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Daniel Takamori (pono) - 2 years ago 2022-01-05 18:06:33
mdash html typos
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -112,25 +112,25 @@
  executive director) also participated with a coalition that achieved yet
  another exemption for medical devices!  Our lawyer, Pam Chestek, <a href="">testified</a> at the DMCA
  hearings on these exemptions, and confronted industry lobbyists directly as
  they sought to use their extreme
  wealth and legal power to harm consumers. We stridently fight their overreach &mdash; one bit at a time.</p>

<h3 id="Highlights">Highlights from some of our projects</h3>
<div data-read-more="Read more about our projects&hellip;">

  <p>Software Freedom Conservancy helped our projects engage in critical work
  this year. Overall, we raised, administered and facilitated <strong>$1.7 million</strong>
  to improve software freedom &mdash: this year alone!  Those funds
  to improve software freedom &mdash; this year alone!  Those funds
  go <em>directly</em> to fund <acronym title="Free and Open Source Software">FOSS</acronym>
  contributors.  We do the arduous work to sustain these FOSS communities:</p>

<p>We helped <b>Outreachy</b> expand to its largest cohorts ever. Our last
round accepted 71 interns, and we announced this week that the current round
 will have 62! (That's 133 interns &mdash; an <strong>27% growth</strong> from the previous two
rounds!) We're grateful to be able support Outreachy to serve more
communities who are committed to helping to push back against systemic
underrepresentation in technology and software.</p>

<p><b>Godot</b> has continued to push the boundary of what anyone thought was
  possible with an open source game engine.  Godot's impressive team, funded
@@ -217,25 +217,25 @@ organizations of all sizes can make the same commitment.</p>
  this year to both share essential historical context and modern
  interpretations.  Denver Gingerich wrote about
  the <a href="/blog/2021/mar/25/install-gplv2/">installation requirement for
  the GPLv2</a>. Bradley M. Kuhn documented the historical record in his
  related piece
  about <a href="/blog/2021/jul/23/tivoization-and-the-gpl-right-to-install/">&ldquo;Tivoization&rdquo;
  and Your Right to Install Under Copyleft</a>. Bradley also explained
  how <cite><a href="/blog/2021/jun/30/who-should-own-foss-copyrights/">It
  Matters Who Owns Your Copylefted Copyrights</a></cite> &mdash; which
  garnered a lot of great community conversations. In another vein, Sage
  Sharp of Outreachy wrote a tremendous piece
  titled <cite><a href="/blog/2021/apr/20/how-to-apologize/">So you want to
  apologize&hellip; Now what?</a></cite> &mdash: which has helped explain the
  apologize&hellip; Now what?</a></cite> &mdash; which has helped explain the
  entire life cycle apologizing for your own behavior. We can all learn from
  this piece about how to act more humanely in our shared spaces of

<p>This was another long year of online conferences. While the traveling was
 easier (by not doing it), we miss the face to face relationship building
  that we've come to expect from our big
  conference gatherings. We can't wait to get back to a sense of normalcy and
  at least have a little less latency between us.</p>

<p>Karen, our executive director, gave two keynotes this year, one at the <a href="/news/2021/mar/23/karen-lailec-2021/">Leuven AI Law &amp; Ethics Conference</a> and another at <a href="">Linux App Summit</a>. Karen also spoke with Marina Zhurakhinskaya at <cite>All Things Open</cite> about the 10+ year history of Outreachy. Karen was also an invited speaker at <a href="">Big Data, A.I. and Healthy Longevity: How to progress faster and better for all scientists</a>.</p>

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