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Brett Smith (brett) - 7 years ago 2017-02-21 15:33:39
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{% extends "base_compliance.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Copyleft Compliance Projects - {% endblock %}
{% block submenuselection %}VMwareCodeSimilarity{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

<h1 id="contribution-and-similarity-analysis-of-christoph-hellwigs-linux-code-as-found-in-vmware-esxi-5.5">Contribution and Similarity Analysis of Christoph Hellwig's Linux Code as found in VMware ESXi 5.5</h1>
<p>This analysis verifies by reproducible analysis a set of specific contributions that are clearly made by Christoph Hellwig to Linux, and shows how those contributions appear in the VMware ESXi 5.5 product.</p>
<p>This analysis was prepared and written by <a href="">Bradley M. Kuhn</a>.</p>
<h1 id="understanding-code-similarity-and-cloning">Understanding Code Similarity and &quot;Cloning&quot;</h1>
<p>Software is often modified in various ways; indeed, Linux developers form a community that encourages and enables modification by many parties. Given this development model, communities often find it valuable to determine when software source code moves from one place to another with only minor modifications. Various scientifically-vetted techniques can be used to identify &quot;clones&quot; -- a portion of code that is substantially similar to pre-existing source code. The specific area of academic research is called &quot;code cloning detection&quot; or &quot;code duplication detection&quot;. The area has been under active research since the mid-1990s <a href="#fn1" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref1"><sup>1</sup></a>. In 2002, Japanese researchers published a tool called CCFinder <a href="#fn2" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref2"><sup>2</sup></a>, which, in its updated incarnation (called CCFinderX), is widely used and referenced by academic researchers in the field <a href="#fn3" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref3"><sup>3</sup></a> and has specifically been used to explore reuses of code in GPL'd software such as Linux <a href="#fn4" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref4"><sup>4</sup></a>.</p>
<p>CCFinderX uses a token-based clone detection method and a suffix-tree matching algorithm; both techniques have been highly vetted and considered in the academic literature. The techniques are considered viable and useful in detecting clones. Many academic papers on the subject have been peer-reviewed and published, and nearly every newly published paper compares its new techniques of clone detection to the seminal results found by CCFinderX. For purposes of our analysis, we have therefore chosen to use CCFinderX. These results can be easily reproduced since CCFinderX is, itself, also Open Source software.</p>
<h1 id="establishing-a-baseline-of-the-ccfinderx-tool">Establishing A Baseline of the CCFinderX Tool</h1>
<p>CCFinderX offers many statistics for clone detection. After expert analysis, we concluded that most relevant to this situation is the &quot;ratio of similarity&quot; between the existing code and the new code. To establish a baseline, we considered two different comparisons of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). First, we compared the Linux kernel, Version 4.5.2, to the FreeBSD kernel, Version 10.3.0. This comparison was inspired by the similar 2002 study <a href="#fn5" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref5"><sup>5</sup></a> of these two large C programs. The hypothesis remained that CCFinderX would encounter a low but significant percentage of code similarity, since the FreeBSD and Linux projects collaborate on some subprojects and willingly share code under the 3-Clause BSD license for those parts. (These collaborations are public and well-documented.)</p>
<p>The experiment confirmed the hypothesis. We found that a 3.68% &quot;ratio of similarity&quot; when comparing code from Linux to the FreeBSD kernel.</p>
<p>Next, we compared the source code of the Linux Kernel 4.5.2 to the LLVM+Clang system, version 3.8.0. These two projects are each a large program that are not known to actively share code. There may be some very minimal similarity simply due to chance, but something much lower than the 3.68% found between Linux and FreeBSD's kernel.</p>
<p>Indeed, when the same test is run to compare Linux to the LLVM+Clang system, the &quot;ratio of similarity&quot; was 0.075%.</p>
<h1 id="general-comparison-of-linux-kernel-to-vmware-sources">General Comparison of Linux Kernel to VMware sources</h1>
<p>With the baseline established, we now begin relevant comparisons. First, we compare the Linux kernel version 2.6.34 to the sources <a href="">released by VMware in their (partial) source release</a>. The &quot;ratio of similarity&quot; between Linux 2.6.34 and VMware's partial source release is 20.72%. There is little question that much of VMware's kernel has come from Linux.</p>
