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Ben Sturmfels (bsturmfels) - 3 months ago 2024-03-21 23:39:06
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{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %}
{% load static %}

{% block subtitle %}Support Conservancy - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}supporter{% endblock %}

{% block head %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/supporter-page.js' %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/\supporter-page.js' %}" defer></script>
<link href="{% static 'css/forms.css' %}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="donate-sidebar">
<table style="background-color:#afe478;width:100%;">
<tr><td style="text-align:center;padding:10px;padding-bottom:10px;">

<div id="donate-box" class="toggle-unit"><h1 class="toggle-content">Support

<h3 class="donate-box-highlight">Become a Supporter Now:</h3>

<p>Support us now!</p>

<h4><a href="#annual"><span class="donate-box-highlight">Annual supporter</span> via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>
<h4><a href="#monthly"><span class="donate-box-highlight">Monthly supporter</span> via PayPal, ACH, or credit card.</a></h4>

<span class="donate-box-highlight">Other annual supporters methods:</span>
<div class="toggle-unit">
    <h4 class="toggle-control" data-text="Wire Transfer"
    data-expanded-text="Wire Transfer:">Wire Transfer</h4>
    <div class="toggle-content">
       Contact <a href="">Conservancy
            by email</a><br/> for wire transfer instructions.<br/>
            Include  currency &amp; country.<br/>
    </div><!-- /.toggle-content -->
</div><!-- /.toggle.unit -->

<div class="toggle-unit">
    <h4 class="toggle-control" data-text="Paper Check"
    data-expanded-text="Paper Check:">Paper Check</h4>
    <div class="toggle-content">
    Send paper check for $120 to:<br/>
    Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.<br/>
    137 MONTAGUE ST  STE 380<br/>
    BROOKLYN, NY 11201-3548 &nbsp; USA<br/>
    Please write <q>SUPPORTER</q> and t-shirt size in memo line.
    </div><!-- /.toggle-content -->
</div><!-- /.toggle.unit -->

<p><a href="/donate">Even More Ways to Donate</a></p>
<!-- Flattr end -->


<div class="content-with-donate-sidebar">

<p>Software Freedom Conservancy is an essential organization to free and
open source software. We are the home of over
<a href="/members/current/">30 projects</a> like
<a href="">Git</a>,
<a href="">Inkscape</a>, <a href="">Samba</a>,
<a href="">Wine</a>, <a href="">Selenium</a>, the <a href="/copyleft-compliance/">GPL Compliance Project for Linux
Developers</a>, <a href="">PyPy</a> and
<a href="">Sugar Labs</a> just to name a few. Conservancy is a "fiscal sponsor plus",
providing everything that our projects need in a nonprofit. We help our
projects defend their trademarks, manage their assets, handle donations,
improve their community management, manage risk and assist them with all
legal needs they may have. While we do receive a portion of the revenue
donated to our projects, we keep that number low enough that it doesn't
even pay for a single staff member. <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">Help us</a> show that you care about
community-focused free software and help us be able to continue our
charitable work. Donating to Conservancy is a great non-technical way to
contribute to the cause.</p>

<img alt="*** The Conservancy T-Shirt that Supporters Receive ***" class="appeal" src="{% static 'img/conservancy-t-shirt.jpg' %}"/>

<p>For the first time, we're launching a Supporter
program. For <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">an annual donation of $120</a>, you can
download an official Supporter card and receive a Conservancy t-shirt<a id="return-footnote-shirts-when"></a>. If
this is out of reach, please donate at whatever level you can - it makes a
big difference to us to know that you <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">support us</a>, and a little goes a long

<p>In addition to supporting our projects,

<li>we share our expertise across communities. We speak at many
conferences, and publish materials to increase understanding about the
organizational, community and legal issues around free and open source
software. We advocate for free and open source software and provide
education around that mission.  We form partnerships across our
communities to work more effectively.  Check out <a
or sign up to join the <a
tax exempt working group</a>.</li>

