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Bradley Kuhn (bkuhn) - 9 years ago 2015-03-12 15:45:18
Add missing <dd> tag.
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -133,80 +133,81 @@

  <dt>Can you explain further in words (rather than a picture) about the central
  component in ESXi that the lawsuit alleges violates the GPL?</dt>
    <p>The GPL violation at issue involves VMware's ESXi product.
    Conservancy independently reviewed ESXi 5.5 and its incomplete
      <acronym title="complete, corresponding source">CCS</acronym>
    release as part of our GPL enforcement efforts described above.</p>

    <p>Conservancy's preliminary investigation indicated that the operating
    system kernel of VMware ESXi product consists of three key components:
          <li> the proprietary component &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;, which is
            released in binary form only,</li>
            <li>the kernel module &ldquo;vmklinux&rdquo;, which contains modified Linux
Code, and for which (at least some) source code for which is provided.
            <li>other kernel modules with device drivers, most of which are
            modified Linux drivers, and for which (at least some) source code
              is provided.</li>

    <p>Conservancy examined the incomplete CCS alongside the
           binary &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo; component.  Such examination indicates that function
           in &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo; do make function calls to Linux's kernel code
      in the usual way for a single program written in C.</p></dd>

    <dt>Doesn't VMware's &ldquo;shim layer&rdquo; insulate them from GPL
    obligations and allow them to keep certain code in their kernel

    <p>Many in the media have talked about the possibility that VMware might
    use some so-called &ldquo;shim layer&rdquo; between Linux code and
    VMware's proprietary code.  While, for decades, there has been much talk of
    various mechanisms of GPL obligation avoidance, Conservancy believes that
    merely modifying technical details of a combination's construction
    does not typically influence the legal analysis in a combined or
    derivative work scenario.</p>

    <p>Furthermore, the technical details of VMware's alleged GPL violation
    do not even mirror the typical scenarios that have usually been called
    &ldquo;shim layers&rdquo;.  Conservancy's analysis of VMware's ESXi
    product, in fact, indicates that VMware rather flagrantly combined Linux
    code in their own kernel, and evidence seems to indicate the work as a
    whole was developed by modifying Linux code in tandem with
    modifications to &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo; in a tightly coupled manner.</p>

    <dt>Can you give a <em>specific</em> example, with code, showing how
    VMware combined Linux source code with their binary-only components?</dt>

     <dd><p>There are numerous examples available that show this.  The
       details of alleged infringement specifically relating to Hellwig's
       contributions to Linux are of course the main matter of the
       allegations in the litigation, and Conservancy
       released <a href="#diagram">the diagram above</a> to exemplify that
       issue.  Conservancy continues to <a href="#court-documents">hope VMware will
       agree to make public all court documents</a> as a matter of public
       good, since the court documents discuss the specifics of alleged
         infringement on Hellwig's copyrights.</p>

       <p>However, Conservancy examined VMware's ESXi 5.5 product in detail
       even before Hellwig's enforcement action began.  Below is one example
       among many where VMware's CCS was incomplete per GPLv2&sect;2(c) and
       GPLv2&sect;3(a).  (One can verify these results by
       <a href="#verify">downloading and installing the binary and source
       packages for VMware's ESXi 5.5 Update 2</a>.)  Note that this
       example below is not necessarily regarding
       Hellwig's copyrights; VMware incorporated Linux code copyrighted by
       many others as well into their kernel.</p>

       <h4>Example of &ldquo;vmkernel&rdquo;'s combination with Linux code</h4>
       <p>As one example, examine the file
           called <code>vmkdrivers/src_92/vmklinux_92/vmware/linux_pci.c</code>,
           which can be found in the &ldquo;Open Source&rdquo; release for
           ESXi 5.5.0 Update 2 (5.5U2).  A small excerpt from that file, found in the
           function <code>LinuxPCIDeviceRemoved()</code>, reads as follows:
if (unlikely(
  /* NOTE: vmk_PCIGetDeviceName is defined in vmvisor64-vmkernel */
@@ -381,64 +382,66 @@ ESXi on your system by booting the ISO and following the instructions.  Once
booted, you can then enable SSH access using &ldquo;Customize System/View Logs -&gt;
Troubleshooting Options -&gt; Enable SSH&rdquo;.  Login to the system with SSH
and then run <code>find /vmfs -name misc_dri.v00 -print</code>.  On the
resulting file, run <code>zcat misc_dri.v00 &gt; misc_dri.vmtar</code> then
<code>vmtar -x misc_dri.vmtar -o misc_dri.tar</code>.  You can then extract
<code>misc_dri.tar</code> using the usual <code>tar</code> to extract
<code>usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/vmklinux_9</code>.  The <code>misc_dri.v00</code>
file is also available next to <code>k.b00</code> in the root directory of
the ISO (mentioned above), but the <code>vmtar</code> command itself is only
available when logged into an ESXi system. <code>vmtar</code> can be found
at <code>bin/vmtar</code> inside
<code>sb.v00</code> on the ISO, but one needs <code>vmtar</code> to open
<code>sb.v00</code>, similar to <code>misc_dri.v00</code> above.</li>


  <p>Note that VMware may present you with <acronym title="End User Licensing Agreement">EULA</acronym>s and <acronym title="Terms of Service">ToS</acronym> when you download
  software from VMware's website.  Conservancy strongly suggests that you review these
  terms in great detail with the assistance of your own legal counsel before
  downloading the software and/or engaging in the process that Conservancy
  discusses above.</p>

  <dt>Have others issued statements of support about this action?</dt>
  <dd>Various individuals and groups have publicly stated their support for
    Conservancy's and Hellwig's actions in this matter.  They include:
        <li><a href="">APRIL</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Free
            Software Foundation</a></li>
        <li><a href="">The
            Samba Team</a></li>
        <li><a href="">The
        SWIG Project</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Dave Airlie, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Matthew Garrett, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="/news/2015/mar/05/vmware-lawsuit/#glikely">Grant Likely, Linux Kernel Engineer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Michal Nazarewicz, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Luis R. Rodriguez (aka mcgrof), Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Wolfram Sang, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Josh
        Triplett, Linux Developer</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Rik van Riel, Linux Developer</a></li>

see <a href="">FSF's
statement of support</a>, but why
isn't <a href="">FSF enforcing</a> in
this case?</dt>

<dd>While FSF are the authors and license steward of the GNU GPL, it's up to
the copyright holder to enforce GPL.  VMware created an operating system by
combining parts of the kernel named Linux with their own proprietary code,
and then added BusyBox to provide the userspace operating system components.
As such, ESXi is not
a <a href="">traditional GNU/Linux
system</a>.  FSF has many copyrights of its own, but these are almost
exclusively on various parts of the GNU system, not on the kernel, Linux.  As
such, FSF probably does not have copyright interests available to directly
enforce the GPL regarding the primary issue in this case.</dd>

  <dt><em>I</em> care about copyleft and the GPL.  How can I help?</dt>

  <dd>Conservancy needs <a href="#donate-box" class="donate-now">your immediate financial
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