<p>With the baseline established, we now begin relevant comparisons. First, we compare the Linux kernel version 2.6.34 to the sources <a href="">released by VMware in their (partial) source release</a>. The &quot;ratio of similarity&quot; between Linux 2.6.34 and VMware's partial source release is 20.72%. There is little question that much of VMware's kernel has come from Linux.</p>
<h1 id="methodology-of-showing-hellwigs-contributions-in-vmware-esxi-5.5-sources">Methodology Of Showing Hellwig's Contributions in VMware ESXi 5.5 Sources</h1>
<p>The following describes a methodology to show Hellwig's contributions to Linux, and how they compare to code found in VMware ESXi 5.5.</p>
<h2 id="extracting-hellwigs-contributions-from-linux-historical-repository">Extracting Hellwig's Contributions From Linux Historical Repository</h2>
<p>Excellent records exist of contributions made to Linux from 2002-02-04 through present date. From 2002-02-04 through 2005-04-03, Bitkeeper was used to store revision control history of Linux. Each improvement contributed to Linux has information regarding who placed the contribution in Linux, and a comment field in which the contributor can credit others, such as by noting that the contribution actually came from someone else.</p>
<p>I extracted from the historical Linux tree the identifying number of all commits that are either made with Hellwig in the official Author field, or where the person in the Author field left notes clearly indicating that the contribution was done by Hellwig. For the latter, the following regular expression search against the log file was used:</p>
<p>Specifically, I used <a href="">a script</a> to extract a list of commit ids from the <a href="git://">historical Linux repository</a>. This method found 1,012 separate occasions of contribution by Hellwig from 2002-02-04 through 2005-04-03.</p>
<p>After finding these separate occasions of contribution, I then extracted the source code lines that Hellwig added or changed in each contribution in this repository. I did so by carefully cross-referencing the commits that Hellwig performed with the output of <code>git blame</code>. I specifically <a href="">wrote a script</a> to carefully extracted only lines that Hellwig changed or added in that repository, and placed only those contributions identifiable as Hellwig's into new files whose named matched the original filenames. This created a corpus of code that can be verifiable as added or changed by Hellwig and no one else.</p>
<p>Here are the specific commands I ran:</p>
<pre><code>$ git clone git:// linux-historical
$ ./commit-id-list-matching-regex.plx `pwd`/linux-historical/.git Hellwig &#39;(Submitted\s+by|originals+patch|patch\s+from|originally\s+by).*&#39; &gt; hellwig-historical.ids
$ ./extract-code-added-in-commits.plx --repository=`pwd`/linux-historical --output-dir=`pwd`/hellwig-historical --central-commit e7e173af42dbf37b1d946f9ee00219cb3b2bea6a --progress --blame-opts=-M --blame-opts=-C &lt; ./hellwig-historical.ids
$ git clone git:// linux-current
$ ./commit-id-list-matching-regex.plx `pwd`/linux-current/.git Hellwig &#39;(Submitted\s+by|original\s+patch|patch\s+(from|by)|originally\s+(from|by)).*&#39; &gt; ./hellwig-current.ids
$ ./extract-code-added-in-commits.plx --progress --repository=`pwd`/linux-current --output-dir=`pwd`/hellwig-through-2.6.34 --fork-limit=14 --blame-opts=-M  --blame-opts=-M --blame-opts=-C --blame-opts=-C --central-commit e40152ee1e1c7a63f4777791863215e3faa37a86   &lt; hellwig-current.ids </code></pre>
<p>Note: e40152ee1e1c7a63f4777791863215e3faa37a86 is the 2.6.34 version created by Linus Torvalds <script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<a h'+'ref'+'="ma'+'ilto'+':'+e+'">'+e+'<\/'+'a'+'>');
// -->
</script><noscript>&#116;&#x6f;&#114;&#118;&#x61;&#108;&#100;&#x73;&#32;&#x61;&#116;&#32;&#108;&#x69;&#110;&#x75;&#120;&#x2d;&#102;&#x6f;&#x75;&#110;&#100;&#x61;&#116;&#x69;&#x6f;&#110;&#32;&#100;&#x6f;&#116;&#32;&#x6f;&#114;&#x67;</noscript> on 2010-05-16 14:17:36 -0700, with Git commit comment: &quot;Linus 2.6.34&quot;.</p>
<h2 id="comparing-hellwigs-contributions-from-linux-historical-repository-to-vmware-sources">Comparing Hellwig's Contributions From Linux Historical Repository to VMware Sources</h2>
<p>I then used this corpus as input to CCFinderX (similar to the other CCFinderX comparisons explained earlier). Specifically, this CCFinderX comparison compared all known Hellwig-contributed material from the historical Linux repository to the partial VMware source release. CCFinderX found a ratio of similarity of 0.0900% between Hellwig's code and the source code in VMware's (partial) source release. CCFinderX specifically identified 12 distinct locations where substantial sections of code contributed by Hellwig appeared in VMware's code.</p>
<p>Most notably, substantial portions of the the following core SCSI functions were found by this search technique: <code>__scsi_device_lookup</code> and <code>__scsi_get_command</code>, <code>mpt_get_product_name</code>, <code>scsi_proc_host_rm</code>, <code>mega_enum_raid_scsi</code>, <code>mega_m_to_n</code>, <code>mega_prepare_passthru</code>, <code>proc_scsi_show</code>, and <code>__down_read_trylock</code>.</p>
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@@ -29,49 +29,49 @@
<!-- PayPal end -->

