Files @ ffe0f64182ac
Branch filter:

Location: symposion_app/pinaxcon/templates/symposion/emails/proposal_new_message/message.html

James Polley
Make narrow-screen schedule details more distinct

In the narrow view, lots of details that aren't in the normal view
appear to compensate for not having clear row/column headers any more.

However, all the detail can look very same-same; this tweak makes rooms and end times more distinct.

Session chair info is made always italic, and a label is added to make
it clear that this person is not the speaker.
{% load i18n %}
  {% blocktrans with title=proposal.title user=message.user %}<b>{{ user }}</b> has added a message on <b>{{ title }}</b>.{% endblocktrans %}
    {{ message.message|safe }}
    {% if reviewer %}{% url 'review_detail' as detail_url %}{% else %}{% url 'proposal_detail' as detail_url %}{% endif %}
    {% blocktrans %} Respond online at <a href="http://{{ current_site }}{{ detail_url }}#proposal-feedback">http://{{ current_site }}{{ detail_url }}#proposal-feedback</a>{% endblocktrans %}