in free and open
source software. We also worked with the Debian community to launch
the <a href="/news/2015/aug/17/debian/">Debian
Copyright Aggregation Project</a> at their request.</li>

<li>We <a href="/news/2015/mar/05/vmware-lawsuit/">supported
the lawsuit</a> Christoph Hellwig has brought against VMware in Germany, the
first case on derivative works and the GPL.</li>

<li>We fought for
and <a href="/news/2015/oct/27/DMCA-win/">successfully
earned an exemption from the Library of Congress in the DMCA review
process</a> to legally permit circumvention of encryption on Smart TVs,
ensuring that you are free to hack on the devices that you legally own. </li>

<li>We collaborated with the <a href="">Free Software
Foundation</a> to publish
the <a href="/copyleft-compliance/principles.html">Principles
of Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement</a>, establishing community norms for
enforcing the GPL in the public's interest, which have 
already been <a href="/copyleft-compliance/">translated
into Korean</a>.</li>

<li>Along with FSF, we
helped <a href="/news/2015/jul/15/ubuntu-ip-policy/">Canonical,
Ltd. achieve compliance in its "Intellectual Property" Policy</a>, while
pointing out that the policy fails to address important software freedom

<li>We conducted friendly discussions with companies out of compliance with
the GPL, seeking non-litigious resolutions.</li>

<li>We participated in the process
of <a href="/news/2015/oct/14/FCC-comment/">telling
the FCC to fix its proposed rules</a> restricting third-party modification of
firmware in wireless devices.

<li>We helped, coordinated, and financially insured volunteers of three of
  our member projects to organize large annual conferences, where thousands of
  attendees learned about free and open source software.</li>

<!-- conledger -V -b 2015-01-01 --limit 'tag("Approval") =~ /\/2015/ and tag("TaxImplication") !~ /(Reimbursement|USA-501c3|Corporation|Tax-Payment|LLC|W2|Refund)/' reg '/Assets/'|wc -l -->

<li>We made 173 contractor payments to developers writing free and open source 
  software, which included various different internships and contract
  software development work.</li>

<!--  conledger -V -b 2015-01-01 --limit 'tag("Approval") =~ /\/2015/ and tag("TaxImplication") =~ /Reimbursement/' reg '/Assets/'|egrep '^2015'|wc -l -->
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)