<li>we seek to solve problems for the public through free and open
software.  We've launched a <a href="">
nonprofits accounting project</a> to help all
nonprofits (in free software and in other fields) avoid paying millions
of dollars in licensing fees for subpar accounting software.</li>
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{% load min %}
{% load static %}

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    <meta name="description" content="The Software Freedom Conservancy provides a non-profit home and services to Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects." />
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            <li class="vizio"><a href="/vizio/" class="f5 mh1 mv1 ph2 pv1 ttu b btn-orange">Vizio</a></li>
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          <li class="WhatWeDo"><a href="/activities">What we do</a>
            {% include 'submenus/what_we_do_partial.html' %}
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            {% include 'submenus/who_we_are_partial.html' %}
          <li class="Learn"><a href="/learn">Learn</a>
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  {% include "fundgoal/fundraiser_goal_banner_partial.html" %}

      {% block outercontent %}<div id="mainContent" class="mw8 center ph2 ph3"> {% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>{% endblock %}

    <div id="conservancyfooter" class="mt4-ns pt3 ph3 bg-light-gray">
      <p>Connect with Conservancy on
        <a href="">Fediverse</a>,
        <a href="">X</a>,
        <a href="">Facebook</a>,
        and <a href="">YouTube</a>.</p>

      <p><a href="/">Main Page</a> | <a href="/about/contact/">Contact</a> | <a href="/sponsors/">Sponsors</a> | <a href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="/feeds/omnibus/">RSS Feed</a></p>
      <p>Our privacy policy was last updated <strong>22 December 2020</strong>.</p>

      <p class="copyright_info">
      <a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a>
      <br />This page, and all contents herein, unless a license is otherwise
      specified, are licensed under a
      <a rel="license" href="">Creative
      Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p>
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{% extends "base_blog.html" %}
{% block subtitle %}Conservancy Blog Query - {% endblock %}

{% block head %}
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    function my_display (sel, b) {
        if (b) { sel.slideDown(); }
        else { sel.slideUp(); }

    function my_display_instantly (sel, b) {
        if (b) {; }
        else { sel.hide(); }

    $("#all_authors").click(function () {
        my_display($("#authors"), !this.checked);
    $("#all_tags").click(function () {
        my_display($("#tags"), !this.checked);

    my_display_instantly($("#authors"), !$("#all_authors").attr("checked"));
    my_display_instantly($("#tags"), !$("#all_tags").attr("checked"));
<style type="text/css">
div.query_indent { padding-left: 2em; }
div.query_indent table tr td { padding-right: 3em; padding-bottom: .3em; }
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}


<p>Return posts written by any of these authors...</p>

<div class="query_indent">

<p><input type="checkbox" name="all" value="authors" id="all_authors"/> <label>All authors</label></p>

<table id="authors"><tr><td>
{% for author in authors %}
<input type="checkbox" name="author" value="{{ author.username}}"/> <label>{{ author.formal_name }}</label>{% cycle '</td><td>' '</td><td>' '</td></tr><tr><td>' %}
{% endfor %}


<p>marked with any of these tags...</p>

<div class="query_indent">

<p><input type="checkbox" name="all" value="tags" id="all_tags"/> <label>All tags</label></p>

<table id="tags"><tr><td>
{% for tag in tags %}
<input type="checkbox" name="tag" value="{{ tag.slug }}"/> <label>{{ tag.label }}</label>{% cycle '</td><td>' '</td><td>' '</td></tr><tr><td>' %}
{% endfor %}


<p><input type="submit" value="View blog entries"/></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="View RSS feed" name="rss"/></p>


{% endblock %}

{# get rid of side bar #}
{% block internal_navigate %}{% endblock %}
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{% extends "base_conservancy.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% block subtitle %}Support Conservancy - {% endblock %}
{% block category %}sustainer{% endblock %}

{% block head %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/supporter-page.js' %}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/supporter-page.js' %}" defer></script>
<link href="{% static 'css/forms.css' %}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
{% include "opengraph_partial.html" with url="/sustainer/" title="Support Conservancy!" description="Software freedom is critical to many of today&rsquo;s most pressing social issues, but it&rsquo;s only effective when FOSS is for everyone. Support Conservancy today to help make that happen!" %}
{% include "opengraph_urllist_partial.html" with property='image' urls='' fallback='/static/img/conservancy-logo.png' %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
<div class="breadcrumbs">
  <p><a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="/about">Who We Are</a></p>


