Changeset - 5cfc461a2511
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Bradley M. Kuhn - 4 months ago 2023-12-16 17:40:55
Correct typo, improve copy while I was at it
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -38,7 +38,11 @@ strategies that defend FOSS (such as copyleft). <a href="/about" class="orange">
  <section class="w-30-ns mh2 pa3 bg-light-blue ba b--gray">
    <h2 class="f4 ttu">Double your donation today!</h2>
    <p>SFC's annual fundraiser has secured a record $161,729 march fund, so until January 15th any (re)newing <a href="">Sustainers</a> or <a href="">donations</a> will double in directly supporting the work we do to for software rights and digital freedom.</p>
    <p>SFC's annual fundraiser has secured a record $161,729 match fund, so
    until January 15th any
    (re)newing <a href="">Sustainers</a>
    or <a href="">donations</a> <strong>will
    double</strong> &mdash; directly supporting the work we do to for software rights and digital freedom.</p>
     <a href="/sustainer/#YearInReview" class="f5 dib pa2 ttu b
    btn-orange">SFC Year in Review</a>
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