Changeset - 21ee13ee7ecc
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Bradley M. Kuhn - 3 years ago 2020-11-26 05:03:24
Supporter: pictures: get picture-small working & apply throughout.

I pulled this from the `blog-left` style I used to use in blog posts
and created a new style called picture-small. On smaller screen
real estate, Tony's picture was ultimately too big.
2 files changed with 15 insertions and 4 deletions:
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@@ -318,15 +318,25 @@ blockquote, div.quote /* div.quote is used by conservancy whitepaper */ {
.picture img {
    margin: 0 auto;
    max-width: 100%;
.picture-small img {
.picture-small {
    padding-left: 1em;
    border: thin silver solid;
    padding: 0.5em;
    text-align: center;
    font-style: italic;
    font-size: 70%;
    text-indent: 0;
    margin: .25em;
    min-width: 8%;
    max-width: 30%;
    width: auto;
.picture-small img {
   width: 100%;


.secondary_info { font-size: 83%; }
.next_page_button { float: right; }
.pagination_list { text-align: center; }
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@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@

<hr style="clear: both;"/>
<div class="expandable-section">

<div class="picture right" style="clear: right;">
<div class="picture-small right">
  <img src="/img/2020_Sebro-Tony_CopyleftConf.jpg" alt="Tony Sebro speaks on stage in front of a slide comparing 1800&rsquo;s Eschatology and Golden Era Hip Hop">
  <p>Tony Sebro, delivering the keynote address at Copyleft Conf 2020. Photo copyright &copy; by Remy DeCausemaker, licensed <a href="">CC BY-SA</a></p>
  <p>Tony Sebro, delivering the keynote address at Copyleft Conf 2020. Photo &copy; Remy DeCausemaker, licensed <a href="">CC BY-SA</a></p>

<p>2020 has been a difficult year. We&rsquo;ve all scrambled to keep ourselves
and our loved-ones safe and healthy, coped with the isolation connected
@@ -187,9 +187,10 @@ Copyleft Conf 2021 into a year-long series of online sessions about issues in co
as we look hopefully forward to an in-person Copyleft Conf 2022.</p>

<div class="picture-small left">
  <img src="/img/2020-01-17_bkuhn_lca-2020.png" alt="Bradley on stage at LinuxConf Australia 2020" />
  <p><a href="/about/staff/#bkuhn">Bradley M. Kuhn</a>, delivering a <a href="">talk with Karen</a> at LCA 2020.<br/>Photo &copy; by Linux Australia <a href="">CC BY-SA</a></p>
  <p><a href="/about/staff/#bkuhn">Bradley M. Kuhn</a>, delivering
  a <a href="">talk with Karen</a> at LCA 2020.<br/>Photo &copy; by Linux Australia, licensed <a href="">CC BY-SA</a></p>

<p>We participated in many exciting events organized by others. Before travel was canceled, we  presented multiple talks at LCA and on the FOSDEM main stage, helped organize the Legal &amp; Policy DevRoom at FOSDEM, spoke to students and faculty at Oxford University, ran a workshop at Open Source 101 and delivered keynotes at CHAOSScon, Git Merge and the OpenUK Healthcare event. Once in-person events were no longer possible, we participated in many virtual events, including GUADEC, DebConf, ÖzgürKon and State of the Source. Our Executive Director was a featured speaker at VentCon, a conference urgently organized in May for folks working on FOSS projects for ventilators at a time when making sure that hospitals had enough access to ventilators to treat the surge in COVID-19 patients was a top concern.</p>
<p>We also remain ready to continue our work of helping to sponsor travel for our member projects and their events when travel becomes safe again. Before we ceased our conferences and travel, we funded over $60,000 worth of travel to important events, on pace for what could have been one of our biggest travel sponsorship years.  We invested remaining travel funds into improving online infrastructure and planning
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