<div class="content-with-donate-sidebar" id="formStart">


{% if partial_amount > 0 %}
  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="annual" min_amt=minimum_amount partial_amt=partial_amount article="an" only %}
{% else %}
  <div class="supporter-type-selector">
    <strong>Become a Sustainer Now:</strong>
    <a id="annualSelector" href="#annual">Annual</a>
    | <a id="monthlySelector" href="#monthly">Monthly</a>
    | <a id="renewalSelector" href="#renewal">Annual Renew</a>

  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="annual" min_amt=120 default_amt=128 article="an" only %}

  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="monthly" min_amt=10 default_amt=12 only %}

  <a name="renew" class="hidden"></a>
  {% include "supporter/form_partial.html" with form_id="renewal" min_amt=120 default_amt=128 verb="renew" article="an" supptype="annual" only %}
{% endif %}

<span id="form-correction-needed" class="form-error">Please ensure all form data above is correct.</span>

<div style="overflow: auto; text-align: center;">
  <a href="/img/tshirt-2023.png"><img src="{% static 'img/tshirt-2023.png' %}"  height="300"/></a>


<hr style="clear: both;"/>
<p>Sustainers help us do our work in a strategic, long-term way. We could not
  do this without the support and financial contributions of individuals like
  you. <a href="/sponsors/#sustainers">We list our Sustainers here</a>.</p>


<div class="expandable-section" id="2021-summary">
  Please watch this video to learn about what we do and why we need your support as
  a Sustainer:
<p style="text-align:center;">
<video style="width: 50%; height: auto;" controls="" poster="/videos/sfc-introduction-video_poster.jpg">
<source src="/videos/sfc-introduction_1080p.mp4" />
<track src="/docs/sfc-introduction-vtt-captions.txt" kind="subtitles" srclang="en" label="English" />
<a href="/videos/sfc-introduction_1080p.mp4"><img src="/videos/sfc-introduction-video_poster.jpg"
                                                  alt="Software Freedom Conservancy introduction video"></a><br/>
<a href="">(watch on Youtube)</a>


<p><h3>The wide range of work we engage in is supported by people like you. </h3></p>

<p>We are so proud that we're funded by individuals and stay unbeholden to corporate interests and pressures. We stand up for developers, consumers and those who have been historically excluded. We work to make technology truly fair for all. </p>

<p>Thank you for helping making this work possible:</p>

  <li>Standing up for consumer rights in <a href="/copyleft-compliance/">copyleft compliance</a></li>
  <li>Supporting <a href="">Outreachy</a> with its increasing number of interns</li>
  <li>Bringing <a href="/vizio">legal action against prolific license violators</a></li>
  <li>Hiring team members to get projects <a href="">like Reproducible Builds</a> to continue pushing the forefront of software reproducibility</li>

<a class="expander" data-expand-link-text="(Expand All Sections)"></a>

<h3 id="YearInReview">Our Year in Review</h3>
<div data-read-more="Summary of our year&hellip;">

<p>This has been a big year for Software Freedom Conservancy in our tireless
efforts to promote ethical technology, increase diversity and inclusion in
FOSS, continuing to fight for your rights with <a
href="">copyleft compliance</a>,
and support our incredible <a href="">member projects</a>.
Our staff engaged in many invited speaking opportunities, we grew our staff,
and we continue to build community around important issues like the software
Right to Repair movement. We hosted our first large conference, <a href="">FOSSY</a>,
and while we finalize details for next year, we hope to see you there to join
us in community!</p>

<div class="picture-small right">  <img src="" alt="SFC lawyers posing outside at the courthouse“ " /></a>
<p>SFC lawyers after recent Vizio case- CC BY-SA 4.0</div>

<p>Our <a href="">lawsuit against Vizio</a>— the first
lawsuit of its kind to seek <b>third party beneficiary rights to the
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