<p>Or, <a href="/supporter/#annual"><span class="donate-box-highlight">become a Conservancy
      Supporter</span></a> (&mdash; a better option if you're donating more
      than $120, since you'll get a t-shirt!).</p>
<div class="content-with-donate-sidebar">

<h2>Non-Profit Accounting Software</h2>

<img src="/img/conservancy-accounting-campaign-logo.png" alt="Conservancy accounting campaign logo" style="float:left;" />

<p>Conservancy has a plan to help all non-profit organizations (NPOs) by
creating an Open Source and Free Software accounting system usable by
non-technical bookkeepers, accountants, and non-profit managers.  You can
help us do it by donating now.


<p><b>31 August 2016</b>: We're beginning work on a system for Payment and Reimbursement Requests.  This is a smaller piece of the larger NPO Accounting project.  Because it doesn't require much integration with larger accounting systems, we can help address this specific bookkeeping problem for NPOs sooner, and start building interest in the larger NPO Accounting project.</p>

<p>We haven't started writing code yet, so now's a great time to get in on the ground floor!  Check the <a href="">Requirements document</a> we're putting together on the wiki.  <a href="">Join us on the mailing list</a> to let us know what's missing, and hear first other ways you can contribute as we start building the system.</p>
<p>We haven't started writing code yet, so now's a great time to get in on the ground floor!  Check the <a href="">Requirements document</a> we're putting together on the wiki.  <a href="">Join us on the mailing list</a> to let us know what's missing, and hear first other ways you can contribute as we start building the system.</p>

<h3>What is the Non-Profit Accounting Software Project?</h3>

<p>To keep their books and produce annual government filings, most NPOs rely
on proprietary software, paying exorbitant licensing fees.  This is
fundamentally at cross purposes with their underlying missions of charity,
equality, democracy, and sharing.</p>

<p>This project has the potential to save the non-profit sector
millions in licensing fees every year.  Even non-profits that continue to use proprietary accounting
software will benefit, since the existence of quality Open Source and Free
  Software for a particular task curtails predatory behavior by proprietary
  software companies, and creates a new standard of comparison.</p>

<p>But, more powerfully, this project's realization
will increase the agility and collaborative potential
for the non-profit sector &mdash; a boon to funders, boards, and employees &mdash;  bringing the Free Software and general NPO communities
into closer collaboration and understanding.</p>

<p><a href="#endorsements">Endorsers of this effort</a> include April, Fractured Atlas, The Free Software
Foundation, Mozilla Foundation, GNOME Foundation, OpenHatch, Open
Source Initiative,, and Software in the Public
Interest; all encourage you to <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">donate and support it</a>.</p>

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@@ -76,49 +76,49 @@ contribute to the cause.</p>

<p>For the first time, we're launching a Supporter
program. For <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">an annual donation of $120</a>, you can
download an official Supporter card and receive a Conservancy t-shirt<a id="return-footnote-shirts-when"></a>. If
this is out of reach, please donate at whatever level you can - it makes a
big difference to us to know that you <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">support us</a>, and a little goes a long

<p>In addition to supporting our projects,

<li>we share our expertise across communities. We speak at many
conferences, and publish materials to increase understanding about the
organizational, community and legal issues around free and open source
software. We advocate for free and open source software and provide
education around that mission.  We form partnerships across our
communities to work more effectively.  Check out <a 
or sign up to join the <a 
tax exempt working group</a>.</li>

<li>we seek to solve problems for the public through free and open 
software.  We've launched a <a href="">
software.  We've launched a <a href="">
nonprofits accounting project</a> to help all
nonprofits (in free software and in other fields) avoid paying millions
of dollars in licensing fees for subpar accounting software.</li>

<li>as part of Conservancy's partnership in the program, we support Karen as
  a co-organizer of the Free and Open Source Software Outreach Program.</li>

<li>we encourage and support our employees to do volunteer work in the
    community.  For example, Bradley and Karen together host an oggcast
    called <cite><a href="">Free as in Freedom</a></cite> which
    discusses important legal and policy issues in open source and free

<img class="appeal-footer" alt="*" src="/img/conservancy-supporter-heart.png"/>

<p>As an organization, we try to do everything transparently; even 
internal policies</a> are published and available for scrutiny.</p>

<p>Please <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">join our Supporter program</a> and spread software freedom!</p>

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