Changeset - 2f94205721ca
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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 12 years ago 2012-09-03 20:44:15
Fixed incorrect verb tense.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -75,25 +75,25 @@
        <a href="">CC-0</a>.</li>

   <li>The project should have an existing, vibrant, diverse community
      that develops and documents the software.  For example, projects
      that have been under development for less than a year or only a
      &ldquo;proof of concept&rdquo; implementation are generally not

<p>While any project meeting the criteria above can apply, meeting these
  criteria don't guarantee acceptance of your project.  The Conservancy
  criteria doesn't guarantee acceptance of your project.  The Conservancy
  favors projects that are well-established and have some track record of
  substantial contributions from a community of volunteer developers.
  Furthermore, the Conservancy does give higher priority to projects that
  have an established userbase and interest, but also tries to accept some
  smaller projects with strong potential.</p>

<h2>Is our project required to accept membership if offered?</h2>

<p>Not at all.  Many projects apply and subsequently decide not to join a
  non-profit, or decide to join a different non-profit entity.  Don't
  worry about &ldquo;wasting our time&rdquo; if your project's developers
  aren't completely sure yet if they want to join Conservancy.  If
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