Changeset - 0680c58853a4
[Not reviewed]
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Bradley M. Kuhn - 3 months ago 2024-01-16 14:07:33
Display donation bar, noting it's results, for 1 week after end

The fundgoal section is now always included, but an if statement now
wraps the entire (partial) file, which will only generate any content
if it's not more than one week after the fundraiser has ended.

Add an else that indicates these are results if it is past the end of
the fundraiser.
2 files changed with 7 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -26,16 +26,16 @@
{% endcomment %}
{% with this_match_goal=sitefundgoal.fundraiser_goal_amount this_match_so_far=sitefundgoal.fundraiser_so_far_amount %}
{% with this_match_remaining=this_match_goal|subtract:this_match_so_far sitefundgoal_timeleft=sitefundgoal.fundraiser_endtime|subtract:datetime_now this_match_exceeded=this_match_so_far|subtract:this_match_goal %}
 {% if sitefundgoal_timeleft.total_seconds >= -604800 %}
    <div class="fundraiser-top-text ph3 pt2 pb3 mb2 mb3-ns">
      <div class="mw8 center ph2 ph4-ns">
      <div class="mt2 mb3 tc">
      {% if datetime_now < sitefundgoal.fundraiser_endtime %}
        {% if this_match_remaining <= 0 %}
          Thanks to so many donors, we earned our full match!
          Help us go further to stand up for software freedom &mdash; <a href="/sustainer">sign up now</a>!
        {% else %}
          {% if sitefundgoal_timeleft.total_seconds <= 0 %}
          {% elif sitefundgoal_timeleft.days == 0 %}
          {% if sitefundgoal_timeleft.days == 0 %}
            For the next {% widthratio sitefundgoal_timeleft.total_seconds 3600 1 %} hours <strong>only</strong>, the
          {% elif sitefundgoal_timeleft.days == 1 %}
            Through tomorrow only, the
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@
        next ${{ this_match_remaining|floatformat:0|intcomma }} of <a href="/sustainer/">support we receive</a> will be matched!

        {% endif %}
       {% else %}
	  Thank you so much to all our donors who participated in our donation match challenge!  Here are the results:
       {% endif %}

{% if 1 %}
@@ -73,5 +76,6 @@

{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
Show inline comments
@@ -80,10 +80,7 @@
      <div id="navbar-clear"></div>


{% if datetime_now < sitefundgoal.fundraiser_endtime %}
  {% include "fundgoal/fundraiser_goal_banner_partial.html" %}
{% endif %}

      {% block outercontent %}<div id="mainContent" class="mw8 center ph2 ph3"> {% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>{% endblock %}
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)