Changeset - 4cdde460f8fc
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 8 years ago 2015-12-30 15:26:21
Improvements suggested by j-b on IRC.

I didn't take all his suggestions, but a few.
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -116,26 +116,29 @@ h3 { margin-top: .6em; margin-bottom: .4em; }
  background: #eaf1f1;
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #eaf1f1);
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff, #eaf1f1);
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff, #eaf1f1);
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#ffffff', endColorstr='#eaf1f1', GradientType=0);
  border-color: #ffffff;
#navbar li:hover a { background: #577632; color: #fff; }
#navbar li.supporter:hover a { background: #577632; color: #CE1F1F; }
#navbar li { float: left; display: inline; margin-bottom: 3px; }

#mainContent {
    margin-left: 50px;
    margin-left: 150px;
    margin-right: 50px;
    line-height: 1.25em;
    max-width: 1000px;
    font-size: medium;

#progressbar {
    height: 1.8em;

#progressbar .ui-widget-header {
    background: rgb(206, 31, 31);

#siteprogressbar {
    margin: .5em 20% .5em 2%;
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