Changeset - 385863c6e75f
[Not reviewed]
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Daniel Takamori (pono) - 2 years ago 2021-12-29 18:20:42
change language around $1.7m
1 file changed with 2 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -74,98 +74,98 @@
<h3 id="YearInReview">Our Year in Review</h3>
<div data-read-more="Summary of our year&hellip;">

<p>This past year we've all grown more conscious of our interconnected world.
   These events escalate the importance of free software tools that empower
   us all. Closed source and proprietary tools have overtaken many
   communication channels &mdash; particularly when we work from home. Even
   conferences and lecture series dedicated to &ldquo;open source
   infrastructure&rdquo; have been unable to escape the grasp of these closed
   systems. As we monitored these diffcult events, we prioritized support for
   those in our community that understand the crucial need
   for <a href="/blog/2021/feb/08/just-say-no-to-zoom/">conferences run
   solely with free software</a>.  We have been pleased to support free
   communication tools to assist with these efforts. <b>Our commitment to
   using, developing, and supporting free software tools and communities has
    never been stronger.</b></p>


<p>Over the past year, we took on new work that would have
  been <em>impossible</em> without your support. Last month, we filed
  a <a href="/vizio">lawsuit against long time license violator Vizio</a>.
  Through that lawsuit and many non-litigation ongoing license enforcement
  actions, Software Freedom Conservancy leads the field: We stand up for
  license compliance and holding corporation accountable when others
  won't. Our focus in software licensing defends consumer rights.  This novel and
  critical approach to license compliance culminates  years of effort by our amazing policy and legal experts. We
  believe software freedom, when properly and actively upheld, enables everyone to hold
  technology providers accountable to the people most 
  impacted by their actions.</p>

<p id="dmca-exemptions">This year, we filed more DMCA exemption requests than any organization in
  the country &mdash;
  and <a href="/news/2021/oct/28/2021-DMCA-final-exemptions-win/">we won on
  every single one</a>.  We clarified the right to jailbreak of routers (an
  essential activity of our <a href="">OpenWrt
  project</a>), won a new right to safely investigate devices for license
  compliance, and helped solidify privacy-related research.  Karen (our
  executive director) also participated with a coalition that achieved yet
  another exemption for medical devices!  Our lawyer, Pam Chestek, <a href="">testified</a> at the DMCA
  hearings on these exemptions, and confronted industry lobbyists directly as
  they sought to use their extreme
  wealth and legal power to harm consumers. We stridently fight their overreach &mdash; one bit at a time.</p>

<h3 id="Highlights">Highlights from some of our projects</h3>
<div data-read-more="Read more about our projects&hellip;">

  <p>Software Freedom Conservancy helped our projects engage in critical work
  this year. Overall, we funded <strong>$1.7 million</strong> in work to
  improve software freedom &mdash: this year alone!  Those funds
  this year. Overall, we raised, administered and facilitated <strong>$1.7 million</strong>
  in work to improve software freedom &mdash: this year alone!  Those funds
  go <em>directly</em> to fund <acronym title="Free and Open Source Software">FOSS</acronym>
  contributors.  We do the arduous work to sustain these FOSS communities:</p>

<p>We helped <b>Outreachy</b> expand to its largest cohorts ever. Our last
round accepted 71 interns, and we announced this week that the current round
 will have 62! (That's 133 interns &mdash; an <strong>27% growth</strong> from the previous two
rounds!) We're grateful to be able support Outreachy to serve more
communities who are committed to helping to push back against systemic
underrepresentation in technology and software.</p>

<p><b>Godot</b> has continued to push the boundary of what anyone thought was
  possible with an open source game engine.  Godot's impressive team, funded
  through contracts with Software Freedom Conservancy, continues to building
  their community and their excellent codebase.  We are so proud of their beneficial
  <a href="">focus on community</a>.  Watch
  their fun, exciting,
  and <a href="">brand
  new showreel</a> to see what these cutting edge creators are making.</p>

<p>Software Freedom Conservancy also proudly supports, with direct funding of
  contributors, the <b>Reproducible Builds</b> team.  They ensure the
  security of computer systems of all shapes and sizes around the world.
  This necessary and vital project becomes even more essential in the age of
  direct attacks on technological
  infrastructure. The <a href="">tools
  they've made</a> are freely available to help others increase
  reproducibility in their own projects.</p>

<p><b>OpenWrt</b> recently had their OpenWrt 21.02 release &mdash; which
  increases the default security options including optional SELinux
  and <acronym title="Address Space Layout Randomization">ASLR</acronym>. 
  OpenWrt empowers users to run a free
  operating system on their routers.  Combined with <a href="#dmca-exemptions">our DMCA exemption</a>,
  the landscape of free firmware is now much easier to explore and
  deploy.  Meanwhile, another of our projects, <b>coreboot</b>, has further grown the supported hardware
  list for freeing your bootloader. These two projects are at the core of
  our <a href="">firmware
  liberation initiative</a>. As our work continues,  more companies will learn
  what most router companies already know: consumers
  prefer hardware that can run copylefted software and &mdash; contrary to
  popular belief &mdash; will gladly pay <em>more</em>  for hardware that
  respects their rights and freedoms!</p>

<p><b>The Institute for Computing in Research</b> has furthered its mission.
  After two successful rounds of interns in Santa Fe, New Mexico,
  <acronym title="The Institute for Computing in Research">ICR</acronym>
  expanded its intern cohort to include a selection of six high school
  students in Portland, Oregon. These unique paid internships introduce high
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