Changeset - 436dc012b36d
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Denver Gingerich - 3 months ago 2024-03-12 23:51:52
usethesource: long waits are over, so delete note
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -26,43 +26,43 @@
  <ol class="pl4">
    <li class="mb2">find a source candidate offered by a company - normally this is offered to you in the manual or user interface of your device, through a link or email address (the company's GitHub page is not canonical, unless they explicitly say so in this offer)</li>

    <li class="mb2"><a href="">upload the source candidate</a> to us - write down the file name(s) you uploaded for the next step (can be multiple), and upload a firmware image if you have it and are ok with us publishing it</li>

    <li class="mb2">email us at <a href=""></a> with the following details:

      <div class="bg-black-10 mt2 pv2 ph3">
        Subject: candidate to add: [brand/model]<br><br>

        manufacturer/brand of device:<br>
        model number of device:<br>
        version number of software on device (if applicable):<br>
        filename(s) of source candidate:<br>
        filename(s) of firmware image (if applicable):<br>
        how the firmware image was acquired (if applicable): [direct from device?  download page URL?]<br>
        text of the offer for source (usually required): [write it out, or attach a screenshot/picture]<br>
        where the source or offer for source was found: [manual in box?  CD?  web page adjacent to firmware download?]<br>


    <li class="mb2">wait &#128512;  we will respond and/or post your candidate here, within about 7 days (potentially longer until March 2024, due to a <a href="/usethesource/ccirt-process/">grace period offered to companies who contact us</a>)</li>
    <li class="mb2">wait &#128512;  we will respond and/or post your candidate here, within about 7 days</li>

  <p>There are many other ways you can help, regardless of whether you're a developer or not - see our <a href="">Help Defend Software Freedom and Rights</a> page for details!</p>

  <section class="mb5">
    <h2 id="candidates" class="f2 lh-title ttu mt4 mb2">Source Candidates List</h2>
    <p>To join the public discussion of these candidates, please subscribe to our <a href="">ccs-review mailing list</a>.  We re-post especially notable email replies from this community mailing list in the candidate comments, alongside SFC and other official Use The Source comments on each candidate's page linked below.  A "round" indicates how many times we've received new candidates for a given device/firmware - if the round is "of N" it means we don't know how many rounds will be needed before we receive a compliant source candidate for the device/firmware.</p>

    {% for candidate in candidates %}
      <div class="mb3">
        <h3 class="f4 lh-title mt0"><a href="{% url 'usethesource:candidate' slug=candidate.slug %}">{{ }}</a></h3>
        <p class="mb2"><em>Released {{ candidate.release_date }}</em></p>
        <p>{{ candidate.description|urlize|linebreaksbr}}</p>
        <p style="margin-top: -0.5rem"><a href="{% url 'usethesource:candidate' slug=candidate.slug %}">See moreā€¦</a>
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}
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