Files @ 703df9c8e97f
Branch filter:

Location: website/ - annotation

Blogs/news only include a single OG image/video.

For now, this gives us more assurance that other sites will choose the
preview we want.

You can control the selection by adding data-ogpreview to image, video, and
source elements. data-ogpreview=0 excludes the element from being included
in the preview. Positive numbers set the preview priority. The lowest
value found is chosen first.

The canonical location for this repository is [on Conservancy’s
Kallithea instance](  Copies of
this repository elsewhere, such as Github, are for backup purposes


The software included herein, such as the Python source files, are generally
licensed [AGPLv3](AGPLv3)-or-later.  The Javascript is a hodgepodge of
licensing, but all of it is compatible with [AGPLv3](AGPLv3)-or-later.  See
the notices at the top of each Javascript file for licensing details.

The content and text (such as the HTML files) is currently

Server Configuration

conservancy's webserver runs on a machine called, which is a standard Debian installation.

The following packages are installed to make Django and Apache work on a
squeeze install:

    $ aptitude install python-django apache2 sqlite3 python2.5-sqlite libapache2-mod-python

Django Setup

0. Make sure the Python module 'djangopw', with the global variable
   'djangoadmin_password' is somewhere importable in the default