Changeset - 1ddcb2e4badd
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Ben Sturmfels (bsturmfels) - 3 years ago 2021-11-19 06:56:44
Move fundraising goal end times into database.
4 files changed with 26 insertions and 15 deletions:
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new file 100644
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generated by Django 1.10.7 on 2021-11-19 01:45
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.db import migrations, models


class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        ('fundgoal', '0002_goalprovider'),

    operations = [
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import random

from django.db import models

class FundraisingGoal(models.Model):
    """Conservancy fundraiser Goal"""

    fundraiser_code_name      = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, unique=True)
    fundraiser_goal_amount   = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
    fundraiser_code_name = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=False, unique=True)
    fundraiser_goal_amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
    fundraiser_so_far_amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
    fundraiser_donation_count = models.IntegerField()
    fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold = models.IntegerField()
    fundraiser_endtime = models.DateTimeField(null=True)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.fundraiser_code_name

    def percentage_there(self):
        return (self.fundraiser_so_far_amount / self.fundraiser_goal_amount ) * 100
    class Meta:
        ordering = ('fundraiser_code_name',)

    def providers(self):
        return GoalProvider.objects.filter(fundraising_goal=self)

    def random_providers(self, k=None):
        providers = self.providers()
        if not providers.exists():
            return None
        elif k is None:
            return random.choice(providers)
            return random.sample(providers, k)


class GoalProvider(models.Model):
    fundraising_goal = models.ForeignKey(
    provider_name = models.CharField(max_length=512)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.provider_name
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from datetime import datetime as DateTime
from pytz import utc as UTC

import conservancy.settings
from conservancy.apps.fundgoal.models import FundraisingGoal as FundraisingGoal

SITE_FUNDGOAL = 'cy2021-end-year-match'
# FIXME: Move this information into the model.
    # Noon UTC = the end of the previous day anywhere on Earth (AOE)
    'cy2018-end-year-match': DateTime(2019, 1, 16, 12, tzinfo=UTC),
    'cy2019-end-year-match': DateTime(2020, 1, 16, 12, tzinfo=UTC),
    'cy2020-end-year-match': DateTime(2021, 1, 16, 12, tzinfo=UTC),
    'cy2021-end-year-match': DateTime(2021, 1, 16, 12, tzinfo=UTC),

def fundgoal_lookup(fundraiser_sought):
        return FundraisingGoal.objects.get(fundraiser_code_name=fundraiser_sought)
    except FundraisingGoal.DoesNotExist:
        # we have no object!  do something
        return None

def sitefundraiser(request):
    return {
        'sitefundgoal': fundgoal_lookup(SITE_FUNDGOAL),
        'sitefundgoal_endtime': FUNDGOAL_ENDTIMES[SITE_FUNDGOAL],

if conservancy.settings.FORCE_CANONICAL_HOSTNAME:
    _HOST_URL_VAR = {'host_url': 'https://' + conservancy.settings.FORCE_CANONICAL_HOSTNAME}
    def host_url(request):
        return _HOST_URL_VAR
    def host_url(request):
        return {'host_url': request.build_absolute_uri('/').rstrip('/')}
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@@ -60,100 +60,99 @@
              <input id="search-query" type="text" name="q" placeholder="Search with DuckDuckGo" class="pa2 ba b--gray br0" style="x-border-right: none; flex: 1 1 auto; width: 1%;" />
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                <svg style="color: white; width: 20px; height: 20px;"><use href="{% static 'img/font_awesome.svg' %}#search"></use></svg></a>
          <li class="Home dn db-ns"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
          <li class="WhatWeDo"><a href="/activities">What we do</a>
            {% include 'submenus/what_we_do_partial.html' %}
          <li class="WhoWeAre"><a href="/about/">Who we are</a>
            {% include 'submenus/who_we_are_partial.html' %}
          <li class="Learn"><a href="/learn">Learn</a>
            {% include 'submenus/learn_partial.html' %}
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            {% include 'submenus/news_partial.html' %}
      <div id="navbar-clear"></div>


{% comment %}

## From Local Context

* datetime_now: Current DateTime in UTC
* sitefundgoal: The current FundraisingGoal. Attributes:
  * fundraiser_goal_amount: The amount being matched
  * fundraiser_so_far_amount: The amount contributed so far
  * fundraiser_donation_count: The number of people who have contributed so far
  * fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold: The number of new Sustainers that can be double-matched this fundraiser.
      (No, this name makes no sense. We're repurposing an existing model field for this new reason.)
* sitefundgoal_endtime: DateTime when sitefundgoal ends.

## Local convenience variables

* sitefundgoal_timeleft: TimeDelta for how much time remains in the current fundraiser
* this_match_goal: The amount being matched
* this_match_so_far: The amount contributed so far
* this_match_remaining: this_match_goal - this_match_so_far

{% endcomment %}

{% if sitefundgoal and sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount and datetime_now < sitefundgoal_endtime %}
{% if sitefundgoal and sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount and datetime_now < sitefundgoal.fundraiser_endtime %}
{% with this_match_goal=sitefundgoal.fundraiser_goal_amount this_match_so_far=sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount %}
{% with this_match_remaining=this_match_goal|subtract:this_match_so_far sitefundgoal_timeleft=sitefundgoal_endtime|subtract:datetime_now %}
{% with this_match_remaining=this_match_goal|subtract:this_match_so_far sitefundgoal_timeleft=sitefundgoal.fundraiser_endtime|subtract:datetime_now %}
    <div class="fundraiser-top-text ph3 pt2 pb3">
      <div class="mw8 center ph2 ph4-ns">
      <div class="mt2 mb3 tc">
        {% if this_match_remaining <= 0 %}
          Thanks to {{ sitegoal.fundraiser_donation_count|intcomma }} Sustainers we earned our full match!
          Help us go further to stand up for software freedom &mdash; <a href="/sustainer">sign up now</a>!
        {% else %}
          {% if sitefundgoal_timeleft.total_seconds <= 0 %}
          {% elif sitefundgoal_timeleft.days == 0 %}
            Through today only, the
          {% elif sitefundgoal_timeleft.days == 1 %}
            Through tomorrow only, the
          {% elif sitefundgoal_timeleft.days < 14 %}
            For only {{ sitefundgoal_timeleft.days }} more days, the
          {% else %}
            Until January 15, the
          {% endif %}
        next ${{ this_match_remaining|floatformat:0|intcomma }} of <a href="/sustainer/">support we receive</a> will be matched!

        {% endif %}

{% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount %}
<a href="/sustainer/" style="text-decoration: none !important">
<div id="siteprogressbar" class="flex items-stretch w-100">
  {% if this_match_remaining <= 0 %}
    <div class="progress matched tc pv1 b dt" style="flex-basis: {{ this_match_so_far }}px">
      <span id="site-fundraiser-match-count" class="soFarText dtc v-mid">${{ this_match_goal|floatformat:0|intcomma }} matched!</span>
  {% else %}
    <div class="progress tc pv1 b dt" style="flex-basis: {{ this_match_so_far }}px">
      <span id="site-fundraiser-match-count" class="soFarText dtc v-mid">${{ this_match_so_far|floatformat:0|intcomma }} matched!</span>
    <div class="final-goal tc pv1 b dt" style="flex-basis: {{ this_match_remaining }}px">
      <span id="site-fundraiser-final-goal" class="goalText dtc v-mid">${{ this_match_remaining|floatformat:0|intcomma }} to go!</span>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}

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