Changeset - 648c1c907308
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Daniel Pono Takamori - 2 years ago 2021-10-19 13:47:58
change email to link Learn More to /about
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 8 deletions:
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@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@ through fostering free and open source software (FOSS) projects, driving
initiatives that actively make technology more inclusive, and advancing policy
strategies that defend FOSS (such as copyleft). <a href="#fixme" class="orange">Learn more.</a></p>
strategies that defend FOSS (such as copyleft). <a href="/about" class="orange">Learn more.</a></p>
@@ -86,9 +86,5 @@ strategies that defend FOSS (such as copyleft). <a href="#fixme" class="orange">
  <div class="mh3 pt3">
    <h2 class="f6 ttu mb1">Subscribe to our email list</h2>
    <form method="post" action="#fixme" class="ml2" style="display: flex;">
      <input type="email" class="pa2 ba b--gray br0" style="x-border-right: none; flex: 1 1 auto; width: 1%;">
      <button type="submit" class="bg-orange bn white pa2 pointer btn-orange" style="margin-left: -1px;">
        <svg style="color: white; width: 20px; height: 20px;"><use href="{% static 'img/font_awesome.svg' %}#envelope"></use></svg></a>
    <h2 class="f6 ttu mb1"><a href="">Subscribe to our email list</a></h2>

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