Files @ 36b33927f769
Branch filter:

Location: website/www/conservancy/templates/base_conservancy.html - annotation

css: Implement #sidebar and #mainContent without floats.

170aa38bb5c3972293846aa4d86540b4967effab fixed one bug but added another:
#mainContent would always be the max-width of 1000px. If the user's window
wasn't wide enough to accommodate that alongside the sidebar, it would be
rendered below the sidebar.

Fix that by using positioning instead of floats, so #mainContent can have a
flexible width.
{% load humanize %}
{% load subtract %}
{% load min %}

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">

    <title>{% block title %}{% block subtitle %}{% endblock %}Software Freedom Conservancy{% endblock %}</title>
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    <meta name="description" content="The Software Freedom Conservancy provides a non-profit home and services to Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects." />
    <meta name="keywords" content="software, freedom, conservancy, open source, gnu, GNU, Open Source, Free and Open Source, Free and Open Source Software, FLOSS, FOSS, protect, protection, help, policy, linux, non-profit" />
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  <body class="conservancy-{% block category %}other{% endblock %}">
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{% comment %}

fundraiser_goal_amount: The highest number of Supporters we want
fundraiser_so_far_amount: The number of Supporters we have
fundraiser_donation_count: The "minimum" number of Supporters we want (not currently used)
fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold: The number of Supporters that have been matched

When we started the fundraiser, we had 660 Supporters matched.
PIA will match up to 416.
660+416==1076, so we use that constant to see if our match is done.
{% endcomment %}

    <div class="fundraiser-top-text">
        Let's stand up for software freedom together!
        {% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold >= 1076 %}
        416 Supporters were matched
        {% else %}
        The next {{ 1076|subtract:sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold|intcomma }} Supporters who join or renew by January 22 <a href="/news/2016/nov/29/private-internet-access-2016-fundraising-match/">will count twice</a>,
        {% endif %}
        thanks to <a href="">Private Internet Access</a>!
<div id="siteprogressbar">
<a href="/supporter">
  {% if sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold < 1076 %}
  <span id="site-fundraiser-match-count">{{ sitefundgoal.fundraiser_donation_count_disclose_threshold|subtract:660|intcomma }}</span>
  {% else %}
  <span id="site-fundraiser-match-count">416</span>
  {% endif %}
  Supporters have been matched, out of
  <span id="site-fundraiser-final-goal">416</span> possible.
      {% block outercontent %}<div id="mainContent"> {% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>{% endblock %}
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      <a rel="license" href="">Creative
      Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p>